Why do I find myself curiously unmoved by this poor womans plight

So if you break the Law it's ok for Cops to beat you up?

On what Planet?

Ever hear of the Justice System? Due Process? Protect and Serve?
On the one hand, the woman obviously was doing wrong but, on the other hand, so were the cops. It doesn't seem like it should take two to three officers to subdue one woman who's already seated in a corner.

It's not that I condone the actions of the cops because it's happening way too much all over the country. It's a stressful and risky job, cops are likely not paid as much as they should be, and when they do get a clean arrest the courts turn around and nail them with some obscure nonsense that violates some right of the accused and the whole thing gets thrown out. It's an endless cycle and tempers flare. It doesn't take much these days to piss people off.

The answer probably to be more self-disciplined all the way around.
So if you break the Law it's ok for Cops to beat you up?

On what Planet?

Ever hear of the Justice System? Due Process? Protect and Serve?

You are correct she should of been given a far trial or plead guilty before being bitch-slapped...I do not condone the actions of the cop...I just do not feel much sympathy for the woman

Authoritarians have no feelings.
On the one hand, the woman obviously was doing wrong but, on the other hand, so were the cops. It doesn't seem like it should take two to three officers to subdue one woman who's already seated in a corner.

It's not that I condone the actions of the cops because it's happening way too much all over the country. It's a stressful and risky job, cops are likely not paid as much as they should be, and when they do get a clean arrest the courts turn around and nail them with some obscure nonsense that violates some right of the accused and the whole thing gets thrown out. It's an endless cycle and tempers flare. It doesn't take much these days to piss people off.

The answer probably to be more self-disciplined all the way around.

The worst criminals in our society wear a badge. The whole right wing parrot talk about an 'entitlement mentality' is found infested in the ranks of so called 'peace' officers. They believe they are above the law. A police force is a magnet for the authoritarian personality, just like an arson would be attracted to being a fireman.

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