Why do Liberals Want State Health Care? Because They Have Created a Nation of Fat Kids


May 23, 2014
Kids in public schools cannot be forced to participate in PE because of liberals and lawyers. Fat fucking Bobby can’t do a push-up so he is embarrassed and his psyche is hurt. Mom and dad will sue the school. Let’s pamper our kids and give them participation trophies. Liberals have created a generation of pussies. Go to free health clinic for all your problems in adulthood. Taxpayers will foot the bill.
Kids Shouldn’t Play Team Sports in Gym Class. It’s Not Healthy and It's Not Educational.
The fact that unfettered Capitalism has been allowed to push a mountain of unhealthy junk-food on vulnerable children is the problem here.
Of course, blaming 'liberals' for the deep malaise in our society is the answer, in many conservative minds.
The fact that unfettered Capitalism has been allowed to push a mountain of unhealthy junk-food on vulnerable children is the problem here.
Of course, blaming 'liberals' for the deep malaise in our society is the answer, in many conservative minds.
So communism will stop childhood obesity?
Oh, geeesh. We used to play dodge ball in gym. Oh! The horror! Lol
Kids in public schools cannot be forced to participate in PE because of liberals and lawyers. Fat fucking Bobby can’t do a push-up so he is embarrassed and his psyche is hurt. Mom and dad will sue the school. Let’s pamper our kids and give them participation trophies. Liberals have created a generation of pussies. Go to free health clinic for all your problems in adulthood. Taxpayers will foot the bill.
Kids Shouldn’t Play Team Sports in Gym Class. It’s Not Healthy and It's Not Educational.
Oh, geeesh. We use to play dodge ball in gym. Oh! The horror! Lol
Kids in public schools cannot be forced to participate in PE because of liberals and lawyers. Fat fucking Bobby can’t do a push-up so he is embarrassed and his psyche is hurt. Mom and dad will sue the school. Let’s pamper our kids and give them participation trophies. Liberals have created a generation of pussies. Go to free health clinic for all your problems in adulthood. Taxpayers will foot the bill.
Kids Shouldn’t Play Team Sports in Gym Class. It’s Not Healthy and It's Not Educational.
Liberals want to create a bunch of crybabies. I was in high school during Cold War and gym class was to help America prepare for war with the Soviets. Meant to toughen you up and stay in shape for your military service.
We used to have to run the stadium steps up and down, up and down. Hated it! But it helped keep us physically fit. That was in the 70’s.
Oh, geeesh. We use to play dodge ball in gym. Oh! The horror! Lol
Kids in public schools cannot be forced to participate in PE because of liberals and lawyers. Fat fucking Bobby can’t do a push-up so he is embarrassed and his psyche is hurt. Mom and dad will sue the school. Let’s pamper our kids and give them participation trophies. Liberals have created a generation of pussies. Go to free health clinic for all your problems in adulthood. Taxpayers will foot the bill.
Kids Shouldn’t Play Team Sports in Gym Class. It’s Not Healthy and It's Not Educational.
Liberals want to create a bunch of crybabies. I was in high school during Cold War and gym class was to help America prepare for war with the Soviets. Meant to toughen you up and stay in shape for your military service.
Kids in public schools cannot be forced to participate in PE because of liberals and lawyers. Fat fucking Bobby can’t do a push-up so he is embarrassed and his psyche is hurt. Mom and dad will sue the school. Let’s pamper our kids and give them participation trophies. Liberals have created a generation of pussies. Go to free health clinic for all your problems in adulthood. Taxpayers will foot the bill.
Kids Shouldn’t Play Team Sports in Gym Class. It’s Not Healthy and It's Not Educational.
Lol...never get between trumpanzees and their junk food.
Fast food is the culprit. Mcpukes chic fil like and the rest of those I'll begotten franchise's are toxifying America. But go ahead and blame those who in your tiny minds are great....man the idiocy is unmeasurable. But get id someone is making a dollar...you see this is America. Land of the DOLLAR. That's all that matters.
Kids in public schools cannot be forced to participate in PE because of liberals and lawyers. Fat fucking Bobby can’t do a push-up so he is embarrassed and his psyche is hurt. Mom and dad will sue the school. Let’s pamper our kids and give them participation trophies. Liberals have created a generation of pussies. Go to free health clinic for all your problems in adulthood. Taxpayers will foot the bill.
Kids Shouldn’t Play Team Sports in Gym Class. It’s Not Healthy and It's Not Educational.

Dear Bush92
Amazes me when people pushing for drug legalization,
who see no health hazards from smoking pot, also want
taxpayers to fund govt health care. Who's going to pay
when people damage their brains and can't work to support themselves???

That's why I say we should separate health care plans by party.
So if you believe in drugs and abortion, all those members are under
party plans that accommodate those terms for membership.

We'll see who can afford to exclude Christian spiritual healing that
has cured causes of cancer, drug addiction, and all kinds of mental
and physical ills.

If people want freedom to experiment and destroy their bodies
and health, they should agree to pay for that in their health care plans.
And let others pay under terms they agree to separately.
I couldn't relate or even judge the article linked in the OP. It was written by woman about her view of things as a girl which to me is a bigger gorge between our way of thinking about things than any political stance.
Kids in public schools cannot be forced to participate in PE because of liberals and lawyers. Fat fucking Bobby can’t do a push-up so he is embarrassed and his psyche is hurt. Mom and dad will sue the school. Let’s pamper our kids and give them participation trophies. Liberals have created a generation of pussies. Go to free health clinic for all your problems in adulthood. Taxpayers will foot the bill.
Kids Shouldn’t Play Team Sports in Gym Class. It’s Not Healthy and It's Not Educational.

Why are people in red states like Mississippi the fattest and unhealthiest? Colorado is a blue state and they had the fittest people, last time I checked.
Kids in public schools cannot be forced to participate in PE because of liberals and lawyers. Fat fucking Bobby can’t do a push-up so he is embarrassed and his psyche is hurt. Mom and dad will sue the school. Let’s pamper our kids and give them participation trophies. Liberals have created a generation of pussies. Go to free health clinic for all your problems in adulthood. Taxpayers will foot the bill.
Kids Shouldn’t Play Team Sports in Gym Class. It’s Not Healthy and It's Not Educational.

Ok. So, you have some chic that nobody has heard of opining at Slate.

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