Why do we need the ban?

I try to not challenge decisions of this type by presidents as clearly they have access to intel none of us do. I defended decisions Obama made that were unpopular by many based on this premise so I have to give credence to information from the FBI and CIA that he and his team have access to and rely on.

I do however believe it should have been rolled out differently. At least with more clarity and expressed purpose. Furthermore, Trump should not allow himself to be bogged down in this fight.

There is an argument to be made that the Southern border and the number of illegals already in the U.S is a more pressing issue than these other nations. He also needs to stay focused on jobs and the economy, if he doesn't succeed in balancing the abuses America is experiencing with trade and returning jobs, none of this will matter.
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Uh we csn add Venezuela to the list. We need to fix our vetting system, because we can't trust others to do it.

Venezuela may have given passports to people with ties to terrorism
Venezuela may have given passports to people with ties to terrorism - CNN.com

Not to mention that the Obama administration "accidentally" granted citizenship to all those people who should have been deported due to terror ties.

All of the efforts surrounding the Muslim refugees seem designed to help seed Muslims around the world and little else. If they fear war, it should be women and children coming while the men fight for their country. That is not what we've seen.

We need a total ban until we get a handle on everything. We are being run over by illegal aliens and terrorists coming among refugees. We don't know who is who and we need to put the American people first. Libs seem to hate the thought of national security but it's long past time to take it seriously.
Its only a matter of time before terrorists sneak into the country and kill Americans due to lack of proper vetting. Are the left willing to go to prison as accomplices?
Granny says...

... "Anybody with any sense can figger out...

... `cause we don't want...

... the jihadi an' rapeugee problems...

... like dey got in Europe."
Its only a matter of time before terrorists sneak into the country and kill Americans due to lack of proper vetting. Are the left willing to go to prison as accomplices?

That's already happened. It's not just refugees. Immigrants, like the San Bernardino terrorists, were vetted and approved.

Those who support open borders and fight against border security or a better vetting process shoulder some of the blame for the innocent lives taken by these radicals.
This is why we need the ban. This is repulsive - and had I been on that flight those muslims would have lost teeth, found themselves on the tarmac, and this lady would have flown in her original seat...

Uh we csn add Venezuela to the list. We need to fix our vetting system, because we can't trust others to do it.

Venezuela may have given passports to people with ties to terrorism
Venezuela may have given passports to people with ties to terrorism - CNN.com
I guess you didn't get the memo. CNN is a Fake News site. You can't believe ANYTHING they put out.

It is when they discuss republicans and the right. They never check their sources so yeah. But on the left they double and triple check sources.

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