Why do we pay actors so much?


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2015
Why as Americans do we feel actors deserve so much money? I honestly have more respect for the police, firefighters, the military, lawyers, congressmen, senators, etc.

I get very disqusted with the movie theatre, everytime I go I cant stop to think why I believe a portion of the money I paid for this movie ticket should go to the people I hate the most in life, the rich. I should stop and so should many Americans in protest going to movie theatres, without fans together we can really screw over hollywood. A way to get our revenge on all those rich actors for being so rich. If your a socialist like I am your a hypocrite by going to the movies and financially supporting the rich vermin scum.

Yet we as Americans seem to support financially those we hate most in life, the rich. We support them by going to see movies. I have never met a movie actor in my life and I could care less about their autograph, to me they represent everything I hate; greed, wealth, individualism, capitalism.

If it were up to me I would tax the living shit out of them to the point they would have to settle for a 250,000 house and a Ford. If ever socialism takes over in America a great way to get even with the rich would be to tax the living crap out of them, taking 90% of hollywood actors incomes and redistributing it to the populus.
Same reason sports figures get paid ridiculous sums. They bring in the dollars for the industry.

The last movie I paid to see was Dunkirk. I don't have a clue what the one before that was.
Private enterprise.

The studio owners pay them what they think they are worth.

Often, they are wrong.
I haven't been in front of a TV, in a theater or looked at idiots running back and forth in about 15 years
I love a good movie though. Stormy Daniels is a fantastic actress !
tRump should pay better.
Movies make money. Those involved in making it should get a share of the profits.
Why as Americans do we feel actors deserve so much money? I honestly have more respect for the police, firefighters, the military, lawyers, congressmen, senators, etc.

I get very disqusted with the movie theatre, everytime I go I cant stop to think why I believe a portion of the money I paid for this movie ticket should go to the people I hate the most in life, the rich. I should stop and so should many Americans in protest going to movie theatres, without fans together we can really screw over hollywood. A way to get our revenge on all those rich actors for being so rich. If your a socialist like I am your a hypocrite by going to the movies and financially supporting the rich vermin scum.

Yet we as Americans seem to support financially those we hate most in life, the rich. We support them by going to see movies. I have never met a movie actor in my life and I could care less about their autograph, to me they represent everything I hate; greed, wealth, individualism, capitalism.

If it were up to me I would tax the living shit out of them to the point they would have to settle for a 250,000 house and a Ford. If ever socialism takes over in America a great way to get even with the rich would be to tax the living crap out of them, taking 90% of hollywood actors incomes and redistributing it to the populus.
Socialism will morph into Feudalism. General rule of thumb, there is nothing new under the sun. Socialism or marxism or communism are just words made up over the years to describe Feudalism, which is essentially what the Caste system is too.
Why as Americans do we feel actors deserve so much money? I honestly have more respect for the police, firefighters, the military, lawyers, congressmen, senators, etc.

I get very disqusted with the movie theatre, everytime I go I cant stop to think why I believe a portion of the money I paid for this movie ticket should go to the people I hate the most in life, the rich. I should stop and so should many Americans in protest going to movie theatres, without fans together we can really screw over hollywood. A way to get our revenge on all those rich actors for being so rich. If your a socialist like I am your a hypocrite by going to the movies and financially supporting the rich vermin scum.

Yet we as Americans seem to support financially those we hate most in life, the rich. We support them by going to see movies. I have never met a movie actor in my life and I could care less about their autograph, to me they represent everything I hate; greed, wealth, individualism, capitalism.

If it were up to me I would tax the living shit out of them to the point they would have to settle for a 250,000 house and a Ford. If ever socialism takes over in America a great way to get even with the rich would be to tax the living crap out of them, taking 90% of hollywood actors incomes and redistributing it to the populus.

Well, they did work and deserve to get payed to right? Don't get me wrong, I agree with you to a point. I have had to refuse to let politics ruin movies for me. Take Denero and "The Irishman". Denero is a fucking plonk, but if asked to judge only on the roll he played I would have to say he deserves the money. Don't let politics pollute your entertainment. I honestly hope it ain't to late for ya.
I believe Seinfeld and Larry David make $400 million annually from royalties off the sitcom.
Why as Americans do we feel actors deserve so much money? I honestly have more respect for the police, firefighters, the military, lawyers, congressmen, senators, etc.

I get very disqusted with the movie theatre, everytime I go I cant stop to think why I believe a portion of the money I paid for this movie ticket should go to the people I hate the most in life, the rich. I should stop and so should many Americans in protest going to movie theatres, without fans together we can really screw over hollywood. A way to get our revenge on all those rich actors for being so rich. If your a socialist like I am your a hypocrite by going to the movies and financially supporting the rich vermin scum.

Yet we as Americans seem to support financially those we hate most in life, the rich. We support them by going to see movies. I have never met a movie actor in my life and I could care less about their autograph, to me they represent everything I hate; greed, wealth, individualism, capitalism.

If it were up to me I would tax the living shit out of them to the point they would have to settle for a 250,000 house and a Ford. If ever socialism takes over in America a great way to get even with the rich would be to tax the living crap out of them, taking 90% of hollywood actors incomes and redistributing it to the populus.

What, exactly, did the "populus" do to earn the money you would give them?
The Democrats have controlled the Budget, spending, purse strings, the economy since the last election, and despite the record-setting amount of tax revenue the govt collected due to the Trump Tax Cuts the deficit has increased, and we still have no actual BUDGET.

Now that the Democrats have accomplished their goal of Impeaching the President, a goal established 5 minutes after Trump took the oath of office, will they FINALLY get on with doing their job and what they were actually elected to do, like creating and passing an actual Budget, reducing the out-of-control government spending, etc...?
Why as Americans do we feel actors deserve so much money? I honestly have more respect for the police, firefighters, the military, lawyers, congressmen, senators, etc.

I get very disqusted with the movie theatre, everytime I go I cant stop to think why I believe a portion of the money I paid for this movie ticket should go to the people I hate the most in life, the rich. I should stop and so should many Americans in protest going to movie theatres, without fans together we can really screw over hollywood. A way to get our revenge on all those rich actors for being so rich. If your a socialist like I am your a hypocrite by going to the movies and financially supporting the rich vermin scum.

Yet we as Americans seem to support financially those we hate most in life, the rich. We support them by going to see movies. I have never met a movie actor in my life and I could care less about their autograph, to me they represent everything I hate; greed, wealth, individualism, capitalism.

If it were up to me I would tax the living shit out of them to the point they would have to settle for a 250,000 house and a Ford. If ever socialism takes over in America a great way to get even with the rich would be to tax the living crap out of them, taking 90% of hollywood actors incomes and redistributing it to the populus.

Wealth redistribution?

Another great Progressive Liberal Socialist Democrat idea...like Biden saying 70% of all the money you make should be taken by the Federal government...because they have proven they know how to spend your money better than you can.


In the past the Democrats have argued that 'at a certain point you have ENOUGH money and everything over that amount should be taken by the govt'...says the self-appointed rulers who want to determine how much is 'enough' and who want to be the ones TAKING he money, not one of the ones having their own money taken!
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Why only bring up actors?

Why do athletes make all those big bucks?
Now that "Live Streaming" is available to so many Americans and movies can be purchased for viewing by individuals and families in the privacy of their homes, and theater tickets are so expensive folks are very selective about movies they will pay big dollars the see, movie producers are reliant on actors draw for profit. Specific actors bring large ticket sales. It really is as simple as that.
Because they bring in a lot of money

They deserve a piece of the action

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