Why do you hate Jews?


Platinum Member
Dec 25, 2009
I've never understood the hatred of Jewish people. On the contrary, I admire many of them. Of course, I know there are bad Jews just like there are bad apples in every segment of humanity, but I have no hatred for anyone. So, why do YOU hate Jews?
I've never understood the hatred of Jewish people. On the contrary, I admire many of them. Of course, I know there are bad Jews just like there are bad apples in every segment of humanity, but I have no hatred for anyone. So, why do YOU hate Jews?
Hate is fucked up. I remember when I was in the 9th grade (1973) and the Feds were pulling Jewish students out of class for questioning and it was hush hush. Those students were told not to discuss the questioning to anyone. One of those students was my good friend. I didn't know he was a Jew. A lot was going on that year.

Legacy of 1973 Arab-Israeli war reverberates 40 years on
I personally don't hate the Jews either. But a lot of your anti-semitism has been religious or mainly christian in origin. Probably the worst enemies of the Jewish people has been the christian religion. Not just the catholics but even the protestants also. Martin Luther himself was an anti-semite who even wrote that they should burn their torahs and tear down their synogogues.
He was no more tolerant than the inquisition that was after him.
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I personally don't hate the Jews either. But a lot of your anti-semitism has been religious or mainly christian in origin. Probably the worst enemies of the Jewish people has been the christian religion. Not just the catholics but even the protestants also. Martin Luther himself was an anti-semite who even wrote that they should burn their torahs and tear down their synogogues.
He was no more tolerant than the inquisition that was after him.

I don't disagree, but Jews were persecuted long before Christ.
I personally don't hate the Jews either. But a lot of your anti-semitism has been religious or mainly christian in origin. Probably the worst enemies of the Jewish people has been the christian religion. Not just the catholics but even the protestants also. Martin Luther himself was an anti-semite who even wrote that they should burn their torahs and tear down their synogogues.
He was no more tolerant than the inquisition that was after him.

It seems you never met a jew from a muslim country. My very own hubby was BORN A DHIMMI--------well---not for long---his parents escaped that shariah shit hole whilst he was still an infant
They are so fucking stupid and obstinate that you literally have to murder like 5,999,999 of them right in front of each other before they realize that you mean business.

Build that V2 you lazy Jew.
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A lot of Jews are Democrats. And Democrats are scum.

Jews are presumed Democrat until proven otherwise.

I is a OLD JEW-------I was a registered democrat -----on the day I turned
21---LONG AGO. ----------I voted for Trump ----FIRST TIME I VOTED
elephant. before that----when the demo was too stupid----(like gore)
I just abstained
I personally don't hate the Jews either. But a lot of your anti-semitism has been religious or mainly christian in origin. Probably the worst enemies of the Jewish people has been the christian religion. Not just the catholics but even the protestants also. Martin Luther himself was an anti-semite who even wrote that they should burn their torahs and tear down their synogogues.
He was no more tolerant than the inquisition that was after him.

I don't disagree, but Jews were persecuted long before Christ.

Israelites became Jews only after they rejected Christ
The proper moral posture is to treat and consider all people with equanimity, making no assumptions, judgments, or comment, other than those that are warranted by tangible acts, communications, or published thoughts.

One cannot be a contemporary conservative (like me) without holding several prominent jews in high esteem: Dennis Prager, Mark Levin, Ben Shapiro...the list of prominent, respected, even liked conservatives and libertarians is almost endless. I also have some friends who are jews, both religious and non-religious.

But I have never been able to divorce myself from the observation that much of what is evil and disgusting in our society emanates from people who are ethnic - if not religious - jews.

In politics, the WORST Leftists and Democrats are almost all jews. Dare I mention Adam Schiff? Gerry Nadler? Bernie Sanders? On the "Bench" the worst Leftists are usually jews, most prominently the notorious RBG. Among lawyers, look at the ACLU, which is an unofficial jewish fraternity. They take pride in defending the indefensible, based on some perverse belief that if you can make a credible-sounding argument for something, then it is "right"to do so - even if it results in killers and rapists walking the streets. In business (not Big Business, small, privately owned businesses), the ones with the most unethical business practices are usually jews - pawn shops, slum landlords, "rent to own" furniture stores, and on and on. In entertainment, the producers of the most vile, disgusting films, television shows, music, and porn are most often jews. While the most incisive and penetrating comedians are often jews, so are the most disgusting ones, willing to say ANYTHING to get a cheap laugh. Three stooges, anyone?

Bernie Madoff. Jeffrey Epstein. Harvey Weinstein. Are you really surprised?

This is not coincidence. Virtue is most often manifested by people who believe in (a) an afterlife, and (b) the ultimate reward for virtue and punishment for evil. Most jews - even religious jews - deny this ultimate religious belief. And it shows.

Sorry. I don't "hate jews," but I hate a lot of what they do.
The proper moral posture is to treat and consider all people with equanimity, making no assumptions, judgments, or comment, other than those that are warranted by tangible acts, communications, or published thoughts.

One cannot be a contemporary conservative (like me) without holding several prominent jews in high esteem: Dennis Prager, Mark Levin, Ben Shapiro...the list of prominent, respected, even liked conservatives and libertarians is almost endless. I also have some friends who are jews, both religious and non-religious.

But I have never been able to divorce myself from the observation that much of what is evil and disgusting in our society emanates from people who are ethnic - if not religious - jews.

In politics, the WORST Leftists and Democrats are almost all jews. Dare I mention Adam Schiff? Gerry Nadler? Bernie Sanders? On the "Bench" the worst Leftists are usually jews, most prominently the notorious RBG. Among lawyers, look at the ACLU, which is an unofficial jewish fraternity. They take pride in defending the indefensible, based on some perverse belief that if you can make a credible-sounding argument for something, then it is "right"to do so - even if it results in killers and rapists walking the streets. In business (not Big Business, small, privately owned businesses), the ones with the most unethical business practices are usually jews - pawn shops, slum landlords, "rent to own" furniture stores, and on and on. In entertainment, the producers of the most vile, disgusting films, television shows, music, and porn are most often jews. While the most incisive and penetrating comedians are often jews, so are the most disgusting ones, willing to say ANYTHING to get a cheap laugh. Three stooges, anyone?

Bernie Madoff. Jeffrey Epstein. Harvey Weinstein. Are you really surprised?

This is not coincidence. Virtue is most often manifested by people who believe in (a) an afterlife, and (b) the ultimate reward for virtue and punishment for evil. Most jews - even religious jews - deny this ultimate religious belief. And it shows.

Sorry. I don't "hate jews," but I hate a lot of what they do.

So when are you going to explain the so-called "Christians"? You can start with the two piss-buckets in the White House, the con-artists now in charge of executive departments like perry and devoss, and then work your way around to Congress. And that's just in the federal government.
In politics, the WORST Leftists and Democrats are almost all jews. Dare I mention Adam Schiff? Gerry Nadler? Bernie Sanders? On the "Bench" the worst Leftists are usually jews, most prominently the notorious RBG. Among lawyers, look at the ACLU, which is an unofficial jewish fraternity. They take pride in defending the indefensible, based on some perverse belief that if you can make a credible-sounding argument for something, then it is "right"to do so - even if it results in killers and rapists walking the streets. In business (not Big Business, small, privately owned businesses), the ones with the most unethical business practices are usually jews - pawn shops, slum landlords, "rent to own" furniture stores, and on and on. In entertainment, the producers of the most vile, disgusting films, television shows, music, and porn are most often jews. While the most incisive and penetrating comedians are often jews, so are the most disgusting ones, willing to say ANYTHING to get a cheap laugh. Three stooges, anyone?

Bernie Madoff. Jeffrey Epstein. Harvey Weinstein. Are you really surprised?

This is not coincidence. Virtue is most often manifested by people who believe in (a) an afterlife, and (b) the ultimate reward for virtue and punishment for evil. Most jews - even religious jews - deny this ultimate religious belief. And it shows.

Sorry. I don't "hate jews," but I hate a lot of what they do.

How many christians or so called christians are bad if not worse? It seems to me that historically christians themselves weren't any better and probably worse. Mainly because they have been in a stronger postion to do more damage.
They the christians are probably the biggest group of hypocrites and liars around along with the muslims.
Also muslims themselves have proven to be even worse with their fanaticism, bigotry and terrorism.
Compared to that I would settle for the worse of the more greedy unethical jews.
At least the jews don't proselytize or try to brainwash you with their bullshit religious convictions like the way the muslims/christians do.
They may be hypocritical also but then so are the muslims and christians.
I personally don't hate the Jews either. But a lot of your anti-semitism has been religious or mainly christian in origin. Probably the worst enemies of the Jewish people has been the christian religion. Not just the catholics but even the protestants also. Martin Luther himself was an anti-semite who even wrote that they should burn their torahs and tear down their synogogues.
He was no more tolerant than the inquisition that was after him.

I don't disagree, but Jews were persecuted long before Christ.

They may have been persecuted before christ but I would say that they were more persecuted and far more so and for a longer period by the christians.
Modern anti-semitism has it's roots in the christian past more than anything else.
The OP makes no reservations when it comes to hating Muslims and yet he can't muster up even the slightest criticism of Judaism which believes that his messiah is currently enduring eternal punishment in a pit of boiling feces.
I have never understood hating anyone solely on the basis of religion, ethnicity or race.

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