Why does Islam seem to have more violent fanatics than other religions?

Donald Polish

VIP Member
Nov 27, 2014
I know that other religions were violent too in the past but today in modern age it seems that Islam is the only big religion that has a lot of people who are willing to spread their religion by violence and blood.

I'm sorry in advance if anyone got offended by this question. I respect all religions, I'm just interested in the background.
Who says they can't be friends with Non-Muslims? They are friends of the Roman Catholic Vatican. Indeed they are the children of the Roman Catholic Vatican. The history between the two prove it.

What is the agenda of the Roman Institution? To wipe out all bible believing Christians that reject the rule of the Pope over them. What is the agenda of Islam? To wipe out all Bible believing Christians. While it is true that there have been cases in recent history of them attacking Roman Churches - the payoff was that the Roman Church could appear to be the object of "Christian persecution" when the truth is - Catholicism is the enemy of Christ.
Who says they can't be friends with Non-Muslims? They are friends of the Roman Catholic Vatican. Indeed they are the children of the Roman Catholic Vatican. The history between the two prove it.

Politically correct, but factually naive. All non-Muslims are infidels who are tolerated only as long as they keep their religions to themselves. Otherwise, they are agents of Satan who should be exterminated.
Muslims are warriors and allowed to fight. Christians are peacemakers and not allowed to fight. The US is at war with Islam.
I know that other religions were violent too in the past but today in modern age it seems that Islam is the only big religion that has a lot of people who are willing to spread their religion by violence and blood.

I'm sorry in advance if anyone got offended by this question. I respect all religions, I'm just interested in the background.
I have lots and lots of Muslim friends. In my job right now, I work with a staff that is at least 50% Muslim. I've lived in three Muslim countries and had friends, colleagues, and neighbors who are Muslim. They are just like anyone else. You are very ignorant.

What a lot of total nonsense and ignorance there is in this thread.
Muslims are warriors and allowed to fight. Christians are peacemakers and not allowed to fight. The US is at war with Islam.

Not exactly. The Roman Church is using Islam as a pawn to bring America to her knees. On the list of dangerous organizations - the Vatican in Rome is enemy number #1. Our early church fathers knew the Roman Church was anti-Christ. They said so. Today the Jesuits have infiltrated the evangelical churches, non denominational, Pentacostal, until today? Not a single one will stand up and call it out for what it is. The Anti-Christ system which is determined to become the leader of the NWO.
Islam is a pawn in the Popes hand. Always has been going back to the very beginning. Augustine helped pave the way for what we are looking at today in Islam.
Muslims are warriors and allowed to fight. Christians are peacemakers and not allowed to fight. The US is at war with Islam.

Not exactly. The Roman Church is using Islam as a pawn to bring America to her knees. On the list of dangerous organizations - the Vatican in Rome is enemy number #1. Our early church fathers knew the Roman Church was anti-Christ. They said so. Today the Jesuits have infiltrated the evangelical churches, non denominational, Pentacostal, until today? Not a single one will stand up and call it out for what it is. The Anti-Christ system which is determined to become the leader of the NWO.
Islam is a pawn in the Popes hand. Always has been going back to the very beginning. Augustine helped pave the way for what we are looking at today in Islam.
:cuckoo: Wow. What a nut job you are.
Who says they can't be friends with Non-Muslims? They are friends of the Roman Catholic Vatican. Indeed they are the children of the Roman Catholic Vatican. The history between the two prove it.

What is the agenda of the Roman Institution? To wipe out all bible believing Christians that reject the rule of the Pope over them. What is the agenda of Islam? To wipe out all Bible believing Christians. While it is true that there have been cases in recent history of them attacking Roman Churches - the payoff was that the Roman Church could appear to be the object of "Christian persecution" when the truth is - Catholicism is the enemy of Christ.
Surely some aspects of Catholicism are in spite of Christ's teachings, but enemy?

The apparent opulence and pomp exhibited by the catholic church does seem to be contradictory to Christ's teachings. Additionally, the catholic church's past history of involvement in crusades and political dealings certainly flies in the face of what I believe Christ taught.

Further the catholic church's crazy edict that the priests marry the church and be celibate... yeah that makes no sense at all to me and I don't see any basis for it.
Who says they can't be friends with Non-Muslims? They are friends of the Roman Catholic Vatican. Indeed they are the children of the Roman Catholic Vatican. The history between the two prove it.

What is the agenda of the Roman Institution? To wipe out all bible believing Christians that reject the rule of the Pope over them. What is the agenda of Islam? To wipe out all Bible believing Christians. While it is true that there have been cases in recent history of them attacking Roman Churches - the payoff was that the Roman Church could appear to be the object of "Christian persecution" when the truth is - Catholicism is the enemy of Christ.
Surely some aspects of Catholicism are in spite of Christ's teachings, but enemy?

The apparent opulence and pomp exhibited by the catholic church does seem to be contradictory to Christ's teachings. Additionally, the catholic church's past history of involvement in crusades and political dealings certainly flies in the face of what I believe Christ taught.

Further the catholic church's crazy edict that the priests marry the church and be celibate... yeah that makes no sense at all to me and I don't see any basis for it.

They are the antithesis of Christianity. They are the enemy of Christ and have always been the enemy of Christ from the very inception. There is no salvation that can be found inside of the Roman Catholic Church. Their teachings are the antithesis of the teachings of Christ. The wealth of the Vatican is in the trillions of dollars. TRILLIONS. The Pope has no business involving himself in American Politics and should be told the invitation to speak before Congress has been canceled. Period. The teaching of celibacy comes from the goddess they worship (Queen of Heaven ) which is Semiramis. She was the mother of Nimrod and a powerful witch. After he died she had the people worship him under the name "Baal". She claimed to be a virgin when she became pregnant with her son, Tammuz, who was later worshiped by the Romans as the sun god. The first pope of Rome - Constantine worshiped the sun god calling him Sol. He wasn't a follower of Christ and he never became a follower of Christ. The IHS of the RCC stands for the Egyptian trinity, Isis, Horus and Seb. The Host was (which has IHS stamped on it - originated with the Egyptians also - They turned a wafer into their sun god, Osiris. That's why the host is in the shape of the sun. When the Catholics eat this "other Jesus wafer" in the shape of the sun, they are not symbolically eating Christ, they are eating, "BAAL" the sun god, a symbol of Satan.

The cross was created by Semiramis, "The Queen of Heaven" in remembrance of her son Tammuz (the sun god, Baal) On Tammuz cross is the idol of a dead Jesus. The crucifix is the real heart of the occult. In God's sight it is an accursed thing. ( Deut 7: 26 ) No true Christian would wear a "Crucifix" around their neck depicting a dead Jesus. Jesus is alive. He isn't hanging on a cross dead. He rose on the third day and is seated at the right hand of God the Father. He doesn't need a Vicar. The entire Roman Religion is a sham.
I know that other religions were violent too in the past but today in modern age it seems that Islam is the only big religion that has a lot of people who are willing to spread their religion by violence and blood.

I'm sorry in advance if anyone got offended by this question. I respect all religions, I'm just interested in the background.
I have lots and lots of Muslim friends. In my job right now, I work with a staff that is at least 50% Muslim. I've lived in three Muslim countries and had friends, colleagues, and neighbors who are Muslim. They are just like anyone else. You are very ignorant.

What a lot of total nonsense and ignorance there is in this thread.

Starting with YOU. Most Muslims support Sharia Law and the destruction of Israel, including terror bombing of women and children. Some do not, but they are by no means a dominant force within that religion.
There is also a P with an X over it. When the Romans do a black mass and sacrifice to Mary (Semiramis) they remove the heart of the infant carve 3 crosses on their tiny head and a cross on each palm and on the bottoms of both feet, and on their chests large crosses are cut. The crosses look like the P with the X's over it which means the peace of Christ. When Dr. Alberto Rivera was with a group from his Jesuit College he visited the Salesian monastery in Las Palmas, one of the Canary Islands in Spain to study how the order was run. They were exploring the grounds when one of them fell into a large open ditch about 6 feet deep and 6 feet wide and so he jumped in to help the person. They found a large blanket rolled up and opened it. There were 7 murdered babies inside the blanket - each with those markings on their bodies. One of the witnesses made the mistake of telling his sister about it - she was attending convent school - she told her priest about it. Not long after her body was found with both ears missing and her tongue cut out. About the same time Dr. Alberto Rivera's friend also disappeared (for having told his sister I suppose) and was never seen again. He was most likely murdered by them as well. The Jesuits are a very evil group and Dr. Rivera - after becoming a Christian and leaving the Jesuit order told many stories about what went on within the Jesuit Organization. He was very high up and answered directly to the Pope. He was on the inside and knew what was going on although he didn't know earlier about their Black Masses sacrificing babies. That is something many Catholics do not know about. It is very sad how the Catholic people have been deceived by the Roman Institution. Very, very sad. Imagine Satan's delight in taking billions of souls to hell. The Roman Church works for Satan. You can read the story about the dead babies being found in that grave in the testimony of Dr. Alberto Rivera entitled, "The Force" .. they have the entire series available at Jack Chick Publications and I highly recommend all Catholics to look it up and read about it. He also has videos on youtube that are free to listen to. I would strongly urge the Roman Catholic people to learn the true history of the Roman Catholic Church and run for their lives.
Lord save us, woodie's gonne edjucate us on muslim.

Hey, Jerimiah, they remade the Omen, but it's weak stuff compared to the one with Gregory Peck
Muslims are warriors and allowed to fight. Christians are peacemakers and not allowed to fight. The US is at war with Islam.
Mel Gibson disapproves of your post. (-:

I believe he is a Catholic. Satan has tricked almost everyone into believe that the Roman Catholic Institution is Christian. Their Jesus is Tammuz, their "Mary" is Semiramis, the pope is an anti-Christ, their Host was stolen from the Egyptians and represents the Sun god and the Catholic crucifix is the heart of the occult. The bible tells us this system is the habitation of devils.

Come out of her my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not her plagues. (Rev. 18:4)

God says, Come out from among them. (2 Corinthians 6:14 - 15)

Submit yourselves unto God ( not Mary) Resist the devil and he will flee from you. Who will get your soul? Christ? Or Satan?

The bible says there is only one way to heaven. Jesus said, I am the way, the truth and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
John 14:6
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Lord save us, woodie's gonne edjucate us on muslim.

Hey, Jerimiah, they remade the Omen, but it's weak stuff compared to the one with Gregory Peck

There is no deliverance outside of Jesus Christ and the Roman Institution takes delight in making Lucifer appear more powerful than Jesus Christ. It's all done with the blessing of the Vatican. (movies depicting Baal as the winner) They are on Satan's side. Still, the true born again believer living holy unto the LORD has all authority over Satan and he cannot touch them. He can do nothing to a born again Christian without petitioning God for permission to do so ( and being granted his request!) otherwise? No way. They never manage to tell you the truth. Do they?

Luke 10 19 I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy nothing will harm you.
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The thread claims Islam has more violent fanatics and I say ...nay

Many thousands of black Americans were killed by white lynchers in the United States.

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