Why does the left fear structure, organization, and communication?


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
The left is hell bent on destroying society. They will not stop until sexual deviance/perversion is the new norm. Until they control language so that they can control speech. Until evil (promiscuity, violence, etc.) is considered "good" and good (faith, monogamy, etc.) is considered "evil".

There are billions of examples of this obviously (look at the fascists in the streets assaulting conservatives, throwing human waste on law enforcement, blocking traffic, threatening President Trump, destroying property, setting fires, and more). But this example here is one of their more subtle, yet disturbing, tactics.

Why would one fight to eliminate gender? Why would one want to create ambiguity? When a law enforcement officer makes a traffic stop, why is it so important to the left that the officer not be able to identify the gender of the driver? We have all seen the bizarre and outrageous way the LBGT community presents themselves. When an officer approaches, they don't know whether to say "sir" or "ma'am" - especially with an "X" where gender is listed on a drivers license. What is the officer supposed to say - it? And if the officer refers to an individual as "it" - you know the left will take to the streets to riot. They will declare the officer a "homophobe" and insist that they are terminated.

So why would the left intentionally create situations like this? Refer to the opening statement.

DC Residents Now Can Drive Under 'X' as Gender Identity

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