Why does the USA benefit from more Muslim refugees


Platinum Member
Sep 10, 2015
Note I am not taking a stance here, just asking for info as to why the failing Obamacare system needs to put more strain on insurers, and also asking why you are taking refugees into your home?

Next moron
It doesn't...
Quick and simple answer, so why do people want more refugees?
The correct answer is "SOME" people want more refugees. Since the early 1960's the liberals have been executing their born and unborn children in the millions. Those were future Democrat voters, but since they are no longer alive, the Democrat voting base has been dwindling year after year. So when Obama found out after 2010, that more Republicans were voting Congress to their majority, then in 2014 the Senate to their majority, Obama needed future Democrat voters, and they would do it illegally. It isn't about caring for people, as if that was the case, those unborn children would be alive today. To the Democrats it is all about getting their power back in the government, even if bringing in THUGS from Muslims countries plan to do harm to the US citizens.

The problem with immigration today, is the USA is a welfare state and many immigrants legal or illegal need government assistance to survive. Why do we want immigrants who can't speak English and have little education thus offering little to the nation?

They do generally vote D, so that may explain the insanity.
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Note I am not taking a stance here, just asking for info as to why the failing Obamacare system needs to put more strain on insurers, and also asking why you are taking refugees into your home?

Next moron
Jesus-H-Tap-Dancing-Christ-on-a-Crutch, son... this isn't even coherent...
It doesn't...
Quick and simple answer, so why do people want more refugees?

For further dilution of the numbers of American citizens raised under American founding philosophy, to increase the number of dependant future Democrat voters, as their popularity among actual Americans has nose-dived, and to cause what general chaos they are able.

A slow-moving coup, if you will. The globalists are stymied so long as the United States remains American.
We are a nation of immigrants plain and simple, the history of nations that advance and succeed are open to ideas and people. I have not read the book below but heard from a friend it is worth a read.

'Why Nations Fail: The Origins of Power, Prosperity, and Poverty' by Daron Acemoglu
We are a nation of immigrants plain and simple, the history of nations that advance and succeed are open to ideas and people. I have not read the book below but heard from a friend it is worth a read.

'Why Nations Fail: The Origins of Power, Prosperity, and Poverty' by Daron Acemoglu
we needed a lot of people at one time in this country so we basically let anyone and everyone in
That is no longer the case.
We can still allow people to legally immigrate but let's not call illegal aliens immigrants
We need to raise the standard on who we allow into this country not lower it
We are a nation of immigrants plain and simple, the history of nations that advance and succeed are open to ideas and people.

The differences between then and now are one we didn't have the welfare state we do now and the most important difference is people wanted to assimilate.

In the time that liberals love to bring up people coming over wanted to be Americans meaning the language and the way of life. They would bring over some cultural things like music and food which is great.

Today the people coming over want to bring over everything including politics and in some cases a sects of a religion that is the exact opposite of western values which will make it impossible to assimilate.
Note I am not taking a stance here, just asking for info as to why the failing Obamacare system needs to put more strain on insurers, and also asking why you are taking refugees into your home?

Next moron
Jesus-H-Tap-Dancing-Christ-on-a-Crutch, son... this isn't even coherent...
In other words you can not explain why the USA needs more refugees...................

Your ignorance is perfectly demonstrated
We are a nation of immigrants plain and simple, the history of nations that advance and succeed are open to ideas and people. I have not read the book below but heard from a friend it is worth a read.

'Why Nations Fail: The Origins of Power, Prosperity, and Poverty' by Daron Acemoglu

We are nation of the DESCENDANTS of immigrants.

During the heyday of US immigration (1840-1940) we were a nation of 50 to 150 millions, with plenty of land to give away, jobs for all who wanted to work, and easy admission.

Today, we are nation of 310,000,000 - the vast tracts of open land are gone, we cannot even employ or house or feed all our own, and we don't need newcomers like we did before.

All things come to an end - including generous admission policies.

Nothing wrong with hanging a No Vacancy sign on the Statue of Liberty for a while, and taking a break from large-scale immigration for a decade or two.

We don't need a single additional immigrant, in the long run.

Not one.

Whatever we need, we can find or cultivate from amongst our own fellow countrymen.

Just because we have done a thing in the past, does not mean that we are obliged or condemned to continue doing it in perpetuity, moving in the future.

It's our country, and we can do whatever the hell we want, with respect to immigration.

It's the primary reason why the Brits are leaving the EU.

We're in excellent company.

If you're here illegally, leave.


While you still can, under your own power, without a set of leg-cuffs.
Note I am not taking a stance here, just asking for info as to why the failing Obamacare system needs to put more strain on insurers, and also asking why you are taking refugees into your home?

Next moron
Jesus-H-Tap-Dancing-Christ-on-a-Crutch, son... this isn't even coherent...
In other words you can not explain why the USA needs more refugees...................

Your ignorance is perfectly demonstrated
I am quite probably in the top 10% of bloggers on this board who argue the case against Illegal Aliens, Muslim-Syrian refugees, etc.

My criticism is that your opening gambit was - quite probably - one of the worst and most embarrassing attempts to articulate a position that I've seen in a long time.
Note I am not taking a stance here, just asking for info as to why the failing Obamacare system needs to put more strain on insurers, and also asking why you are taking refugees into your home?

Next moron
Jesus-H-Tap-Dancing-Christ-on-a-Crutch, son... this isn't even coherent...
In other words you can not explain why the USA needs more refugees...................

Your ignorance is perfectly demonstrated
I am quite probably in the top 10% of bloggers on this board who argue the case against Illegal Aliens, Muslim-Syrian refugees, etc.

My criticism is that your opening gambit was - quite probably - one of the worst and most embarrassing attempts to articulate a position that I've seen in a long time.
And you voted for a loser and are currently engaged in stomping up and down like a spoiled loser.

LOL, try again kid
Note I am not taking a stance here, just asking for info as to why the failing Obamacare system needs to put more strain on insurers, and also asking why you are taking refugees into your home?

Next moron
Jesus-H-Tap-Dancing-Christ-on-a-Crutch, son... this isn't even coherent...
In other words you can not explain why the USA needs more refugees...................

Your ignorance is perfectly demonstrated
I am quite probably in the top 10% of bloggers on this board who argue the case against Illegal Aliens, Muslim-Syrian refugees, etc.

My criticism is that your opening gambit was - quite probably - one of the worst and most embarrassing attempts to articulate a position that I've seen in a long time.
And you voted for a loser and are currently engaged in stomping up and down like a spoiled loser.

LOL, try again kid
Irrelevant. That has nothing to do with your inability to coherently and intelligently articulate a position.

Now... go dry-hump somebody else's pants-cuff for a while, Princess... you're borin' the hell outta me.
Note I am not taking a stance here, just asking for info as to why the failing Obamacare system needs to put more strain on insurers, and also asking why you are taking refugees into your home?

Next moron
Jesus-H-Tap-Dancing-Christ-on-a-Crutch, son... this isn't even coherent...
In other words you can not explain why the USA needs more refugees...................

Your ignorance is perfectly demonstrated
I am quite probably in the top 10% of bloggers on this board who argue the case against Illegal Aliens, Muslim-Syrian refugees, etc.

My criticism is that your opening gambit was - quite probably - one of the worst and most embarrassing attempts to articulate a position that I've seen in a long time.
And you voted for a loser and are currently engaged in stomping up and down like a spoiled loser.

LOL, try again kid
Irrelevant. That has nothing to do with your inability to coherently and intelligently articulate a position.

Now... go dry-hump somebody else's pants-cuff for a while, Princess... you're borin' the hell outta me.

Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa the loser admits to jumping up and down like the kid below.

Note I am not taking a stance here, just asking for info as to why the failing Obamacare system needs to put more strain on insurers, and also asking why you are taking refugees into your home?

Next moron
We do not benefit in any way from Muslim immigration.
We are a nation of immigrants plain and simple, the history of nations that advance and succeed are open to ideas and people. I have not read the book below but heard from a friend it is worth a read.

'Why Nations Fail: The Origins of Power, Prosperity, and Poverty' by Daron Acemoglu

That's not an argument. It's a slogan. You haven't presented any logical basis for admitting more Muslim immigrants.
Jesus-H-Tap-Dancing-Christ-on-a-Crutch, son... this isn't even coherent...
In other words you can not explain why the USA needs more refugees...................

Your ignorance is perfectly demonstrated
I am quite probably in the top 10% of bloggers on this board who argue the case against Illegal Aliens, Muslim-Syrian refugees, etc.

My criticism is that your opening gambit was - quite probably - one of the worst and most embarrassing attempts to articulate a position that I've seen in a long time.
And you voted for a loser and are currently engaged in stomping up and down like a spoiled loser.

LOL, try again kid
Irrelevant. That has nothing to do with your inability to coherently and intelligently articulate a position.

Now... go dry-hump somebody else's pants-cuff for a while, Princess... you're borin' the hell outta me.

Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa the loser admits to jumping up and down like the kid below.

Put down the bong, junior...

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