Why doesn't The Republican Party Understand What is needed for Victory?


VIP Member
Feb 18, 2012
It is really almost unbelievable...at this late date the mainstream still does not understand what is needed to win next time...almost as pathetic the majority still does not understand why they lost last time.

I think what the above indicates is that most are too busy with their jobs and personal lives and or watching sports or whatever on T.V. to study or even think much about politics.
It is really almost unbelievable...at this late date the mainstream still does not understand what is needed to win next time...almost as pathetic the majority still does not understand why they lost last time.

I think what the above indicates is that most are too busy with their jobs and personal lives and or watching sports or whatever on T.V. to study or even think much about politics.

Face it; politics beyond the horse race/"hurrah for our side" level is boring. Until threatened, most voters are content to let the political leadership control things. Now that most Americans feel threatened, they have to scramble to figure out who or what will save them. This is generally an emotional and mes*sy process, prone to violence and demagoguery. Most people choose an ideological position to view the world through in the first two election cycles they vote in and this pretty well predicts how they vote the rest of their lives. Those who don't vote in the first two cycles tend to be non-voters forever.
Rand Paul issued a statement that the Republican Party would never win another Presidential Race in his lifetime unless they make a fundamental change aka appealing to a bigger group of people....................he is correct about that part...........but then he goes on to identify that bigger group of people as hispanics and blacks....that is where he is tragically coinfused.

The Republican Party will never in my lifetime or Paul Rand's lifetime ever get a significant number of black or mexican votes....this is one of the things the Republican Party is most confused about....apparantly they got that idea of appealing to the blacks and mexicans from the media.

The truth is staring the Repubublican Party right in the face but they do not want to hear it or subscribe to it because they stupidly fear being labeled racist............what idiocy...the morons seem not to comprehend the fact that they already been labeld racist and it has stuck and the media will not let anyone deviate from that reality.

Yet the Republicans continue to dance to the tune of the democrats, media and all the others who villify them as racist...in essence they have fallen into the 'tar-baby' trap....aka trying to deny they are racist by following the liberal p.c. bullshite.....the more they punch the 'tarbaby' of liberal accusations the more intwined and tangled up they get.

The only way for the Republicans to escape the 'Tar Baby' trap is to understand who their real constituency is...the only group with enough votes to propel them into the White House...which of course is The White Working Class.

Yet, the republicans never give this group anything more than a little lip service....if they want to win...this has to change and change big time.

What the Republicans need to be asking is what is it the White Working Class Wants....once they figure that out and it would take them awhile even if they were trying....which they are not....then they could formulate a platform that would motivate the White Working Class to get out and vote.

Rand Paul: GOP 'will not win again in my lifetime' the presidency, absent change - Washington Times

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