Why don’t republicans seem to understand the consequences of tax cuts?

Dems are the largest block of net non-tax payers so of course they are pissed that what is left of the middle class might have a few more bucks in their pockets after a tax cut.
Cutting taxes increaes revenue to the government......not taking money from the people who know how to create it means they can use that money to grow their businesses higher more people and create more tax revenue...

We digitize money at will now.
The purpose of taxation now is to punish success.
They long ago abandoned the ways that worked.
I certainly can!

See you complain about Tax Cuts because you know it will force Democrats to raise taxes while not wanting to cut spending.

Sooner or later you will have to cut the bloated spending the government does .
Except that I’m not opposed to spending cuts. Let’s cut bloated spending. I’m all for it. I’m just telling you the other side of this. Your ilk thinks cutting revenue, magically, has no consequences. My god I bet I could talk to a 6 year old on the street and explain to them why cutting taxes means we can’t pay for government spending adequately.
I don’t even know what to make of this. What exactly does this data mean to you exactly? Obviously we didn’t have the military or the population we had in 1900. Inevitably this will require more revenue.
The US ARMY was formed in 1775.

The USMC was formed in 1775, as well.

Obviously, the U.S population (tax base) and the Military both have grown significantly.

If it is YOUR claim that the ratio SHOULD have changed to the extent that it has, since 1900, then feel free to explain WHY you think it should have changed.

Also, give us the day of the year that you believe the "Tax Freedom Day" should fall on.
Except that I’m not opposed to spending cuts. Let’s cut bloated spending. I’m all for it. I’m just telling you the other side of this. Your ilk thinks cutting revenue, magically, has no consequences. My god I bet I could talk to a year old on the street and explain to them why cutting taxes means we can’t pay for government spending.
You are a fucking moron because you just wrote about how you are for cutting spending and then whine about not having taxes for government spending!

So what part of the Federal Government will you cut their spending?

Name it one are?
Except that I’m not opposed to spending cuts. Let’s cut bloated spending. I’m all for it. I’m just telling you the other side of this. Your ilk thinks cutting revenue, magically, has no consequences. My god I bet I could talk to a 6 year old on the street and explain to them why cutting taxes means we can’t pay for government spending adequately.

Rate reductions doesn't cut revenue.
It increases revenue.
That is historic fact.
That is where your argument stops.
Dead stop.
The US ARMY was formed in 1775.

The USMC was formed in 1775, as well.

Obviously, the U.S population (tax base) and the Military both have grown significantly.

If it is YOUR claim that the ration SHOULD have changed to the extent that it has, since 1900 then feel free to explain WHY you think it should have changed.

Also, give us the day of the year that you believe the "Tax Freedom Day" should fall on.

December 32
If you cut taxes (meaning lowering tax rates), the money which workers earn can be used for their own needs. Trivial things like feeding their families, paying for rent or mortgage, clothing them, obtaining medical care. You know, stuff like that. This spending feeds the business cycle in an interesting way. It tends to create higher demand for goods and services. In turn, this can lead to a need for more of the stuff that businesses need like raw materials and labor. In turn, this can lead to greater employment and even more people paying taxes. Net government revenue might thus increase.

Somebody please let our ignorant libs in on this. You know, the uneducated ones like little billie.zip.
Rate reductions doesn't cut revenue.
It increases revenue.
That is historic fact.
That is where your argument stop.
Dead stop.
Lol you’re making magical connections in your head while not even understanding how inflation and the value of the dollar works. More dollars over the time doesn’t somehow mean more funding. The only way to accurately measure revenue is by computing it as percentage of GDP.
Lol you’re making magical connections in your head while not even understanding how inflation and the value of the dollar works. More dollars over the time doesn’t somehow mean more funding. The only way to accurately measure revenue is by computing it as percentage of GDP.

It's not.
I dismiss you.
It’s a pretty basic concept. If spending is not adequately cut and taxes are cut (something republicans do), this is means that there is less revenue to pay for spending. If bewilders me how republicans think you can cut taxes and think it doesn’t have consequences. We know it has consequences because the deficit blew up under Trump.

Oh and news flash: trickle down economics is not a real thing. Why would corporations bother investing in labor when it is easier for them to just keep the huge amount of money they save from tax cuts? After all their profits are already at an all time high.

Ronald Reagan stated it very well, when he stated that the problem is not that we don't pay enough in taxes, but that government wastes too much of our money.
If you cut taxes (meaning lowering tax rates), the money which workers earn can be used for their own needs. Trivial things like feeding their families, paying for rent or mortgage, clothing them, obtaining medical care. You know, stuff like that. This spending feeds the business cycle in an interesting way. It tends to create higher demand for goods and services. In turn, this can lead to a need for more of the stuff that businesses need like raw materials and labor. In turn, this can lead to greater employment and even more people paying taxes. Net government revenue might thus increase.

Somebody please let our ignorant libs in on this. You know, the uneducated ones like little billie.zip.
I’m not disagreeing with this premise, but you should probably know that Republicans don’t actually pass permanent tax cuts for the poor or middle class. The one in 2017 had tax cuts for poor or middle class that were due to expire in 2025. Meanwhile, tax cuts for the wealthy that are useless for the economy were made permanent.

In contrast, Obama was responsible for the biggest middle class tax cut since Reagan. Revenue as a percentage of GDP went up regardless.
It’s a pretty basic concept. If spending is not adequately cut and taxes are cut (something republicans do), this is means that there is less revenue to pay for spending. If bewilders me how republicans think you can cut taxes and think it doesn’t have consequences. We know it has consequences because the deficit blew up under Trump.

Oh and news flash: trickle down economics is not a real thing. Why would corporations bother investing in labor when it is easier for them to just keep the huge amount of money they save from tax cuts? After all their profits are already at an all time high.

Why don't Democrats understand the impact of raising taxes to pay for their criminally fiscal irresponsibility, massive pork-infested bills (Omnibus), and mismanagement as stewards of the American tax payers' money?
Let's begin the discussion with your thoughts on this;

"Tax Freedom Day is a concept developed and trademarked by American businessman Dallas Hostetler, which aims to calculate the first day of the year on which a nation as a whole has theoretically earned enough income to pay its taxes. Every dollar that is officially considered income by the government is counted, and every payment to the government that is officially considered a tax is counted. Taxes at all levels of government – local, state and federal – are included."

Tax Freedom Days in the U.S. since 1900:[3][4] hide
YearTax Freedom DayTax Burden
1900January 225.9%
1910January 195.0%
1920February 1312.0%
1930February 1211.7%
1940March 717.9%
1950March 3124.6%
1960April 1127.7%
1970April 1929.6%
1980April 2130.4%
1990April 2130.4%
2000May 133.0%
2010April 926.9%
2011April 1227.7%
2012April 1329.2%
2013April 1829.4%
2014April 2130.2%
2015April 2431.2%
2016April 2230.9%
2017April 2330.9%
2018April 1929.7%
2019April 1629.0%
Even the doe deer VALUE the lil human baboos!

Notice the ALERT STANCE of that doe like she is listening intently & ready to protect the lil baboo laying on the deck!

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