Why don’t republicans seem to understand the consequences of tax cuts?

Fiction? I just filled up my gas tank. Is it "fiction" that it cost me $60 instead of $40? With all due respect, 5th? When you make excuses for the failures of this administration by claiming that those failures are somehow a figment of my imagination? You become a bit of a joke! When you look at the cost of diesel fuel and how it's gone up under Joe Biden? When you look at the cost of fuel oil and how it's gone up under Joe Biden? Those costs are real and everyday Americans face them each and every day! It's estimated that inflation costs an average family over $7,000 this year. That's not "fiction" that's money that we're losing...money that should be going towards the education of people's children...or towards their retirement! Instead that money is being stolen from them.
Tell you what...

Show me, in some metric, where Biden effected a reduction in Supply..

This is getting tiresome.

Scrub didn't want to include Iraqnam in his budgets because the deficits would have been even worse. Hence "ESAs".

This practice was largely ended with FY2010.

On budget or off budget, the spending is included in outlays and in deficits.
The outlays in FY2009 were $3.5 trillion. Period.
Who knows why? It could be for a myriad of reasons instead of just one. They are bound to raise their prices regardless. It really would not make sense for them to do both of these things voluntarily though lol
Well one reason for sure is this... Inflation average for 2022 was 8.01% meaning every month for 2022 the average rate of cost of living in the USA averaged an increase of 8.01% with the highest of 9.1% in June 2022!
That had a tremendous bearing on money taking out of people's paycheck that AVERAGED under previous Presidents
during the observation period from 1960 to 2021, the average inflation rate was 3.8% per year
The Average inflation rate for 61 years... 3.8% under Democrat/GOP president...and when you eliminate the abnormal years of
higher than 10% i.e. 1974,1979,1980,1981 the average is less than 3.16% per year.
So Biden over the last year of 2022 saw the 6th largest increase since 1975's 9.14%!
All because Biden wants to as he guarantees:
I want you to look into my eyes, I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels”


Gas prices went up dramatically after that statement as almost ALL Americans cost of living is affected by gas prices, personally as drivers and as consumers buying groceries, etc. all transported to businesses by fossil fuels!
What a direct cause of raising gas prices as gas companies certainly as would ANY individual start hoarding $$$s by raising prices as the President of the USA "guarantees" to put them out of business!
Get it while you can mentality at work, 6th largest inflation increase in the last 60 years!
Well one reason for sure is this... Inflation average for 2022 was 8.01% meaning every month for 2022 the average rate of cost of living in the USA averaged an increase of 8.01% with the highest of 9.1% in June 2022!

The cost didn't increase 8.01% every month.
That would be an annual increase in prices of over 154%.
Well one reason for sure is this... Inflation average for 2022 was 8.01% meaning every month for 2022 the average rate of cost of living in the USA averaged an increase of 8.01% with the highest of 9.1% in June 2022!
That had a tremendous bearing on money taking out of people's paycheck that AVERAGED under previous Presidents
during the observation period from 1960 to 2021, the average inflation rate was 3.8% per year
The Average inflation rate for 61 years... 3.8% under Democrat/GOP president...and when you eliminate the abnormal years of
higher than 10% i.e. 1974,1979,1980,1981 the average is less than 3.16% per year.
So Biden over the last year of 2022 saw the 6th largest increase since 1975's 9.14%!
All because Biden wants to as he guarantees:
I want you to look into my eyes, I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels”

View attachment 751237
Gas prices went up dramatically after that statement as almost ALL Americans cost of living is affected by gas prices, personally as drivers and as consumers buying groceries, etc. all transported to businesses by fossil fuels!
What a direct cause of raising gas prices as gas companies certainly as would ANY individual start hoarding $$$s by raising prices as the President of the USA "guarantees" to put them out of business!
Get it while you can mentality at work, 6th largest inflation increase in the last 60 years!

Lol dude you just keep adding on more information as if we’ve been talking about it this whole time.

Yes I get it. The current inflation issue is bad right now. I don’t dispute that lol. Hell no liberal on this board does. You all are just pretending we are in denial about it because you want to milk it for all it’s worth and whine about Biden. We are all well aware about how bad inflation is currently. You aren’t educating liberals about this. We are aware. We are consumers lol. We feel it. When I said wal mart’s prices were bound to go up in that time frame you said, inflation is what I was talking about lol. You have still failed to make a connection between their prices and their wage increase.

Of course there is something you should know about gas prices. I get that you like the idea of connecting gas prices with something democrats simply SAY, but that is just non sense. It’s absolute non sense. For one thing, oil profits are at an ALL TIME HIGH. They are not worried about their bottom line in the slightest. Also, the cause of gas prices going up was for a myriad of reasons. The war in Russia is one of them. More importantly, gas prices went up all over the world. You’re basically saying Biden simply saying that made them go up all over the world.

You’re making connections that you can’t prove have any causation. Like sure, I’m sure it makes perfect sense to you that Biden’s quote would hike prices. But just because something sounds like it makes sense, does not mean it is actually true.

I don’t know why you’re trying to make a connection between inflation and democrat presidents in general, but you should probably know that on average, every economic metric is better under democrat presidents than republican ones.

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All spending, on budget or off budget, is included in spending and in the deficit.

Supplemental spending bills don't change the final result.
Please stop, Toddster...

This is tiresome.

President Bush requested $481.4 billion in discretional spending for the Department of Defense’s 2008 budget. That figure does not include any of the spending for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, which have been paid for primarily through “emergency supplemental requests” that are not included in the federal budget’s accounting.

Iraq, Afghanistan, and the U.S. Economy
Lol dude you just keep adding on more information as if we’ve been talking about it this whole time.

Yes I get it. The current inflation issue is bad right now. I don’t dispute that lol. Hell no liberal on this board does. You all are just pretending we are in denial about it because you want to milk it for all it’s worth and whine about Biden. We are all well aware about how bad inflation is currently. You aren’t educating liberals about this. We are aware. We are consumers lol. We feel it. When I said wal mart’s prices were bound to go up in that time frame you said, inflation is what I was talking about lol. You have still failed to make a connection between their prices and their wage increase.

Of course there is something you should know about gas prices. I get that you like the idea of connecting gas prices with something democrats simply SAY, but that is just non sense. It’s absolute non sense. For one thing, oil profits are at an ALL TIME HIGH. They are not worried about their bottom line in the slightest. Also, the cause of gas prices going up was for a myriad of reasons. The war in Russia is one of them. More importantly, gas prices went up all over the world. You’re basically saying Biden simply saying that made them go up all over the world.

You’re making connections that you can’t prove have any causation. Like sure, I’m sure it makes perfect sense to you that Biden’s quote would hike prices. But just because something sounds like it makes sense, does not mean it is actually true.

I don’t know why you’re trying to make a connection between inflation and democrat presidents in general, but you should probably know that on average, every economic metric is better under democrat presidents than republican ones.

It’s a pretty basic concept. If spending is not adequately cut and taxes are cut (something republicans do), this means that there is less revenue to pay for spending. If bewilders me how republicans think you can cut taxes and think it doesn’t have consequences. We know it has consequences because the deficit blew up under Trump.

Oh and news flash: trickle down economics is not a real thing. Why would corporations bother investing in labor when it is easier for them to just keep the huge amount of money they save from tax cuts? After all their profits are already at an all time high.

Excuse me? It’s not only republicans who was the one who wanted to give billions to the arts and send millions to countries like Afghanistan to promote gender studies? Who was the party that wanted to give billion dollars to the arts? Meanwhile, they as the employees were going to get the stimulus check but no you guys wanted to push the envelope because if trump didn’t sign it then you guys would cry about it! Oh yeah which party said no on giving people a 1 million dollar stimulus check!

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