Why don’t republicans seem to understand the consequences of tax cuts?

More than 0% for sure.

So you can't define a "fair share".

I'm talking individuals, not corporations. They don't pay taxes, they pass them on to the consumer.

Tell us what % of the total tax bill the top 1% of income earners should pay? Top 10%.

Give us a number for each.
As much as the spending?
Obviously not, dumbass. Spending is an entirely different issue.

The fact remains the OP lied. Revenues increased after the Trump across the board tax cuts, they didn't decrease.
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Because Grifty spent the money faster.
Spending originates in the House, according to the Constitution, Dumbass. You should have someone with at least a double digit IQ read it and explain it to you.

Who was running the House when spending rose significantly when Trump was President? Do you know her name?
More than 0% for sure.

If their net profit in 2020 was zero, how much should they pay?
Spending originates in the House, according to the Constitution, Dumbass. You should have someone with at least a double digit IQ read it and explain it to you.

Who was running the House when spending rose significantly when Trump was President? Do you know her name?
No it does not, ignorant blowhard.

It begins with a Request from the White House.
Obviously not, dumbass. Spending is an entirely different issue.

The fact remains the OP lied. Revenues increased after the Trump across the board tax cuts, they didn't decrease.
No, it isn't.

The fact remains the OP lied. Revenues increased after the Trump across the board tax cuts, they didn't decrease

Were revenues higher in FY 2020 than in FY 2019?
No it does not, ignorant blowhard.

It begins with a Request from the White House.
Always fun to make you look the fool....

Article I, Section 8, Clause 1:

The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States; . . .
No, it isn't.

Were revenues higher in FY 2020 than in FY 2019?
Spending isn't a different issue that revenues?

Really? Explain how they aren't different. This should be a hoot.

Using 2020 revenues to try to back up your dumbassery exposes how weak your game is. Why do you think there was a slight dip in revenues in only 2020, Simp? Tell us what you think caused this.
Spending originates in the House, according to the Constitution, Dumbass. You should have someone with at least a double digit IQ read it and explain it to you.

Who was running the House when spending rose significantly when Trump was President? Do you know her name?
Demofks increase spending to blame republicans
What economic certainties have changed since 1991?
If you have to ask that question your economic knowledge is minimal.
Republican and Democratic politicians are continually changing economic policy to meet the needs of the time. There are many economic and political metrics that continually change requiring a change in economic policy.
A person as simple minded as you will never understand.
It’s a pretty basic concept. If spending is not adequately cut and taxes are cut (something republicans do), this means that there is less revenue to pay for spending. If bewilders me how republicans think you can cut taxes and think it doesn’t have consequences. We know it has consequences because the deficit blew up under Trump.

Oh and news flash: trickle down economics is not a real thing. Why would corporations bother investing in labor when it is easier for them to just keep the huge amount of money they save from tax cuts? After all their profits are already at an all time high.

Its simple: conservatives think our debt is too high. They want the US government to default on its debt to reduce the credit rating of the United States and make it more difficult to borrow.

They also want the government smaller, so they intentionally attack the government's revenue to make it harder to balance the budget. They're actively working to make sure there is a deficit to increase the debt.....and to make sure we can't service the debt.
Oh I know. I’m just pointing out that they don’t understand that tax cuts are the other side of the deficit blowing up. They think it’s purely about spending.
It is purely about spending. Most of the tax cuts we've had in the last 30 years have not cut revenue.
Its simple: conservatives think our debt is too high. They want the US government to default on its debt to reduce the credit rating of the United States and make it more difficult to borrow.

They also want the government smaller, so they intentionally attack the government's revenue to make it harder to balance the budget. They're actively working to make sure there is a deficit to increase the debt.....and to make sure we can't service the debt.
How many times have we defaulted in our debt in our 22 government shutdowns?
How many times have we defaulted in our debt in our 22 government shutdowns?

Not once. With the budgets breaking the government shutdown in the last 10 years being done over overwhelming Republican opposition.

We didn't default, because democrats were able to find enough votes to prevent it.
If you have to ask that question your economic knowledge is minimal.
Republican and Democratic politicians are continually changing economic policy to meet the needs of the time. There are many economic and political metrics that continually change requiring a change in economic policy.
A person as simple minded as you will never understand.

Try again.
How many times have we defaulted in our debt in our 22 government shutdowns?


In the last full FY, the Feds took in nearly $5,000 billion and the average yearly debt service is $400 billion.

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