Why EU politicians hate the Gulag Archipelago written by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
No remembrance about Solzhenitsyn and his Great Book.Nowhere.
European policymakers hate them.
If you want to know what is going on in modern socialist Europe you shall read the genial Book Gulag Archipelago written by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn.
Gulag Archipelago is arising.
Almost anything looks to be similar. Millions of invaders, Free Speech is prohibited like in Germany where a 'wrong' Facebook post can be punished by $5m and five years in prison. New Chekist - Antifa terrorizes opposition, folks have no power and fooled in name of socialism.No cash, no currency free exchange, gold, freedom, all will be prohibited soon. Election is a joke, folks are manipulated by lying presstitutes and MSM.
For example UK today will only 'control' internet, tomorrow kill anybody disagree with government.
Also, Read this great Book and compare with currently processes going on in EU.


Welcome in modern EU Socialist Paradise. All Socialism finish always in nightmares, see Venezuela or EU today.
Great book, and, no, the EU is not a cultural or social gulag.
It is a great book Jakey but based on your many posts, I suspect you learned nothing from it.
Yes, you suspect much nothings about people. LIbertarians do not understand people or the world in which we all live.
I understand you are a goofy f**ker. I should be kudos for that....no?
See, you prove my point. You as a libertarian are wrong about that. America is not going that goofy way.

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