Why gay adoptions should be banned

But charlie that is your arguement for curtailing the rights of Americans.

That "curtailment" of rights argument is straight dodo, children should be raised with a mother and father, not with two parents of the same sex. Its simply doing whats best for the child in its development and political activism7correctness is not an argument in favour of gays adopting children.
Interesting read for those who think homosexuality isn't a mental illness

Homosexuality and Mental Health Problems

Ideology of Sexual Liberation

A strong case can be made that the male homosexual lifestyle itself, in its most extreme form, is mentally disturbed. Remember that Rotello, a gay advocate, notes that "the outlaw aspect of gay sexual culture, its transgressiveness, is seen by many men as one of its greatest attributes." Same-sex eroticism becomes for many, therefore, the central value of existence, and nothing else--not even life and health itself--is allowed to interfere with pursuit of this lifestyle. Homosexual promiscuity fuels the AIDS crisis in the West, but even that tragedy it is not allowed to interfere with sexual freedom.

And, according to Rotello, the idea of taking responsibility to avoid infecting others with the HIV virus is completely foreign to many groups trying to counter AIDS. The idea of protecting oneself is promoted, but protecting others is not mentioned in most official condom promotions (France in the '80s was an interesting exception). Bluntly, then, core gay behavior is both potentially fatal to others, and often suicidal.

Surely it should be considered "mentally disturbed" to risk losing one's life for sexual liberation. This is surely among the most extreme risks practiced by any significant fraction of society. I have not found a higher risk of death accepted by any similar-sized population.

In conclusion, then, if we ask the question "Is mental illness inherent in the homosexual condition?" the answer would have to be "Further research--uncompromised by politics --should be carried out to honestly evaluate this issue."

Oh please.

You now as well as I do that they are as biased as any group comes

Oh please.

You now as well as I do that they are as biased as any group comes

Biased? In that quote the Bass posted, the author is quoting a gay advocate, how can that be biased? The APA is not without bias itself, it only took homosexuality off the list of mental disorders for political reasons to take some of the social oppression off of homosexuality and almost 40% of its members votes[correction of those who voted] against taking homosexuality off the list of mental disorders.
Are you talking about yourself in the third person?

The vote was made in 1973.

there is not much evidence that gay is a choice.

You hate gay people because your religion tells you to hate.

Dont you see the horror in that?

Your religion tells you to hate.

Homosexuals have in no true scientific study been found to be more predisposed to pedophilia.

Its in your head and no where in the facts.

Live in your religion of hate but dont exspect thinking people to join you in the lies and hate.
Biased? In that quote the Bass posted, the author is quoting a gay advocate, how can that be biased? The APA is not without bias itself, it only took homosexuality off the list of mental disorders for political reasons to take some of the social oppression off of homosexuality and almost 40% of its members votes[correction of those who voted] against taking homosexuality off the list of mental disorders.

Funny, they still have on the list of mental disorders :

people who talk in the third person on message boards.........:eusa_whistle:
Are you talking about yourself in the third person?

The vote was made in 1973.

there is not much evidence that gay is a choice.

There's no evidence that people are born gay, born wanting to have sex with people of the same sex, thats why sodomites keep saying they didn't know they were gay.

You hate gay people because your religion tells you to hate.

Mr Bass doesn't hate gay people, just hates gay sex acts because they're sinful and there is nothing wrong with hating sin, Mr Bass doesn't hate gay people.

Your religion tells you to hate.

Yes, Mr. Bass hates sin and sinful acts, whats wrong with that? As long as Mr. bass doesn't hate the person thee is nothing wrong.

Homosexuals have in no true scientific study been found to be more predisposed to pedophilia.

Its no secret that homosexual men like having sex with young boys and even advocate young people to embrace homosexuality. Plus homosexuals commit sex crimes out of proportion to their numbers in the population.

Live in your religion of hate but dont exspect thinking people to join you in the lies and hate.

This jackass hate accusation in annoying the Bass, the Bass has in no way advocated hate of gays, just advocated against the commission, promotion and support of gay sex acts. The Bible never says to hate gays or sinners just the sin itself.
The Bass?

dude are you aware of the psyhcological implications of talking about yourself in the firs person?

You can say its not hate you feel but something else but that does no good to the people you are suggesting should have their rights stripped from them because your religion tells you their completetly harmless behavior is some percieved sin.


its in your head and you have produced nothing to prove it exsists anywhere else in reality.

Dude , get some help would you , its you who are sick.
The Bass?

dude are you aware of the psyhcological implications of talking about yourself in the firs person?

its a message board thing the bass uses to annoy his opposition, shut up and get over it woman.

You can say its not hate you feel but something else but that does no good to the people you are suggesting should have their rights stripped from them because your religion tells you their completetly harmless behavior is some percieved sin.

This "rights" argument is a strawman, children should be ideally placed in a two parent mother and father home, not in a home with teo fathers or two mothers, its about giving children a normal childhood just like families are supposed to be, the gay "rights" dodo is just a smokescreen to defelct from this fact. gay behaviour isn't "harmless" its harmlful, especially to children raised in a two parent same sex home. The real issue ought to be about the children, not promoting the homosexual agenda.


its in your head and you have produced nothing to prove it exsists anywhere else in reality.

Gays commit sex crimes greater than their proportion to the population, that is a fact. A man who screws little boys in the butt is a homosexual pedophile, not just a pedophile.
Multiple personality :cuckoo:

I'm curious Charlie, do you call yourself on the phone :confused:

An Internet troll, or simply troll in Internet slang, is someone who posts controversial, inflammatory or irrelevant or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum or chat room, with the intention of provoking other users into an emotional response[1] or to generally disrupt normal on-topic discussion.[2]
Heres the problem my little self important fool.

You dont get to deside who has kids and who doesnt.

You dont get to make up facts, you can only make up fantasys.

You have NEVER provided any proof of what you claim, just words on a page from a guy who thinks hes two different people on an internet chat site.

There is no proof of these greater numbers you claim.

There is no proof of the damage to kids raised in a same sex family.

You dont get to deside who can be refused a job because of the way you interpret your religion.

You get to talk about yourself in the third party on an internet site and have other people think you are pretty lame.

That is what your line a "reasoning" gets you and no more.

I also noted you seemed to harbor a little distaste for women, gee imagine my surprize.

The people I know who insist Gay is a choice are people who think they made a choice about their sexual orientation.

I was born to be heterosexual and when the Hormones kicked in at arround 10 or 12 I had NO choice.

Maybe you are Bi or gay if you think you made a choice to be hetrosexual.

They gay people I know all said they never made any choice.
An Internet troll, or simply troll in Internet slang, is someone who posts controversial, inflammatory or irrelevant or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum or chat room, with the intention of provoking other users into an emotional response[1] or to generally disrupt normal on-topic discussion.[2]

Ok I see. You can ask questions and make statement's, but you do not answer legitimate questions? That makes me a "troll"? Ok, let's add one to the previous question .... do you send yourself email's? :eusa_eh:

:eusa_think: Charles Bass calls Charlie Tuna - Do I call you on the phone?
:eusa_think: Charlie Tuna answers Charles Bass - No, but you do send me emails. :eusa_eh:

This was not an intentional disrupt the topic - it was a reply to Echo ... since all three of your Charles Personalities could not make up your mind how to answer her. And concern for your mental health. :eusa_whistle:

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