Why is California still counting votes two weeks after the election?

Does not look like it happened much in this election, with R taking the Presidency, Senate and House. I am not in the areas you speak of, so do not follow the particulars. I assure you, both major parties do indeed suck, that being the reason neither can count on my vote on a continuing basis.

What utter bullshit, you voted D, who do you think you're kidding? :laugh2:
No one is ever asked for ID or proof of citizenship at a polling place .
Voters are listed on the precinct voter roll. Names are asked in order to receive a ballot--if your name isn't on the roll, you don't get a ballot and that is if you didn't opt to receive a mail in ballot in which case you have to be on the voter rolls as well. Undocumented immigrants are not on motor voter rolls. I lived in CA as an adult for 45 years and voted in every election. I am very aware of CA voter laws.
PA could have been counted in a timely manner if the they didn't count invalid ballots to try to change the total--but I am sure you are in support of their illegal actions.
Ignorance is bliss!

PA, due to their Republican legislature, will not allow absentee votes to be counted until election day, per their election law...which the republican majority refuses to change....democrats tried several times.

FL counts their absentee ballots before election day, as they come in.

PA will never have all their votes counted on election day since they can't even begin on the absentee ballot process and counting until election day.
Are they able to Fly or Purchase Ammo or Firearms with their Drivers Liscenses ?
LOL, nope, but that is only through legal dealers. Anyone in CA can get any weapon they want if they know where to look. Flying is controlled by REAL ID which does require birth certificate or passport verification.
Voters are listed on the precinct voter roll. Names are asked in order to receive a ballot--if your name isn't on the roll, you don't get a ballot and that is if you didn't opt to receive a mail in ballot in which case you have to be on the voter rolls as well. Undocumented immigrants are not on motor voter rolls. I lived in CA as an adult for 45 years and voted in every election. I am very aware of CA voter laws.
Did you vote in a California Election in last 8 years ? ( especially the last 6 ) it’s very different since Covid
Ignorance is bliss!
You resemble that remark, democrats openly admitted to attempting to count ballots with no signature or date until told to stop which has been done by the state supreme court, but not before many were counted. Your disingenuous (or ignorant?) gaslighting isn't going to work anymore. LMAO, enjoy the next four years, you're going to love it.
PA will never have all their votes counted on election day since they can't even begin on the absentee ballot process and counting until election day.
Many states wait until the polls open on election day to count ballots. They don't seem to have the problems with their counts that these states with voting irregularities have. Try again
What utter bullshit, you voted D, who do you think you're kidding? :laugh2:
I did this time, as I am a never trumper with no apology. I make no commitment or pretense of supporting a Party, but I do vote for who I want or against who I do not want. If they both suck equally for basically the same reason, I have voted 3rd party, like in 2016.
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You resemble that remark, democrats openly admitted to attempting to count ballots with no signature or date until told to stop which has been done by the state supreme court, but not before many were counted. Your disingenuous (or ignorant?) gaslighting isn't going to work anymore. LMAO, enjoy the next four years, you're going to love it.

Many states wait until the polls open on election day to count ballots. They don't seem to have the problems with their counts that these states with voting irregularities have. Try again
First! I have posted that counting the votes that the supreme court said they could not, was WRONG....the law should be followed, and that fight of disenfranchising citizens because a simple dating of the envelope was not done..... needs to take place in the courts with an appeal of the state Supreme court ruling....in the meantime, the Counties should follow the law and ruling.

Secondly.... What state that can't count absentee ballots until election day, has had smooth sailing and votes counted all on election night?
I did this time, as I am a never trumper with no apology. I make no commitment of pretense of supporting a Party, but I do vote for who I want or against who I do not want. If they both suck equally for basically the same reason, I have voted 3rd party, like in 2016.
And you didn't think KH didn't suck literally and figuratively? Have you pulled your head out of the sand yet?
First! I have posted that counting the votes that the supreme court said they could not,
And here you are trying to defend and justify questionable practices in these blue states that two and a half weeks after the election have only counted 50% of their votes. Not a good look.
And then as you admit in your post #73, you voted for her. Hmmm, cutting your nose off to spite your face.
Better choice than the one that sparked an attack on our capital, trying to overthrow a free and fair election, along with his many other faults and lack of character. I can put up with incompetence. Somebody that does not support the constitution, our foreign policy or allies, while admiring dictators, and found guilty of multiple felonies is simply someone to be tolerated for 4 years, and certainly nobody I would vote for being in the office.

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