Why Is Debbie Wasserman-Scultz's Pakistani Spy's Account Still Active


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Exclusive: Wasserman Schultz IT Staffer Banned From House Network Months Ago Still Has Active Account

"A former IT aide suspected of stealing equipment and data from Congress still has an active, secret email account on the House computer system, even though he has been banned from the congressional network because of a criminal investigation into the alleged cybersecurity violations,

Imran Awan’s still-active email address is linked to the name of a House staffer who specializes in intelligence and homeland security matters for Indiana Democratic Rep. André Carson. Court documents and emails obtained by TheDCNF show Awan used the address [email protected] in addition to his standard [email protected] account.

Authorities apparently did not realize Awan has a second account that is not linked to his identity. While his main email address began rejecting mail after it was shut down, the 123 address was still accepting mail Tuesday.

Mail sent via Gmail fills in the name of the account-holder of 123 as Nathan Bennett, whose LinkedIn profile says his individual legislative portfolio covers “national security and foreign affairs” and includes work on the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.

The member Bennett works for, Carson, is a member of both the House Intelligence and House Homeland Security Committees, and previously employed Awan.

Carson is ranking member of the House intelligence subcommittee on emerging threats, which oversees the Office of the Director of National Intelligence. The subcommittee oversight extends to the National Counterterrorism Center and information-sharing programs.

Carson had employed Awan since 2015, and did not fire him when his office learned Awan was the subject of an investigation in September. He also did not fire Awan immediately after he was banned from the House computer network by Capitol Police in February. Of the 13 House Democrats who employed Awan, only two — Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Rep. Marcia Fudge — waited longer than Carson to fire him after the red flags emerged, payroll records show."
'A Democratic IT aide, speaking on the condition of anonymity because of job concerns, told TheDCNF that Awan and Carson used to play video games together in Carson’s office, and that he had been teaching Carson a foreign language. Gail did not dispute either claim.'

Sounds like Carson was rather 'buddy-buddy' with DWS' Pakistani spy...

If he isn't being already, Carson needs to be investigated 'BIG TIME'...
not-rejecting email account is not the same as having network access.

Keep fishing.
not-rejecting email account is not the same as having network access.

Keep fishing.
The aid of a member of both the House Intelligence and House Homeland Security Committees Continuing to send e-mails to a Pakistani Spy who has been arrested and is wearing an ankle bracelet ... sort of like the politician himself refusing to fire a Pakistani spy who has been banned from the House and is being investigated for Espionage ... is extremely 'curious'...
The aid of a member of both the House Intelligence and House Homeland Security Committees Continuing to send e-mails to a Pakistani Spy

You do know what a distribution group is...right?
Attention to detail would merit the removal of PAKISTANI SPIES from one's distribution list.
'Accidently' keeping a Pakistani Spy on one's distribution list does not explain the Liberal politician refusing to fire the Pakistani Spy once identified, banned from the House, and being investigated for Espionage. Refusing to fire the spy is NOT an 'accident'.
The aid of a member of both the House Intelligence and House Homeland Security Committees Continuing to send e-mails to a Pakistani Spy

You do know what a distribution group is...right?
Attention to detail would merit the removal of PAKISTANI SPIES from one's distribution list.
'Accidently' keeping a Pakistani Spy on one's distribution list does not explain the Liberal politician refusing to fire the Pakistani Spy once identified, banned from the House, and being investigated for Espionage. Refusing to fire the spy is NOT an 'accident'.

Or maybe it wouldn't since it's the job of IT, not congressional aids to cut access.
Anyone want to bet that Rachel Maddow has yet to mention one thing about Wasserman Nazi Schultz?

Is it any wonder our lefty friends are uninformed?
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Why isn't someone h4x0r1zing it?

The day harris and klebold did their thing, I could sign onto their AOL account. :rolleyes:
Or maybe it wouldn't since it's the job of IT, not congressional aids to cut access.

It is the responsibility of the Liberal Politician's aide to manage his own e-mail account and address book. Again, making sure he removes Pakistani Spies from his e-mail distribution lists is the aide's responsibility...

...and again, the lib politician made the call NOT to fire the Pakistani spy until the last second, when he was all but forced to do so.
Or maybe it wouldn't since it's the job of IT, not congressional aids to cut access.

It is the responsibility of the Liberal Politician's aide to manage his own e-mail account and address book. Again, making sure he removes Pakistani Spies from his e-mail distribution lists is the aide's responsibility...

...and again, the lib politician made the call NOT to fire the Pakistani spy until the last second, when he was all but forced to do so.

You are totally clueless, stop posting.

Just because an email account doesn't reject emails doesn't mean the Paki IT guy(s?) in question have access to them.
Or maybe it wouldn't since it's the job of IT, not congressional aids to cut access.

It is the responsibility of the Liberal Politician's aide to manage his own e-mail account and address book. Again, making sure he removes Pakistani Spies from his e-mail distribution lists is the aide's responsibility...

...and again, the lib politician made the call NOT to fire the Pakistani spy until the last second, when he was all but forced to do so.

You are totally clueless, stop posting.

Just because an email account doesn't reject emails doesn't mean the Paki IT guy(s?) in question have access to them.

Then again, it doesn't mean the Paki IT guy(s) in question...doesn't have
access to them. *See-that stuff cuts both ways. That's why we need
to err on the side of caution.
DWS is an unethical and opportunistic twat.

She obstructed justice on camera. She should be in jail.

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