Why is Iran Funding So Many Terrorist Groups?


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
I ask because Iranians are NOT Arabs. Or Africans. They are Persians. They don't speak Arabic, they speak Farsi.

So, what does Iran have to gain by sending funds and supplies to; Hamas, Hezbollah, PLO, Al-Queda, Boko Haram, terror cells in India, and Kenya. There are certainly others but I'm not taking the time to root them out.

They certainly don't like the idea of an Islamic Caliphate even though it is dominantly Shi'ite.

So, what do you think? It certainly cannot just be the destruction of Israel. There is something they're after – but what?
They want be a second Persian Empire. Maybe more along the lines of the Ottoman Empire. Thoughts? I think that is way, way over simplified and perhaps completely inaccurate.
Why does the U.S. fund Syrian anti-government terrorists? The U.S. is thousands of miles away.
They want be a second Persian Empire. Maybe more along the lines of the Ottoman Empire. Thoughts? I think that is way, way over simplified and perhaps completely inaccurate.

Nope it's very accurate------Iran is looking for SHIITE dominance----Please note---
ISIS is sunni------not Shiite. Iran wants a SHIITE CALIPHATE -----This agenda
is why Hezbollah exists and is being armed to the teeth in all places
where there are Shiites ----there are some Shiites----just about everywhere.
The next conflagration according to the prophecy of rosie-----will be at the
border between Saudi Arabia and Yemen
Why does the U.S. fund Syrian anti-government terrorists? The U.S. is thousands of miles away.

because the assads are Baathist pigs. Baathism is the Nazism of islam-----
national socialist imperialist dogs. Your all time fave AL HUSSEINI was a
Baathist pig------as was Nasser and Saddam. The civil war in Yemen which dates all the way back to the 50's -----was a fight between conservative royalists and BAATHIST PIGS too. Baathism is a big issue It ssems to be sunni type
issue------but somehow the alawite assad slobs got involved.
They want be a second Persian Empire. Maybe more along the lines of the Ottoman Empire. Thoughts? I think that is way, way over simplified and perhaps completely inaccurate.

Nope it's very accurate------Iran is looking for SHIITE dominance----Please note---
ISIS is sunni------not Shiite. Iran wants a SHIITE CALIPHATE -----This agenda
is why Hezbollah exists and is being armed to the teeth in all places
where there are Shiites ----there are some Shiites----just about everywhere.
The next conflagration according to the prophecy of rosie-----will be at the
border between Saudi Arabia and Yemen
You may have addressed this elsewhere but what do you make of the Hezbollah/Hamas alliance. Seems I saw something a couple weeks back that Khamenei actually met personally with a Sunni leader. No, I am not referring to Obama.
They want be a second Persian Empire. Maybe more along the lines of the Ottoman Empire. Thoughts? I think that is way, way over simplified and perhaps completely inaccurate.

Nope it's very accurate------Iran is looking for SHIITE dominance----Please note---
ISIS is sunni------not Shiite. Iran wants a SHIITE CALIPHATE -----This agenda
is why Hezbollah exists and is being armed to the teeth in all places
where there are Shiites ----there are some Shiites----just about everywhere.
The next conflagration according to the prophecy of rosie-----will be at the
border between Saudi Arabia and Yemen
You may have addressed this elsewhere but what do you make of the Hezbollah/Hamas alliance. Seems I saw something a couple weeks back that Khamenei actually met personally with a Sunni leader. No, I am not referring to Obama.

you have not paid attention to my divinely inspired prophecies.. I have been
"REVEALING" the fact that the current conflict which is actually a power struggle
within THE UMMAH----will create strange bedfellows------within the ummah.
Isis wants ITS caliphate. Iran wants ITS Shiite caliphate and Erdogan wants
HIS OTTOMAN EMPIRE RETURNED TO HIM. At the base----sunnis and Shiites
hate each other-----real hatred. Turks hate arabs and arabs hate turks Iranians
also hate arabs-----AND south east Asians and -----generally speaking all
non-Iranians----(Iranians from one village hate Iranians from the village over the
hill) HOWEVER within the breast of every muslim-----deep in his heart is the
GLORIOUS UTOPIAN CALIPHATE----ruled by successor to muhummad----the
HOLY CALIPH-----Allah's rep on earth. Now work that out and try to imagine what YOU would do if you were in this position of CALIPHATE DESIRE------
somewhere along the way you would have to MAKE FRIENDS with people
you despise and make war WITH THEM---against the ***OTHERS***
Complicating the issue------OWNING THE BLACK ROCK---is important-----
almost as important as KILLING DA JOOOOOS
They want be a second Persian Empire. Maybe more along the lines of the Ottoman Empire. Thoughts? I think that is way, way over simplified and perhaps completely inaccurate.

Nope it's very accurate------Iran is looking for SHIITE dominance----Please note---
ISIS is sunni------not Shiite. Iran wants a SHIITE CALIPHATE -----This agenda
is why Hezbollah exists and is being armed to the teeth in all places
where there are Shiites ----there are some Shiites----just about everywhere.
The next conflagration according to the prophecy of rosie-----will be at the
border between Saudi Arabia and Yemen
You may have addressed this elsewhere but what do you make of the Hezbollah/Hamas alliance. Seems I saw something a couple weeks back that Khamenei actually met personally with a Sunni leader. No, I am not referring to Obama.

you have not paid attention to my divinely inspired prophecies.. I have been
"REVEALING" the fact that the current conflict which is actually a power struggle
within THE UMMAH----will create strange bedfellows------within the ummah.
Isis wants ITS caliphate. Iran wants ITS Shiite caliphate and Erdogan wants
HIS OTTOMAN EMPIRE RETURNED TO HIM. At the base----sunnis and Shiites
hate each other-----real hatred. Turks hate arabs and arabs hate turks Iranians
also hate arabs-----AND south east Asians and -----generally speaking all
non-Iranians----(Iranians from one village hate Iranians from the village over the
hill) HOWEVER within the breast of every muslim-----deep in his heart is the
GLORIOUS UTOPIAN CALIPHATE----ruled by successor to muhummad----the
HOLY CALIPH-----Allah's rep on earth. Now work that out and try to imagine what YOU would do if you were in this position of CALIPHATE DESIRE------
somewhere along the way you would have to MAKE FRIENDS with people
you despise and make war WITH THEM---against the ***OTHERS***
Complicating the issue------OWNING THE BLACK ROCK---is important-----
almost as important as KILLING DA JOOOOOS
If it ever got that far there can only be one leader of the Caliphate. What does your amazing powers of prophecy say for the final one standing?
They want be a second Persian Empire. Maybe more along the lines of the Ottoman Empire. Thoughts? I think that is way, way over simplified and perhaps completely inaccurate.

Nope it's very accurate------Iran is looking for SHIITE dominance----Please note---
ISIS is sunni------not Shiite. Iran wants a SHIITE CALIPHATE -----This agenda
is why Hezbollah exists and is being armed to the teeth in all places
where there are Shiites ----there are some Shiites----just about everywhere.
The next conflagration according to the prophecy of rosie-----will be at the
border between Saudi Arabia and Yemen
You may have addressed this elsewhere but what do you make of the Hezbollah/Hamas alliance. Seems I saw something a couple weeks back that Khamenei actually met personally with a Sunni leader. No, I am not referring to Obama.

you have not paid attention to my divinely inspired prophecies.. I have been
"REVEALING" the fact that the current conflict which is actually a power struggle
within THE UMMAH----will create strange bedfellows------within the ummah.
Isis wants ITS caliphate. Iran wants ITS Shiite caliphate and Erdogan wants
HIS OTTOMAN EMPIRE RETURNED TO HIM. At the base----sunnis and Shiites
hate each other-----real hatred. Turks hate arabs and arabs hate turks Iranians
also hate arabs-----AND south east Asians and -----generally speaking all
non-Iranians----(Iranians from one village hate Iranians from the village over the
hill) HOWEVER within the breast of every muslim-----deep in his heart is the
GLORIOUS UTOPIAN CALIPHATE----ruled by successor to muhummad----the
HOLY CALIPH-----Allah's rep on earth. Now work that out and try to imagine what YOU would do if you were in this position of CALIPHATE DESIRE------
somewhere along the way you would have to MAKE FRIENDS with people
you despise and make war WITH THEM---against the ***OTHERS***
Complicating the issue------OWNING THE BLACK ROCK---is important-----
almost as important as KILLING DA JOOOOOS
If it ever got that far there can only be one leader of the Caliphate. What does your amazing powers of prophecy say for the final one standing?

There has never been "ONLY ONE"-----internecine fighting has characterized the ummah since the carcass of muhummad had not yet cooled
I ask because Iranians are NOT Arabs. Or Africans. They are Persians. They don't speak Arabic, they speak Farsi.

So, what does Iran have to gain by sending funds and supplies to; Hamas, Hezbollah, PLO, Al-Queda, Boko Haram, terror cells in India, and Kenya. There are certainly others but I'm not taking the time to root them out.

They certainly don't like the idea of an Islamic Caliphate even though it is dominantly Shi'ite.

So, what do you think? It certainly cannot just be the destruction of Israel. There is something they're after – but what?

Most terrorist groups in the middle east are primarily focused on otehr Muslims. Shia vs Sunni et al. When the US picks sides and conducts combat operations in the area, it becomes the enemy of my enemy and some of thes terror groups now have a new or shared enemy. If the US didn't keep meddling in other countries' affairs they wouldn't be attacking us.
I ask because Iranians are NOT Arabs. Or Africans. They are Persians. They don't speak Arabic, they speak Farsi.

So, what does Iran have to gain by sending funds and supplies to; Hamas, Hezbollah, PLO, Al-Queda, Boko Haram, terror cells in India, and Kenya. There are certainly others but I'm not taking the time to root them out.

They certainly don't like the idea of an Islamic Caliphate even though it is dominantly Shi'ite.

So, what do you think? It certainly cannot just be the destruction of Israel. There is something they're after – but what?

Most terrorist groups in the middle east are primarily focused on otehr Muslims. Shia vs Sunni et al. When the US picks sides and conducts combat operations in the area, it becomes the enemy of my enemy and some of thes terror groups now have a new or shared enemy. If the US didn't keep meddling in other countries' affairs they wouldn't be attacking us.

nice thought---- ))) just isolate them and let them slit each others throats(((( but,,
unfortunately it does not work that way-----the world is a small and very interconnected place and their dirt seeps out ALL OVER THE PLACE

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