***WHY***is socialized medicine the ONLY answer to Health Care Reform?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?


Radical Freedom
Aug 16, 2009
Lowering the Cost of Health Care

by Ron Paul

As a medical doctor, I’ve seen first-hand how bureaucratic red tape interferes with the doctor-patient relationship and drives costs higher. The current system of third-party payers takes decision-making away from doctors, leaving patients feeling rushed and worsening the quality of care. Yet health insurance premiums and drug costs keep rising. Clearly a new approach is needed. Congress needs to craft innovative legislation that makes health care more affordable without raising taxes or increasing the deficit. It also needs to repeal bad laws that keep health care costs higher than necessary.

We should remember that HMOs did not arise because of free-market demand, but rather because of government mandates. The HMO Act of 1973 requires all but the smallest employers to offer their employees HMO coverage, and the tax code allows businesses – but not individuals – to deduct the cost of health insurance premiums. The result is the illogical coupling of employment and health insurance, which often leaves the unemployed without needed catastrophic coverage.

Lowering the Cost of Health Care

by Ron Paul

As a medical doctor, I’ve seen first-hand how bureaucratic red tape interferes with the doctor-patient relationship and drives costs higher. The current system of third-party payers takes decision-making away from doctors, leaving patients feeling rushed and worsening the quality of care. Yet health insurance premiums and drug costs keep rising. Clearly a new approach is needed. Congress needs to craft innovative legislation that makes health care more affordable without raising taxes or increasing the deficit. It also needs to repeal bad laws that keep health care costs higher than necessary.

We should remember that HMOs did not arise because of free-market demand, but rather because of government mandates. The HMO Act of 1973 requires all but the smallest employers to offer their employees HMO coverage, and the tax code allows businesses – but not individuals – to deduct the cost of health insurance premiums. The result is the illogical coupling of employment and health insurance, which often leaves the unemployed without needed catastrophic coverage.


If he thinks this is a socialized medicine bill, he obviously (like a lot of people) doesn't know what socialized medicine is.
Lowering the Cost of Health Care

by Ron Paul

As a medical doctor, I’ve seen first-hand how bureaucratic red tape interferes with the doctor-patient relationship and drives costs higher. The current system of third-party payers takes decision-making away from doctors, leaving patients feeling rushed and worsening the quality of care. Yet health insurance premiums and drug costs keep rising. Clearly a new approach is needed. Congress needs to craft innovative legislation that makes health care more affordable without raising taxes or increasing the deficit. It also needs to repeal bad laws that keep health care costs higher than necessary.

We should remember that HMOs did not arise because of free-market demand, but rather because of government mandates. The HMO Act of 1973 requires all but the smallest employers to offer their employees HMO coverage, and the tax code allows businesses – but not individuals – to deduct the cost of health insurance premiums. The result is the illogical coupling of employment and health insurance, which often leaves the unemployed without needed catastrophic coverage.


If he thinks this is a socialized medicine bill, he obviously (like a lot of people) doesn't know what socialized medicine is.

Yo beo, go ahead educate us ----what is socialized medicine?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

There are other ways to make healthcare available to and affordable for people. That's not what this administration is aiming for. This massive healthcare proposal that's out there right now is a travesty against all Americans that will in essence destroy healthcare for everyone.

Barack Obama is not at all interested in anything American as we have known it for generations. Obama is hellbent on destroying anything and everything that over our history has made America the greatest nation in the world.
Socialized medicine is the only answer for Democrats because it's the only way they can take control of 1/6 of the U.S. economy. They want control, let's be honest, this isn't about health care, it's about giving government as much control as they possibly can.

There are other ways to make healthcare available to and affordable for people. That's not what this administration is aiming for. This massive healthcare proposal that's out there right now is a travesty against all Americans that will in essence destroy healthcare for everyone.

Barack Obama is not at all interested in anything American as we have known it for generations. Obama is hellbent on destroying anything and everything that over our history has made America the greatest nation in the world.


I think Obama is trying to give the insurance providers what they asked for and hope they choke on it.

What we will end up with is health care for no one but the clearly wealthy.

What the public needs to see is a message that the HMO's and lobbiests cannot obscure.

You idiots take Rupert Murdochs word through Fox on the security, safety and health of yourselves and your families. God it is an embarrassment to know I live among the dumbest motherfuckers in the industrialized world.

When your premium is 3,000 a month with a deductable of 7,500 and a 2,000 a month surcharge for pre existing condition then maybe even the morons that have been opposing single payer will be convinced they have been voting against thier own best interests.

Why is this going to happen? It has already happened. The young and healthy have taken a chance that if they drop thier health coverage they stand as better chance of succeeding financially. This phenom has occurred in several states already. Sometimes it is a choice between keeping thier house and spending $20,000 a year on health insurance.

This year it will be $30,000 or more for less insurance.

IT is amazing is that you dumb fuckers have not woken up and gone 9/11 on Fox TV stations for lying to you. Probably won't happen because you fuckers are so ignorant you will just lay down and die before you turn off Fox.
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The Veterans' Administration is true Socialism. The government owns the hospitals and pays doctors' salaries.
Medicare is not Socialism, they simply write checks to them, as does private insurance.
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Lies and stupidity.

Is this really all the right has left?

NO ONE has proposed socilaized medicine
Lowering the Cost of Health Care

by Ron Paul

As a medical doctor, I’ve seen first-hand how bureaucratic red tape interferes with the doctor-patient relationship and drives costs higher. The current system of third-party payers takes decision-making away from doctors, leaving patients feeling rushed and worsening the quality of care. Yet health insurance premiums and drug costs keep rising. Clearly a new approach is needed. Congress needs to craft innovative legislation that makes health care more affordable without raising taxes or increasing the deficit. It also needs to repeal bad laws that keep health care costs higher than necessary.

We should remember that HMOs did not arise because of free-market demand, but rather because of government mandates. The HMO Act of 1973 requires all but the smallest employers to offer their employees HMO coverage, and the tax code allows businesses – but not individuals – to deduct the cost of health insurance premiums. The result is the illogical coupling of employment and health insurance, which often leaves the unemployed without needed catastrophic coverage.


If he thinks this is a socialized medicine bill, he obviously (like a lot of people) doesn't know what socialized medicine is.

And you do? Please, enlighten us.


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