Why is there so much fear of an audit of the election?

I demand an audit in Texas, They need to match the paper ballots with the results tabulated by their machines.

Oh wait, Texas has no paper trail to audit.

Sounds ripe for Lone Star corruption to me. No wonder Texas stays reliably red!


Those opposed to auditing the election know it was full of fraud and want to hide that fraud and the 100% pure Zionist Treason result it achieved (it took Bill Barr away from the FBI's 911 file).

The Constitution says it's up to the states to decide not the feds. So you'll need to amend the Constitution.
The Constitution says it is up to the state legislatures, not governors or SOS. The PA state legislature wrote Pence a letter asking him not to certify the PA electors on Jan6th. Pence failed to do his Constitutional duty and heed the body that has plenary power.
Pences duty was to say "envelope please.....and the winner is.."
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Raffensperger is a Dump supporting Repub.


No Raffensperger is typical of what is totally wrong with the post 1998 GOP, why it doesn't care about fiscal conservatism, truth, or America, and why it and the Dems are always 100% for covering up everything, and why the US is now $30 trillion in debt, as opposed to $6 trillion in 1998.

Raffensperger is a left wing Zionist Jew, likely a fag, who masquerades as a "Republican" because the down ballot "Republican" wins in GA. Raffensperger is 100% for preventing Bill Barr's DOJ from seeing what the FBI has on 911 and other issues.

Nice try.

Are you Jewish too?
I demand an audit in Texas, They need to match the paper ballots with the results tabulated by their machines.

Oh wait, Texas has no paper trail to audit.

Sounds ripe for Lone Star corruption to me. No wonder Texas stays reliably red!


Those opposed to auditing the election know it was full of fraud and want to hide that fraud and the 100% pure Zionist Treason result it achieved (it took Bill Barr away from the FBI's 911 file).

The Constitution says it's up to the states to decide not the feds. So you'll need to amend the Constitution.
The Constitution says it is up to the state legislatures, not governors or SOS. The PA state legislature wrote Pence a letter asking him not to certify the PA electors on Jan6th. Pence failed to do his Constitutional duty and heed the body that has plenary power.

Too many Jews in too many high places make the Constitution irrelevant.

Look at the Supreme Court, Trump's greatest fuck up, appointing three Zionist Jews.... who stabbed him in the back.
Why not audit the election, find out if those machines really can be trusted etc.??

Why would anyone oppose such an audit?

A: because they knew all along about all the forms of voter fraud being used and want to cover it up
Who told you there was any fear? The election was audited 3 times at least in GA.
What did that alleged audit consist of? You are either stupid or a liar.
Go look it up on their website. I'm done educating you clowns for free.
You are a stupid sack of shit.....a low I.Q leftard clown whose ass I kick on a TV regular basis. I have proof of voter fraud in Georgia.
Shouldnt you give that proof to the courts? Why are you hiding it when it could get Dump reinstated as the POTUS? :auiqs.jpg:
Our courts are a joke. I KNOW beyond a shadow of a doubt that the election was rigged. I don't give a shit who the CEO of USA.INC. My point has been made that we live in a banana republic. I have helped in exposing this and people are losing trust in their "gubermint".
Why not audit the election, find out if those machines really can be trusted etc.??

Why would anyone oppose such an audit?

A: because they knew all along about all the forms of voter fraud being used and want to cover it up
Who told you there was any fear? The election was audited 3 times at least in GA.
What did that alleged audit consist of? You are either stupid or a liar.
Go look it up on their website. I'm done educating you clowns for free.
You are a stupid sack of shit.....a low I.Q leftard clown whose ass I kick on a TV regular basis. I have proof of voter fraud in Georgia.
Shouldnt you give that proof to the courts? Why are you hiding it when it could get Dump reinstated as the POTUS? :auiqs.jpg:
Our courts are a joke. I KNOW beyond a shadow of a doubt that the election was rigged. I don't give a shit who the CEO of USA.INC. My point has been made that we live in a banana republic. I have helped in exposing this and people are losing trust in their "gubermint".
You know beyond a shadow of a doubt? So you must have some evidence that wasnt laughed out of court. Please provided it to the courts as well as posting your evidence here.
I demand an audit in Texas, They need to match the paper ballots with the results tabulated by their machines.

Oh wait, Texas has no paper trail to audit.

Sounds ripe for Lone Star corruption to me. No wonder Texas stays reliably red!


Those opposed to auditing the election know it was full of fraud and want to hide that fraud and the 100% pure Zionist Treason result it achieved (it took Bill Barr away from the FBI's 911 file).

The Constitution says it's up to the states to decide not the feds. So you'll need to amend the Constitution.
The Constitution says it is up to the state legislatures, not governors or SOS. The PA state legislature wrote Pence a letter asking him not to certify the PA electors on Jan6th. Pence failed to do his Constitutional duty and heed the body that has plenary power.

Two things about that. All 50 legislature tied the selection of the electors to the popular vote in the general election. The SC has ruled that by abdicating that power to the people and the elections, the election laws they pass also stand for the selection of the presidential electors. Thus all the delegated authorities like the SOS and other election officials do have the authority of law. A few state senators writing a letter to the announcer at the ECV opening ceremony did not represent a legal constitutional challenge. Furthermore the Constitution grants the VP no power to reject the certified vote from any state.
Why not audit the election, find out if those machines really can be trusted etc.??

Why would anyone oppose such an audit?

A: because they knew all along about all the forms of voter fraud being used and want to cover it up

Okay, QAnon Boy, many of the states were audited. For instance, in Colorado an Audit is automatic. And in those 5 states you keep harping about, ALL of them went through audits. We aren't afraid of Audits. You are afraid of Audits that don't agree with you and your Orange Deity.
Why not audit the election, find out if those machines really can be trusted etc.??

Why would anyone oppose such an audit?

A: because they knew all along about all the forms of voter fraud being used and want to cover it up

Because you do not want to audit every State and just want to audit those that did not vote for Trump...

So let audit all Fifty States and when proven the fraud you see is not there then let move the field goal posts again to another subject of why you still reject the fact Biden won!
Why didn't you guys ask for audits when you won?

What were YOU afraid of?

Because they won silly!

I know but I had to write it...

Funny how they want only certain States audited and not all Fifty States because they know Biden won and are just playing daft because reality sucks for them!
Why didn't you guys ask for audits when you won?

What were YOU afraid of?

Because they won silly!

I know but I had to write it...

Funny how they want only certain States audited and not all Fifty States because they know Biden won and are just playing daft because reality sucks for them!

Also they conveniently ignore that the same election they want audited--those 6 swing states--sent dozens of Republicans to the House.
Why didn't you guys ask for audits when you won?

What were YOU afraid of?

Because they won silly!

I know but I had to write it...

Funny how they want only certain States audited and not all Fifty States because they know Biden won and are just playing daft because reality sucks for them!

Also they conveniently ignore that the same election they want audited--those 6 swing states--sent dozens of Republicans to the House.

That is the hilarious part is they can not accept GOP won House seats while Trump losing the Oval Office...

They believe the average American will vote along party lines and straight ticket like they do when in reality so many people hate Trump but not the GOP itself...

So I say if they must have their audit so they can move the field goal posts again then let do it with all fifty states and watch how quickly they go from the machines cheating Trump to laws being broken and mail-in voting should be tossed...

Trump and his base will do whatever it take to justify their willingness to overthrow a legitimate government!
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The nutjobs get on something and they just don't shut the fuck up. There have already been audits. That's why the results are certified.
Dominion is suing Guiliani and Powell, but how can they win without a forensic analysis of the machines and a judge who'll allow it as evidence?
It could go to the scotus.

I think they're taking on the wrong 2 people, but we shall see.
I'll bet Dominion will get plenty of monetary backing from the DNC, multi national corporations and globalist assholes like Soros and the Lincoln project. Dirty players and dirty money hate sunlight.
Dominion is suing Guiliani and Powell, but how can they win without a forensic analysis of the machines and a judge who'll allow it as evidence?
It could go to the scotus.

I think they're taking on the wrong 2 people, but we shall see.
I'll bet Dominion will get plenty of monetary backing from the DNC, multi national corporations and globalist assholes like Soros and the Lincoln project. Dirty players and dirty money hate sunlight.

Yer just jealous since the coffers are drying up for the Partyoftherumpers with many large donors not only pulling their support but a few are even demanding refunds. Tired of winning yet?
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Dominion is about to get some fairly large checks from republicans. Sydney Powell and Giuliani.
Why not audit the election, find out if those machines really can be trusted etc.??

Why would anyone oppose such an audit?

A: because they knew all along about all the forms of voter fraud being used and want to cover it up

Is this like when you insisted that Obama was 'afraid' to release his birth certificate?

Remember, there's nothing that will convince the Stealers. The Voting Implementation Manager of the State of Georgia took their conspiracies apart, one by one, and they just folded him into their conspiracy.

Anyone who doesn't ape the conspiracy, becomes part of it.
As with Algore's fraud, there is the DATA, which outs it as a fraud, and then there are the science invalid parrots who don't understand basic math/don't care/ are a part of the fraud.

The truth of the data is that Trump buried Traitor Joe until Joe's side cheated and dumped ballots in big black Democrat cities.

35 states ended the election night with both state house and senate under GOP control.

To believe Traitor Joe won, you'd have to believe Joe was a better candidate than either Clinton or Reagan. And he wasn't. When he was on his own, had Iowa and NH to himself.... he went DOWN in the polls and lost badly.... until the Zionist controlled Dem elites pushed out all the other "moderates" to stop The Bern....

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