why isn't academic acceleration more enthusiastically encouraged?


Jun 7, 2015
Is there a political divide as well as diplomatic ideology that has restricted uncontested competitiveness?? What kind of emotional motives and likewise intellectual rewards can be affably exchanged upon pupils skipping grades???
Is there a political divide as well as diplomatic ideology that has restricted uncontested competitiveness?? What kind of emotional motives and likewise intellectual rewards can be affably exchanged upon pupils skipping grades???

Welcome to USMB Xeinenth.

Might want to flesh this out a bit to explain and/or give an example of what your objective is in this question.
Yes. Welcome.

And yes. A political divide.

Liberals are more concerned with equality than excellence.

Thus the focus in on getting those who are struggling to catch up with those that are not.
Sadly, identity politics on the left and cuts coming from the right have destroyed our educational system.
Welcome. So skipping grades is good for academically advanced kids who are emotionally and/or physically ready to be in class with older kids. If they aren't, it can be rather isolating and awkward so you have to consider all factors. And yes the overarching philosophy is bring the low end up to the middle i.e "No child left behind". So the top kids are left to either changing into charter/private schools or skipping grades.
Welcome. So skipping grades is good for academically advanced kids who are emotionally and/or physically ready to be in class with older kids. If they aren't, it can be rather isolating and awkward so you have to consider all factors. And yes the overarching philosophy is bring the low end up to the middle i.e "No child left behind". So the top kids are left to either changing into charter/private schools or skipping grades.

Many thanks for the welcoming acknowledgments... this was the type of thoughtful feedback to which I was excitedly anticipating. What ensues when socioeconomic determinants are added? As an example does grade skipping benefit rich/poor, big/small, married/divorced familial denominations moreso than others?? How can we comparatively ascertain any and all advantageous/disadvantageous, becoming/unbecoming after affects of this??
There are constant stories of young boys and girls achieving great academic skills and degrees at startling ages.

That being the case, can you cite some examples?

I remember being skipped a grade and I never got over it. I was not academically minded and went to school because I had no choice. I learned more at the museums and libraries than I learned in classes.

It was not until 9th grade that I managed to slack off so much that they made me take the grade over. Back with my peers. Most importantly I was able to take Vocational Agriculture, just the classes I pined for. I got straight A's in every single one of them as opposed to Cs and C-s in the others.

If our education system needs anything, it's less stress of college prep and more on vocational skills. I would especially like to see more stress on computer related skills.

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