Why Mueller’s testimony (under oath) of “foxy” Hope Hicks is an important issue….


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2015
First, in case you’re wondering how Trump locates all the best people to head his administration, Hope Hicks was a former Ralph Lauren model with zero experience in either government or politics. She had signed on with Ivanka Trump to do publicity for her clothing line when—five months after she showed up at Trump Tower—Donald Trump picked the then 26-year-old to be his press secretary.

Mueller's investigation includes multiple components. In addition to looking into whether members of the Trump campaign colluded with Moscow to tilt the 2016 election in Trump's favor, the special counsel is also investigating Trump on suspicion of obstruction of justice related to his decision to fire James Comey as FBI director.

The biggest challenge a prosecutor faces in an obstruction-of-justice case is proving corrupt intent, which is almost always difficult to establish. But Trump's public statements bashing Comey and the investigation, as well as a draft letter he put together with his adviser Stephen Miller in early May laying out his reasons for firing Comey, could work against him.

· The special counsel Robert Mueller is getting ready to interview Hope Hicks, the White House communications director and one of President Donald Trump's closest aides.

· Hicks was present during several moments leading up to Trump's decision to fire James Comey as FBI director.

· Mueller also asked the Department of Justice for documents related to Comey's firing and Attorney General Jeff Sessions' recusal from the Russia investigation.

· Comey's firing makes up the basis of an obstruction-of-justice case Mueller is building against Trump, and experts say Mueller's document requests and readiness to interview one of Trump's key advisers indicate that the case is nearing its conclusion.

Mueller may be entering the final stages of a significant part of the Russia investigation
Hick's testimony will be a "test" of how far loyalty to the orange clown goes.....versus saving your own "pretty" ass from prosecution for lying under oath....
Noticed that right wingers don't precipitate to this thread because the upcoming storm from Mueller's investigation does not bode well for our current crooked Trump entourage.

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