Why Nunes shouldn't be fired/resign


Gold Member
Dec 17, 2015
Here is one thing to consider, which I have heard a member of the house intel committee bring up. If Nunes gets the boot as chairman, then who is going to replace him?

They could put an even bigger hack in his place, and I suspect they would. Is it worth rolling the dice?
Is it worth rolling the dice?

Yes, the ranking member mentioned that about two or three days ago. I think accurately answering that is likely as hard as it is for Republicans to repeal O-care.

You know that "harder than it is for Reps to repeal O-care" (and variations on it) is going to become a national metaphor, right? LOL
Why should he resign at all? Schiff has been out doing the media circuit on a continual basis spewing out lies from the fake dossier.
Yes, the ranking member mentioned that about two or three days ago. I think accurately answering that is likely as hard as it is for Republicans to repeal O-care.

I didn't even hear it from Adam Schiff.
Why should he resign at all? Schiff has been out doing the media circuit on a continual basis spewing out lies from the fake dossier.

Adam Schiff is not in charge of the commitee, and the Steele dossier has been partially verified by the US intelligence community.

Christopher Steele has a lot more credibility than Donald Trump
Nunes will make Comey and Rogers this generations Julius and Ethel Rosenberg and for the same crimes
Why should he resign at all? Schiff has been out doing the media circuit on a continual basis spewing out lies from the fake dossier.

Adam Schiff is not in charge of the commitee, and the Steele dossier has been partially verified by the US intelligence community.

Christopher Steele has a lot more credibility than Donald Trump

Bullshit. Steele paid informants who then in turn paid other informants to dig up dirt. So everything is third hand.

Zippo credibility. And what was verified? The use of pronouns?

That dossier is a bad joke. By the way before you want to make an ass of yourself over the dossier you might consider the fact that the idiot who put this together had the wrong Cohen in Prague when he claimed Trump's lawyer was meeting with Russian operatives.


How pathetic can you get.

Jake Tapper @jaketapper

Government source confirms different Michael Cohen was in Prague snpy.tv/2jvhQZX
6:22 AM - 11 Jan 2017

1,362 Retweets 1,448 Likes

Bullshit. Steele paid informants who then in turn paid other informants to dig up dirt. So everything is third hand.

Give me your sources that explain how you know so much about his sources

Zippo credibility. And what was verified? The use of pronouns?

Ask the multiple intelligence agencies that verified it.

Christopher Steele is well respected in the intelligence community and runs a successful private investigative agency. Donald Trump is a prolific conman that excels in duping morons like you.

That dossier is a bad joke. By the way before you want to make an ass of yourself over the dossier you might consider the fact that the idiot who put this together had the wrong Cohen in Prague when he claimed Trump's lawyer was meeting with Russian operatives.

How is a different Cohen the wrong Cohen? Did he specify which Cohen he was talking about?

I think you should calm down and get your facts straight.
Here is one thing to consider, which I have heard a member of the house intel committee bring up. If Nunes gets the boot as chairman, then who is going to replace him?

They could put an even bigger hack in his place, and I suspect they would. Is it worth rolling the dice?

That's quite a wishful 'leap' of thinking... OP. Other than Schiff, Cummings, and the like... how do you even take your assertion seriously at this point in time? A rather far-fetched, hypothetical wet dream at this juncture...
Here is one thing to consider, which I have heard a member of the house intel committee bring up. If Nunes gets the boot as chairman, then who is going to replace him?

They could put an even bigger hack in his place, and I suspect they would. Is it worth rolling the dice?

I suppose with someone that can keep their mouth SHUT. And isn't trying to use this Russian investigation for a personal political grandstand.
That's quite a wishful 'leap' of thinking... OP. Other than Schiff, Cummings, and the like... how do you even take your assertion seriously at this point in time?

There's more than that on and off the committee. John Mccain went to twitter after Nunes cancelled the public hearing scheduled for Tuesday.

Just about everyone on the other side of the aisle wants him gone, and none of his colleagues trust him. Given he was actually a Trump associate during the campaign and has pulled two political stunts so far, the only reasonable thing for him to do would be resign.

I can't take you seriously for not realizing that.
I suppose with someone that can keep their mouth SHUT. And isn't trying to use this Russian investigation for a personal political grandstand.

Republicans pick the chairman. Republicans don't want an actual investigation. Connect the dots.
That's quite a wishful 'leap' of thinking... OP. Other than Schiff, Cummings, and the like... how do you even take your assertion seriously at this point in time?

There's more than that on and off the committee. John Mccain went to twitter after Nunes cancelled the public hearing scheduled for Tuesday.

Just about everyone on the other side of the aisle wants him gone, and none of his colleagues trust him. Given he was actually a Trump associate during the campaign and has pulled two political stunts so far, the only reasonable thing for him to do would be resign.

I can't take you seriously for not realizing that.

Agreed 100%--His counterpart had this to say.

Because he hasn't done anything wrong. Why would resigning even be an option absent that?

Great example of obfuscation... that wishful thinking, wet dreams a leaping....
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Because he hasn't done anything wrong.

Only to the delusional. He got bipartisan backlash for going to the White House, and had to crawl out before the press to apologize. He still hasn't shared the information, and wont reveal that his source was Donald Trump himself.
Undeniably the wrong move for him to make! Doesn't change anything though, just backlash punditry and regrettable optics.
Because he hasn't done anything wrong.

Only to the delusional. He got bipartisan backlash for going to the White House, and had to crawl out before the press to apologize. He still hasn't shared the information, and wont reveal that his source was Donald Trump himself.

If he wont share his source, how do you know it was Donald trump?
If he wont share his source, how do you know it was Donald trump?

Common sense. He was called out day 1 for coordinating with the White House, and you would have to be pretty dense to not presume the obvious.

What other reason would he have to still be keeping the documents secret from the committee? That would require him to divulge his sources, and his sources would be verified by other members.

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