Why Nunes shouldn't be fired/resign

Bullshit. Steele paid informants who then in turn paid other informants to dig up dirt. So everything is third hand.

Give me your sources that explain how you know so much about his sources

Zippo credibility. And what was verified? The use of pronouns?

Ask the multiple intelligence agencies that verified it.

Christopher Steele is well respected in the intelligence community and runs a successful private investigative agency. Donald Trump is a prolific conman that excels in duping morons like you.

That dossier is a bad joke. By the way before you want to make an ass of yourself over the dossier you might consider the fact that the idiot who put this together had the wrong Cohen in Prague when he claimed Trump's lawyer was meeting with Russian operatives.

How is a different Cohen the wrong Cohen? Did he specify which Cohen he was talking about?

I think you should calm down and get your facts straight.

You have to be kidding me.

The Cohen Steeles dossier is talking about is exchanging $$$$$$$$$$$ for info.
Whoopsies wrong Cohen. Dude is a musician.
Why should he resign at all? Schiff has been out doing the media circuit on a continual basis spewing out lies from the fake dossier.
Because you don't go running to the person under investigation with the evidence you discovered about him.

Sweet Lord. He discovered information that had nothing to do with the Russian investigation, Russia, no foreign intelligence just transition intelliegence and now if you connect the dots probably intelligence that included his own communications that were spied on and unmasked.

Dont you get it. I do not for one minute beleive you are a complete fucking dolt. Nunes is on a big track here.

Look I hunt.This is big.
Bullshit. Steele paid informants who then in turn paid other informants to dig up dirt. So everything is third hand.

Give me your sources that explain how you know so much about his sources

Zippo credibility. And what was verified? The use of pronouns?

Ask the multiple intelligence agencies that verified it.

Christopher Steele is well respected in the intelligence community and runs a successful private investigative agency. Donald Trump is a prolific conman that excels in duping morons like you.

That dossier is a bad joke. By the way before you want to make an ass of yourself over the dossier you might consider the fact that the idiot who put this together had the wrong Cohen in Prague when he claimed Trump's lawyer was meeting with Russian operatives.

How is a different Cohen the wrong Cohen? Did he specify which Cohen he was talking about?

I think you should calm down and get your facts straight.

Give me a break. Steele's dossier was completely specific as to Trump's lawyer meeting up with Russian operatives numerous times.

Problem? Michael Cohen's passport verifies he was not in Europe. An Atlantic journalist even backs Cohen's claim that he was at his sons baseball game in California at the same time Steele had him in Europe.

The dossier is a bad fucking joke. So is the agent. Don't even begin to hand me that shit that Steele is well respected. What intel agency would pay informants to pay other informants to dig up dirt? Or to play this type of game at such a high level?

Don't embarrass yourself further.
Devin Nunes is small fry when it comes to people who lack credibility. Because the US president cannot be believed with his daily claims and tweets, everyone in his party has a disadvantage since the bar of honesty has been set so low by their party's man in the Oval Office. No-one believes a word they say.
Why should he resign at all? Schiff has been out doing the media circuit on a continual basis spewing out lies from the fake dossier.
Because you don't go running to the person under investigation with the evidence you discovered about him.

What part of "not about Russians, not about the Russian investigation, not about any foreign intelligence" evidence don't you get?

Face it. The sons of bitches embedded in intel were straight out spying on the transition team, unmasking and leaking.

No one should be cool with that.
Devin Nunes is small fry when it comes to people who lack credibility. Because the US president cannot be believed with his daily claims and tweets, everyone in his party has a disadvantage since the bar of honesty has been set so low by their party's man in the Oval Office. No-one believes a word they say.

Oh people buy in to the fact the President and his transition team were spied on BIG TIME.

You can't leak info on Flynn who did nothing wrong by the way and not have been spied on and being unmasked and then leaked.
What part of "not about Russians, not about the Russian investigation, not about any foreign intelligence" evidence don't you get?

Face it. The sons of bitches embedded in intel were straight out spying on the transition team, unmasking and leaking.

No one should be cool with that.
No one should be cool with someone providing comfort and aid to the enemy as it looks like the Trump transition team has been doing.

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