Why Our Flag is Sacred; Our boys have Bathed it in Their Blood, Like COP Keating 2009


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
This is why I hate people that disrespect our flag as they also spit oin the sacrifice so many have made for our Republic with their blood and lives.

One small example of this is the battle of COP Keating in Afghanistan 2009.

A military investigation of a Taliban attack last fall on a remote U.S. army outpost that left eight American soldiers dead and 22 wounded has resulted in administrative punishments for two commanders blamed for "inadequate measures taken by the chain of command."
During the day-long battle at Combat Outpost Keating last Oct. 3, the base was temporarily overrun by an estimated 300 Taliban fighters. They were eventually repelled from the small base through the actions of what the investigation's report said were the camp soldiers who "fought heroically" and counterattacks by Apache helicopters and attack jets.
"The investigation concluded that critical intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance assets which had been supporting COP Keating had been diverted to assist ongoing intense combat operations in other areas," the report said.
It also said the commanders had become "desensitized" to reports of imminent large scale attacks because previous warnings had turned out to be on a much smaller scale.
"Needed force protection improvements were not made because of the imminent closure of the outpost. These factors resulted in an attractive target for enemy fighters," the report concluded.
Defense officials confirm that two senior officers who oversaw the forces at COP Keating have received administrative punishments that could impact their careers. A press release issued by the NATO military command in Afghanistan said Gen. Stanley McChrystal, the senior U.S. and NATO commander in Afghanistan, had taken "appropriate action" against the officers after reviewing the report.

Film about the battle of combat outpost Keating, Afghanistan, ‘The Outpost: A film about American heroism in Afghanistan’, premiers on Monday, 7 October, in Washington (USA).
Battle of COP Keating (Afghanistan) was one of the bloodiest and longest Afghan war battles fought by US troops together with two Latvian soldiers.
The film celebrates the heroism of troops participating in the international operation in Afghanistan. It highlights the dedication, patriotism, professionality and commitment to international security of multi-national troops fighting in Afghanistan.
“This film carries a message not only for people in Latvia and the US. It is a geopolitical and strategic signal to the whole international community that soldiers of the strongest military alliance in the world are ready to defend freedom, justice and other international values at all times. This film is a compelling story of modern-day heroes, including two Latvian soldiers, Mārtiņš and Jānis, that everyone will appreciate. I believe that everyone who watches the film will be compelled to think about the global values and challenges of professional military service,” stressed the Defence Minister Artis Pabriks.
This is why I hate people that disrespect our flag as they also spit oin the sacrifice so many have made for our Republic with their blood and lives.

One small example of this is the battle of COP Keating in Afghanistan 2009.

A military investigation of a Taliban attack last fall on a remote U.S. army outpost that left eight American soldiers dead and 22 wounded has resulted in administrative punishments for two commanders blamed for "inadequate measures taken by the chain of command."
During the day-long battle at Combat Outpost Keating last Oct. 3, the base was temporarily overrun by an estimated 300 Taliban fighters. They were eventually repelled from the small base through the actions of what the investigation's report said were the camp soldiers who "fought heroically" and counterattacks by Apache helicopters and attack jets.
"The investigation concluded that critical intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance assets which had been supporting COP Keating had been diverted to assist ongoing intense combat operations in other areas," the report said.
It also said the commanders had become "desensitized" to reports of imminent large scale attacks because previous warnings had turned out to be on a much smaller scale.
"Needed force protection improvements were not made because of the imminent closure of the outpost. These factors resulted in an attractive target for enemy fighters," the report concluded.
Defense officials confirm that two senior officers who oversaw the forces at COP Keating have received administrative punishments that could impact their careers. A press release issued by the NATO military command in Afghanistan said Gen. Stanley McChrystal, the senior U.S. and NATO commander in Afghanistan, had taken "appropriate action" against the officers after reviewing the report.

Film about the battle of combat outpost Keating, Afghanistan, ‘The Outpost: A film about American heroism in Afghanistan’, premiers on Monday, 7 October, in Washington (USA).
Battle of COP Keating (Afghanistan) was one of the bloodiest and longest Afghan war battles fought by US troops together with two Latvian soldiers.
The film celebrates the heroism of troops participating in the international operation in Afghanistan. It highlights the dedication, patriotism, professionality and commitment to international security of multi-national troops fighting in Afghanistan.
“This film carries a message not only for people in Latvia and the US. It is a geopolitical and strategic signal to the whole international community that soldiers of the strongest military alliance in the world are ready to defend freedom, justice and other international values at all times. This film is a compelling story of modern-day heroes, including two Latvian soldiers, Mārtiņš and Jānis, that everyone will appreciate. I believe that everyone who watches the film will be compelled to think about the global values and challenges of professional military service,” stressed the Defence Minister Artis Pabriks.

I almost felt patriotic yesterday in all the institutionally indoctrinated hype and corporate state mania over the illusion of what america is on July 4th. But then I recalled how the system used me as a sharecropper for half a century, how “the law” sees we the people as the enemy and ignores its own laws, how the system runs upon oppression of the working and underclasses tweaked into insanity along white supremacist ideology, how the power structure has leveraged a pandemic into a eugenic cleansing operation, and how we have a neo-Nazi in the administration writing July 4th propaganda spewings for a white nationalist president. So in lieu of fireworks we gathered to burn a flag.

Fuck you; america is not our dream. We are the people. We see what you do and you’ve lost all semblance of legitimacy.
This is why I hate people that disrespect our flag as they also spit oin the sacrifice so many have made for our Republic with their blood and lives.
So all the changes to it have disrespected it as well?


Dude. It's a piece of cloth which I don't see you out defending, only bloviating on a keyboard. What piece of cloth have you saved from burning?
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