Why Polls Don't Matter; Boils Down To 6/7 States. Do You Live In One Of Them ?

Oct 10, 2011

First of all, does anyone really care how Obama polls in California, New York and Maryland?
And why doesn't the MSM ever give us the real numbers? They never give us the "Anyone But Obama" Tally. Which is actually around 49/50%. {also known as the Generic Republican}
Any intelligent well informed American knows the election is likely to be decided in a handful of swing states. From easiest swing states to flip from 2008, to the hardest are 1)Indiana, 2)Virginia, 3)North Carolina, 4)Ohio, 5)Florida 6)Colorado, 7)Pennsylvania.
Gingrich or Romney only need to take five or 6 of them(depending on electoral count)
But you also have to keep New Hampshire, Iowa, Nevada and Michigan on the back burner.
What to really look for to forsee the outcome is how many Republicans/Independents show up in the primarys. If around 65% of all registered voters hit the precincts to vote GOP, Obama has something major to worry about.
and don't give us that BS that Obama will win Florida because of Rick Scott, our Governor is doing everything he can to bring jobs here,,but Yobama is still a thorn in the states ass with his regulations and health-care.
and don't give us that BS that Obama will win Florida because of Rick Scott, our Governor is doing everything he can to bring jobs here,,but Yobama is still a thorn in the states ass with his regulations and health-care.

Obama will carry Florida.
And yes, Rick Scott, Scott Walker, Kasich, and John Boehner are really helping we Dems a lot.

Thanks guys for being so bad!

First of all, does anyone really care how Obama polls in California, New York and Maryland?
And why doesn't the MSM ever give us the real numbers? They never give us the "Anyone But Obama" Tally. Which is actually around 49/50%. {also known as the Generic Republican}
Any intelligent well informed American knows the election is likely to be decided in a handful of swing states. From easiest swing states to flip from 2008, to the hardest are 1)Indiana, 2)Virginia, 3)North Carolina, 4)Ohio, 5)Florida 6)Colorado, 7)Pennsylvania.
Gingrich or Romney only need to take five or 6 of them(depending on electoral count)
But you also have to keep New Hampshire, Iowa, Nevada and Michigan on the back burner.
What to really look for to forsee the outcome is how many Republicans/Independents show up in the primarys. If around 65% of all registered voters hit the precincts to vote GOP, Obama has something major to worry about.

I don't live in the 1st seven states--but you really have to feel sorry for those that live in Iowa--New Hampshire & South Carolina. Right now they are getting BOMBARDED with millions of dollars from the Romney pac fund in negative campaign ads against Newt Gingrich--along with robo calls--direct mail, etc. According to polling data they are getting sick and tired of them already-- 3 negative campaign ads every hour.

But as we saw--Obama/Hillary campaign was a long drawn out affair. It may be that the middle portion of this country along with the western states will actually have a say-so in this primary. At least we can only hope so.
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First of all, does anyone really care how Obama polls in California, New York and Maryland?
And why doesn't the MSM ever give us the real numbers? They never give us the "Anyone But Obama" Tally. Which is actually around 49/50%. {also known as the Generic Republican}
Any intelligent well informed American knows the election is likely to be decided in a handful of swing states. From easiest swing states to flip from 2008, to the hardest are 1)Indiana, 2)Virginia, 3)North Carolina, 4)Ohio, 5)Florida 6)Colorado, 7)Pennsylvania.
Gingrich or Romney only need to take five or 6 of them(depending on electoral count)
But you also have to keep New Hampshire, Iowa, Nevada and Michigan on the back burner.
What to really look for to forsee the outcome is how many Republicans/Independents show up in the primarys. If around 65% of all registered voters hit the precincts to vote GOP, Obama has something major to worry about.

Just like mid-term in 2010--I expect much more than 65% for republican voters showing up--they will be crawling to the polling stations to vote. They won't miss this one in 2012.
Being I live in Florida, we have suffered SO MUCH since Bozo took office! and we are all angry! so many businesses here have shut down and so few have opened,,,,,not Bush's Fault this time !!!
Don't forget that unless something extremely weird happens, Obama will be running against Mitt Romney,

who garners enthusiastic support from almost no one.
Being I live in Florida, we have suffered SO MUCH since Bozo took office! and we are all angry! so many businesses here have shut down and so few have opened,,,,,not Bush's Fault this time !!!

You're blaming Obama for what? Your housing bubble bursting 4 years ago?

And no opinions please from those who live 1000 miles away already claiming Obama will win Florida,,,why not ask those who live in the state? ask us how much richer we are since O'Bozo took office, ask us how many people are looking for work! Try one million !!!
And no opinions please from those who live 1000 miles away already claiming Obama will win Florida,,,why not ask those who live in the state? ask us how much richer we are since O'Bozo took office, ask us how many people are looking for work! Try one million !!!

Want to bet?
Then how come Rubio and Scott won in 2010? Most districts in Florida have flipped red, and things aren't any better now than 2010. And even if Obama took Florida, there are other States he could easily lose to Romney or Gingrich that will make up the 29 or so electoral votes.
Lets just wait and see how many people vote next month. If its anywhere near 55% of registered voters,,,we will be partying!!!
Then how come Rubio and Scott won in 2010? Most districts in Florida have flipped red, and things aren't any better now than 2010. And even if Obama took Florida, there are other States he could easily lose to Romney or Gingrich that will make up the 29 or so electoral votes.

Obama is not going to lose.

Want to bet?
And no opinions please from those who live 1000 miles away already claiming Obama will win Florida,,,why not ask those who live in the state? ask us how much richer we are since O'Bozo took office, ask us how many people are looking for work! Try one million !!!

They did, a week or so ago. Obama is beating Romney by 7 points.
And no opinions please from those who live 1000 miles away already claiming Obama will win Florida,,,why not ask those who live in the state? ask us how much richer we are since O'Bozo took office, ask us how many people are looking for work! Try one million !!!

They did, a week or so ago. Obama is beating Romney by 7 points.
it depends on who they poll, landline polls are never accurate. I wish someone would take a poll of the 15 Million unemployed americans, then we will get a better idea.

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