Why Russia and China Do Not Want War


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Feb 4, 2024
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Hi. I found an interesting article, I will post it below and provide a link at the bottom. It's a very interesting read, lets see if we can get a discussion going.


By Ralph T. Kenney

In 1961, a Soviet KGB secret intelligence General named Anatoliy Golitsyn defected to the USA and brought startling news which has been downplayed and hidden by the establishment ever since. He predicted the “collapse of Communism” about 30 years before it happened. Golitsyn, who had been privy to Soviet long-term planning, claimed the coming “collapse of communism” was really phase 2 of the Cold War. He revealed that the international communists realized in 1957 that they could never defeat us by war. Therefore they planned to conquer us by more subtle means. The new strategy to be used against us was called “convergence.”

Convergence is a multifaceted strategy to remake the meaning and composition of our way of life into another form, by peaceful steps. It is war without guns, financed by our money and implemented by “our” leaders. One facet of convergence is immigration. There is no longer much need for spies, when their people can simply take up residency here. The West now has millions of foreigners in our governments, corporations, universities and even religious institutions. By simply replacing our population, or at least the majority of voters, we become a totally transformed culture. The attendant multiculturalism changes the meaning and focus of society into an alien pattern. The breakdown in morality which has happened since 1957 leaves people directionless, with no solid understanding of right and wrong to defend against the overall assault. All this is convergence.

The new communist plan is essentially the Oriental strategy laid out by the ancient Chinese philosopher, Sun Tzu. In his book, The Art of War, Sun Tzu stressed that wars should primarily be fought by deception, rather than physical combat. He stressed that, by removing our perception of them as an enemy, they can walk right into our camp and take us over from within. That is another facet of convergence which has been successfully used against us.

Russia has a solid, mutual defense pact with China, so a war with Russia means war with China too. In the past 30 years, most of our industries have been moved to communist China, thanks to billionaire communists in our midst. The time to fight China would have been before we made them into a major power. As it stands, if we fight a war with China, we’ll have to beg for a truce every couple of weeks, so they can resupply us.

Why would the “former Communist” nations risk money and blood to overcome us, when their long-term plan is working so well? But the fact that the “former communists” do not want war does not mean we won’t have it. The late historian Eustace Mullins wrote that, back in the 1800’s, the World Order planned three world wars. The first was to create the atheist state (USSR and Red China). The second would make the atheist state into a world power (WW2). The third war would destroy both atheism and Christianity at the same time, so that pure Lucifer-worship would reign unopposed, globally. “Our” leaders are working hard to start that war, today, in Ukraine. President Biden and Canadian Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland have both called for regime change in Russia.

The war is also being started on another, subtler level, through crippling economic sanctions against Russia. The purpose of sanctions is to provoke war. It is important to bear in mind here that the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbour was in retaliation for similar sanctions against Japan. The sanctions on Russia work both ways, too. They weaken and impoverish Western populations dependent on Russian food, petroleum, etc. All this is part of the globalist plan to depopulate the earth.

The World Order often uses the same tricks over and over, so here another parallel with WW2 comes to mind. “Our” leaders always want to appear as the guys in the white cowboy hats, so they provoke other nations to attack and then pretend to “defend” against that. As outlined in the 1976 best-seller, A Man Called Intrepid, before WW2, the British secret service organized “secret armies” in several nations of Europe. Today, these would be called terrorist organizations. After WW1, a big chunk of Germany was given to Poland. The secret army there began killing the German minority population. People in Germany wanted to protect them. Hitler feared that invading Poland would give the UK an excuse to start a war but after 10,000 Germans had been murdered, he invaded anyway and Britain immediately declared war. How much the allies really cared about Poland became clear after the war, when Poland was handed over to the enslaving USSR. The same strategy is being used against Putin today, in the Ukraine, where the Ukrainian government has been persecuting and killing the minority Russian population of Donbass. It is naïve to believe that “our” leaders really care about the poverty-ridden people of Ukraine. Once again, they are using a little country to start a big war. At the same time, the same leaders are provoking a fight with China over Taiwan.

So the Russians and Chinese do not want war but it looks like we might get it anyway. That communism and capitalism are “opposites” is establishment propaganda. The capitalists own the communists and they always did. The Bolshevik Revolution in Russia was financed by $25,000,000 in gold from New York banker Jacob Schiff. Communist and environmental activism in the West would never have gained a foothold without constant grants from capitalist foundations. It is enlightening to notice the billionaire leaders of Red China, who easily manage to be capitalists and communists at the same time. Capitalism and communism are merely two features of Third World culture, where a few rich people control all the money and the remainder are held in destitution by rigid rules—a way of life which the World Order has in mind for us.

Anatoliy Golitsyn wrote two books to warn us of the new communist strategy. They are New Lies For Old and The Perestroika Deception. Now that we can see the strategy coming true, they are more interesting than ever.

Link to original article: Why Russia and China Do Not Want War
They got it with Ukraine and are losing 5 million dollar t-90 tanks with 500 dollar drones daily.

They did all of those sums on their super computers more than seven years ago .
They know they can sink Merica without further recourse to violence .

Step one is right now as the enlarged BRICS community moves to drown the US Dollar step by step .
See Kazan conference
They did all of those sums on their super computers more than seven years ago .
They know they can sink Merica without further recourse to violence .

Step one is right now as the enlarged BRICS community moves to drown the US Dollar step by step .
See Kazan conference
Hi. I found an interesting article, I will post it below and provide a link at the bottom. It's a very interesting read, lets see if we can get a discussion going.


By Ralph T. Kenney

In 1961, a Soviet KGB secret intelligence General named Anatoliy Golitsyn defected to the USA and brought startling news which has been downplayed and hidden by the establishment ever since. He predicted the “collapse of Communism” about 30 years before it happened. Golitsyn, who had been privy to Soviet long-term planning, claimed the coming “collapse of communism” was really phase 2 of the Cold War. He revealed that the international communists realized in 1957 that they could never defeat us by war. Therefore they planned to conquer us by more subtle means. The new strategy to be used against us was called “convergence.”

Convergence is a multifaceted strategy to remake the meaning and composition of our way of life into another form, by peaceful steps. It is war without guns, financed by our money and implemented by “our” leaders. One facet of convergence is immigration. There is no longer much need for spies, when their people can simply take up residency here. The West now has millions of foreigners in our governments, corporations, universities and even religious institutions. By simply replacing our population, or at least the majority of voters, we become a totally transformed culture. The attendant multiculturalism changes the meaning and focus of society into an alien pattern. The breakdown in morality which has happened since 1957 leaves people directionless, with no solid understanding of right and wrong to defend against the overall assault. All this is convergence.

The new communist plan is essentially the Oriental strategy laid out by the ancient Chinese philosopher, Sun Tzu. In his book, The Art of War, Sun Tzu stressed that wars should primarily be fought by deception, rather than physical combat. He stressed that, by removing our perception of them as an enemy, they can walk right into our camp and take us over from within. That is another facet of convergence which has been successfully used against us.

Russia has a solid, mutual defense pact with China, so a war with Russia means war with China too. In the past 30 years, most of our industries have been moved to communist China, thanks to billionaire communists in our midst. The time to fight China would have been before we made them into a major power. As it stands, if we fight a war with China, we’ll have to beg for a truce every couple of weeks, so they can resupply us.

Why would the “former Communist” nations risk money and blood to overcome us, when their long-term plan is working so well? But the fact that the “former communists” do not want war does not mean we won’t have it. The late historian Eustace Mullins wrote that, back in the 1800’s, the World Order planned three world wars. The first was to create the atheist state (USSR and Red China). The second would make the atheist state into a world power (WW2). The third war would destroy both atheism and Christianity at the same time, so that pure Lucifer-worship would reign unopposed, globally. “Our” leaders are working hard to start that war, today, in Ukraine. President Biden and Canadian Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland have both called for regime change in Russia.

The war is also being started on another, subtler level, through crippling economic sanctions against Russia. The purpose of sanctions is to provoke war. It is important to bear in mind here that the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbour was in retaliation for similar sanctions against Japan. The sanctions on Russia work both ways, too. They weaken and impoverish Western populations dependent on Russian food, petroleum, etc. All this is part of the globalist plan to depopulate the earth.

The World Order often uses the same tricks over and over, so here another parallel with WW2 comes to mind. “Our” leaders always want to appear as the guys in the white cowboy hats, so they provoke other nations to attack and then pretend to “defend” against that. As outlined in the 1976 best-seller, A Man Called Intrepid, before WW2, the British secret service organized “secret armies” in several nations of Europe. Today, these would be called terrorist organizations. After WW1, a big chunk of Germany was given to Poland. The secret army there began killing the German minority population. People in Germany wanted to protect them. Hitler feared that invading Poland would give the UK an excuse to start a war but after 10,000 Germans had been murdered, he invaded anyway and Britain immediately declared war. How much the allies really cared about Poland became clear after the war, when Poland was handed over to the enslaving USSR. The same strategy is being used against Putin today, in the Ukraine, where the Ukrainian government has been persecuting and killing the minority Russian population of Donbass. It is naïve to believe that “our” leaders really care about the poverty-ridden people of Ukraine. Once again, they are using a little country to start a big war. At the same time, the same leaders are provoking a fight with China over Taiwan.

So the Russians and Chinese do not want war but it looks like we might get it anyway. That communism and capitalism are “opposites” is establishment propaganda. The capitalists own the communists and they always did. The Bolshevik Revolution in Russia was financed by $25,000,000 in gold from New York banker Jacob Schiff. Communist and environmental activism in the West would never have gained a foothold without constant grants from capitalist foundations. It is enlightening to notice the billionaire leaders of Red China, who easily manage to be capitalists and communists at the same time. Capitalism and communism are merely two features of Third World culture, where a few rich people control all the money and the remainder are held in destitution by rigid rules—a way of life which the World Order has in mind for us.

Anatoliy Golitsyn wrote two books to warn us of the new communist strategy. They are New Lies For Old and The Perestroika Deception. Now that we can see the strategy coming true, they are more interesting than ever.

Link to original article: Why Russia and China Do Not Want War
They did all of those sums on their super computers more than seven years ago .
They know they can sink Merica without further recourse to violence .

Step one is right now as the enlarged BRICS community moves to drown the US Dollar step by step .
See Kazan conference

The interesting thing here is that you get Sheeple like Unkotare , and Augustine , who flatly deny even the simplest of checkable assertions but, of course, have zero other ideas how to explain those same world happenings with alternative scenario explanations .
They cannot see that World War 3 started a long time ago and has absolutely little to do with the Ukraine and Israel type conflicts which are just deflections from the real Sheeple Control methods .

And -- simple prediction -- with the failure of the Covid Project, you will see Deep State now use Weather Manipulation and the bogus Climate Change narratives as their key ways of obtaining further control .
Further but more minor bogus pandemics will just be likely accompanying events as they are always great for creating hysteria, panic and fear .
Hi. I found an interesting article, I will post it below and provide a link at the bottom. It's a very interesting read, lets see if we can get a discussion going.


By Ralph T. Kenney

In 1961, a Soviet KGB secret intelligence General named Anatoliy Golitsyn defected to the USA and brought startling news which has been downplayed and hidden by the establishment ever since. He predicted the “collapse of Communism” about 30 years before it happened. Golitsyn, who had been privy to Soviet long-term planning, claimed the coming “collapse of communism” was really phase 2 of the Cold War. He revealed that the international communists realized in 1957 that they could never defeat us by war. Therefore they planned to conquer us by more subtle means. The new strategy to be used against us was called “convergence.”

Convergence is a multifaceted strategy to remake the meaning and composition of our way of life into another form, by peaceful steps. It is war without guns, financed by our money and implemented by “our” leaders. One facet of convergence is immigration. There is no longer much need for spies, when their people can simply take up residency here. The West now has millions of foreigners in our governments, corporations, universities and even religious institutions. By simply replacing our population, or at least the majority of voters, we become a totally transformed culture. The attendant multiculturalism changes the meaning and focus of society into an alien pattern. The breakdown in morality which has happened since 1957 leaves people directionless, with no solid understanding of right and wrong to defend against the overall assault. All this is convergence.

The new communist plan is essentially the Oriental strategy laid out by the ancient Chinese philosopher, Sun Tzu. In his book, The Art of War, Sun Tzu stressed that wars should primarily be fought by deception, rather than physical combat. He stressed that, by removing our perception of them as an enemy, they can walk right into our camp and take us over from within. That is another facet of convergence which has been successfully used against us.

Russia has a solid, mutual defense pact with China, so a war with Russia means war with China too. In the past 30 years, most of our industries have been moved to communist China, thanks to billionaire communists in our midst. The time to fight China would have been before we made them into a major power. As it stands, if we fight a war with China, we’ll have to beg for a truce every couple of weeks, so they can resupply us.

Why would the “former Communist” nations risk money and blood to overcome us, when their long-term plan is working so well? But the fact that the “former communists” do not want war does not mean we won’t have it. The late historian Eustace Mullins wrote that, back in the 1800’s, the World Order planned three world wars. The first was to create the atheist state (USSR and Red China). The second would make the atheist state into a world power (WW2). The third war would destroy both atheism and Christianity at the same time, so that pure Lucifer-worship would reign unopposed, globally. “Our” leaders are working hard to start that war, today, in Ukraine. President Biden and Canadian Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland have both called for regime change in Russia.

The war is also being started on another, subtler level, through crippling economic sanctions against Russia. The purpose of sanctions is to provoke war. It is important to bear in mind here that the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbour was in retaliation for similar sanctions against Japan. The sanctions on Russia work both ways, too. They weaken and impoverish Western populations dependent on Russian food, petroleum, etc. All this is part of the globalist plan to depopulate the earth.

The World Order often uses the same tricks over and over, so here another parallel with WW2 comes to mind. “Our” leaders always want to appear as the guys in the white cowboy hats, so they provoke other nations to attack and then pretend to “defend” against that. As outlined in the 1976 best-seller, A Man Called Intrepid, before WW2, the British secret service organized “secret armies” in several nations of Europe. Today, these would be called terrorist organizations. After WW1, a big chunk of Germany was given to Poland. The secret army there began killing the German minority population. People in Germany wanted to protect them. Hitler feared that invading Poland would give the UK an excuse to start a war but after 10,000 Germans had been murdered, he invaded anyway and Britain immediately declared war. How much the allies really cared about Poland became clear after the war, when Poland was handed over to the enslaving USSR. The same strategy is being used against Putin today, in the Ukraine, where the Ukrainian government has been persecuting and killing the minority Russian population of Donbass. It is naïve to believe that “our” leaders really care about the poverty-ridden people of Ukraine. Once again, they are using a little country to start a big war. At the same time, the same leaders are provoking a fight with China over Taiwan.

So the Russians and Chinese do not want war but it looks like we might get it anyway. That communism and capitalism are “opposites” is establishment propaganda. The capitalists own the communists and they always did. The Bolshevik Revolution in Russia was financed by $25,000,000 in gold from New York banker Jacob Schiff. Communist and environmental activism in the West would never have gained a foothold without constant grants from capitalist foundations. It is enlightening to notice the billionaire leaders of Red China, who easily manage to be capitalists and communists at the same time. Capitalism and communism are merely two features of Third World culture, where a few rich people control all the money and the remainder are held in destitution by rigid rules—a way of life which the World Order has in mind for us.

Anatoliy Golitsyn wrote two books to warn us of the new communist strategy. They are New Lies For Old and The Perestroika Deception. Now that we can see the strategy coming true, they are more interesting than ever.

Link to original article: Why Russia and China Do Not Want War
Why would they want to mess with military when they're goading us into tearing ourselves apart without it?
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Nobody wants war except the V.N. era draft dodgers who fled to Canada and were pardoned by the Peanut man and are now in power.
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