Why Should the US be in NATO?

The original intent of NATO was to place Western Europe under the protective nuclear umbrella of the US. From that perspective, the US was stating that it would destroy the USSR if it attacked a member country. With the development of the USSR's nuclear capability in the 1960s, this idea morphed into a Mutual Assured Destruction (MAD) deterrent to Soviet attack.

Now that the USSR has broken up, is this line of thinking still relevant? Western Europe now has twice the population and ten times the GDP of Russia, and at least two of its countries possess their own nuclear deterrents. Why should the US still be responsible for Europe's defense when the reverse is certainly not realistic? It seems that NATO is little more than an excuse to drag the US into foreign conflicts.

If Western Europe really feels threatened by a Russian invasion, its has more than enough resources to defend itself. Why doesn't it?

A Soviet-sponsored coup in Czechoslovakia 1947/48 resulted in a further communist government coming to power on the borders of Germany. Whilst Polish partisans were still fighting the Soviets in Poland. Organized combat continued on Polish territory until the 1950s. The last Polish organized military units revealed themselves and ceased their activity in 1954.

Hence Great Britain, France, Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg signed the Brussels Treaty in March, 1948. Their treaty provided collective defense; if any one of these nations was attacked, the others were bound to help defend it. The USA wasn't even in.

The Truman Administration called upon the historically isolationist Republican Congress to consider a military alliance with Europe. In May of 1948, Republican Senator Arthur H. Vandenburg proposed a resolution suggesting that the President seek a security treaty with Western Europe that would adhere to the United Nations charter but exist outside of the Security Council where the Soviet Union held veto power. The Vandenburg Resolution passed, and negotiations began for the North Atlantic Treaty, thus NATO being formed under US Command&Control in April 1949.

Ever heard of the 1946 McMahon Act ??? and thus Britain's HER 1947 project??
In order for the USA to gain command of it's European defense partners - The USA offered to extend it's nuclear umbrella onto Europe.
The USA had NEVER threatened nor ever declared to use nukes to attack the Sovietunion. It was solely and only a deterrend against a future possible Soviet nuke capability - FYI, the first Soviet nuke test took only place in AUGUST 1949. Even during the Korean war and years after the Soviets had not managed to build up a credible nuke force.

Upon the USA inviting Germany to become a NATO member in 1955 - the Soviet Union retaliated with its own regional alliance, which took the form of the Warsaw Treaty Organization and included the Soviet satellite states of Eastern Europe as members.

After 1965 and for decades the USA made ALL NATO members to be committed towards the non-nuclear proliferation treaty, NPT. Aside from Britain which had already obtained these in 1952 - and got screwed by the Polaris act. France couldn't be bothered in 1960, and had decided to leave NATO in 1966. Thus only the USA has a credible nuke deterrent - against Russia.

And since 1949 the USA has used NATO to do it's bidding and to support it's global military hegemony - especially and foremost AFTER 1990, right up to getting NATO forces in 2024 to particate in South-China Sea missions. !!! Europe has a far greater EXISTING conventional capability then Putin-Russia - even with it's present less then 2% - you dolt.

ALL European countries would need to scrap the NPT treaty with the USA first, in order to aquire own nuke weapons. Aka to build up it's own nuke umbrella which realistically would take at least 5-8 years. And no single US administration has so far ever allowed for this - no single US administration ever intended to let Europe have it's own nuke deterrent.

Till then the USA is LEGALLY OBLIGED via the NATO treaty of April 1949, to guarantee it's nuke umbrella for Europe aka NATO.

YOU MAGA sheep don't know anything and only sprout shit.
When did that happen? I told you I don't deal in fairy tales. I also told you on numerous occasions in this thread---IDGAF, NOT MY COUNTRIES, NOT MY WAR. Did it sink in this time or do I need to repeat it again. IDGAF, NOT MY COUNTRIES, NOT MY WAR.
Ok. Thats fair. 👍
SMFH, Do you have any idea what the acronym NATO stands for? North Atlantic Treaty Organization. That is an alliance that stands together if any member nation is attacked. The US is a member nation. It was attacked. The alliance doesn't exist exclusively to deter Russian aggression although that is one reason for their existence. Member nations have agreed to support any member nation that is attacked regardless of what country is responsible for the attack. Are you more clear now or do I need Rembrandt to paint you a picture.
No i am not clear arshole when was NATO attacked?
In 2015 the USA taxpayers supplied 73% of all NATO funding in 2024 the number shrank to 63% of all NATO funding.
By the way in 2024 the USA taxpayers supplied and additional $95 billion to NATO compared to 2015 a 18% increase, your Washington career politicians at work.

NATO countries Europe and Canada have a population estimated at 781 million in 2024. USA population 2024 estimated at 345 million.
So, 44% of the population "protected by NATO" supplied 63% of the funding, and you think Trump is wrong for demanding more money from other NATO members? Once again, the USA taxpayer getting fucked over by their career politicians.

Trump and DOGE can't clean this ass fucking mess up fast enough.
We should be in NATO

But the Euros must raise their game
That is how anyone with a brain sees it, there is plenty of evidence, and i am still waiting for someone to tell me when a NATO Country was ever attacked.?
Oh, so you agree with Donald H? That Nato is used as a tool to legitimize US wars of aggression?
I’ll ask also, what NATO countries have ever been attacked?
Woodie, if you didn't want to know, you should not have asked. Not fake news, just opinion, which I support now, just as I did, while in uniform during and after the Cold War.
My fake news response was directed at your sources, not your opinion.

P.S. What was your MOS? Mine was 11 Bravo.
My fake news response was directed at your sources, not your opinion.

P.S. What was your MOS? Mine was 11 Bravo.
12B00 Armor, as an Officer, though actually held a couple of more at times, but always reverting to Armor brass when not in those other roles. Started out 11D10 Enlisted as PFC from day 1, back in the day, then sequence changed to 19D10, 20, 30, 40 prior to OCS.

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