Why Spicer Was Right About the Total Audience for Trumps Inauguration Being the Highest Ever


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Trump Inauguration Ratings Second Biggest in 36 Years

The swearing-in of the 45th president was seen by 30.6 million viewers across 12 networks.

The only inauguration over the last three decades that tops Trump’s number in the linear ratings? Barack Obama’s first inauguration back in 2009, which had a record-setting 37.8 million viewers.

Before that, you’d have to go all the way back to Ronald Reagan in 1981, who was seen by 41.8 million viewers (Nielsen tracks inauguration ratings back to 1969).​

The key part being:

And actually, Trump might have been seen by more viewers than either Obama or Reagan. Nielsen ratings do not account for online viewing, which has grown sharply in recent years and is far more commonplace than even four years ago. CNN, for example, clocked 16.9 million streams on its website, tying with Election Day for the site’s top event.
But how many other networks put out their live stream numbers other than CNN? If CNN got 17 million, then the aggregate numbers from ABC, NBC, FOX, CBS, BBC, etc is probably twice CNNs audience at least, putting Trump at around 80 million for the highest viewership ever.

The Dinosaurs in the WH Press Corpse are spreading lies about the count by omitting the online viewer count which was historically high as there were much lower online viewers in 2009 and no major rush to reach it by the networks.

It would be interesting to see the numbers for all online network streaming on the inaugural from all the major networks.
Honestly, I was embarrassed for spicer. Who fucking cares how big the crowd was?!!?
trump reaches 10 times the number of folks over the network news
using his twitter and facebook
One of the advantages in opposing ideologues like these BLM vermin and their friends is that their hide bound ideological world view does not update as quickly as organic opinion that is formed from an evaluation of real time events.

These idiots are discrediting their own cause, but they still think that any press is good press. But it isnt, not any more as there is an over flow of press these days and getting ones name in the media is not so difficult any more and thus the nature of the coverage is far more important.

The Protesters tactics only work if the media is 100% on their side.
Honestly, I was embarrassed for spicer. Who fucking cares how big the crowd was?!!?
Well, apparently quite a few people care given all the attention it has drawn, which is less about the actual count than it is another example of the media minimizing and diminishing Trumps movement.
I know I was out and watched it on the first stream which popped up and it was from NBC. Another person near me was also watching on their phone as well.
Honestly, I was embarrassed for spicer. Who fucking cares how big the crowd was?!!?
Well, apparently quite a few people care given all the attention it has drawn, which is less about the actual count than it is another example of the media minimizing and diminishing Trumps movement.

That's true, but still, there are more important things to focus on than the media photoshopping pictures of how many people were at the inauguration. I want to see this administration get its priorities straight.
I know I was out and watched it on the first stream which popped up and it was from NBC. Another person near me was also watching on their phone as well.
Oh yes, and all the big screen TVs that are around these days in bars, airports and the like. A bar with 6 big screen TVs allowing 40 people watch the inauguration would count in the Nielsons as 1 person. Trumps live TV audience was probably actually much larger than the Nielson rating would suggest.

The press is just sadly hugely wrong about this and they have no clue about it at all.
And then there was the lie...

... the MLK Jr. bust was removed...

... the media is destroying it's own credibility.
And then there was the lie...

... the MLK Jr. bust was removed...

... the media is destroying it's own credibility.

They see something that they think is bad looking for Trump and run with it without verification.

This election is when the major leftwing media finally jumped the shark.
They jumped it long before now. We just finally have someone bringing attention to it by calling them on it. I was never so pissed as when they started lying about Bush and neither he nor the GOP called them on it. To this day many GOP voters don't know that what they heard was misinformation and or lies. It gave the press free reign with Obama. And it got even worse with Trump. The lying and misinformation is always directed at GOP politicians and their candidates and their policies. I am thrilled to see them finally facing the music.
And then there was the lie...

... the MLK Jr. bust was removed...

... the media is destroying it's own credibility.

They see something that they think is bad looking for Trump and run with it without verification.

This election is when the major leftwing media finally jumped the shark.
Honestly, I was embarrassed for spicer. Who fucking cares how big the crowd was?!!?

The Trump administration needs to call em out on every lie they try and pass as news,I for one am tired of being lied to.

Yeah but he already called out the lie when he was speaking in front of the CIA. It should have been over after that. He's not campaigning anymore, he is president and there are a lot of far more important issues that deserve his focus.

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