Zone1 Why the Democrats are the party of Death and Destruction...


Diamond Member
May 6, 2015

Everyday when an event happens where people are murdered by a Democrat Constituent, instead of going after the criminals and putting them in jail or executing them, the Democrats stand in front of their podiums attacking the tool, not the person wielding the tool, acting like they actually care. Also they murder the most innocent of people, born and unborn babies by the 100s of millions, all in the name of CHOICE. Then if anyone pushes back against their agenda, they release their thugs upon minority businesses so this intimidates others not to leave the plantation. Here are a few examples of the death and destruction party.

If the Left is the party of death and destruction........

The Right is the party of "Sit on your thumbs and do nuffin about any of it" party.
Progressive America is a direct result of decades of apathy and neglect by the once powerful conservative right who did nothing.

Both guilty. Both to blame.
Peace, Unity and freedom were never free. Shocking, I know.

Easy now...I side with Conservatives, I vote with Conservatives BUT they are the most nutless, spinless, big mouth pieces of shit that ever were. Come on man...they didn’t have the balls to keep heterosexual white Christians cool in a nation founded, built, run and funded by heterosexual white Christians. The Left has owned their sackless asses for decades....Sad but true.
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If the Left is the party of death and destruction........

The Right is the party of "Sit on your thumbs and do nuffin about any of it" party.

Both guilty.
Establishment Republicans i can agree with, because they are too scared beause of the FEAR used by the left in lying about the Republicans. The Republicans who are trying to correct the direction of the country from going down the toilet, they are called extreme Fascists, but the only thing they are doing to fighting against the Communists/Anarchists of America.
Establishment Republicans i can agree with, because they are too scared beause of the FEAR used by the left in lying about the Republicans. The Republicans who are trying to correct the direction of the country from going down the toilet, they are called extreme Fascists, but the only thing they are doing to fighting against the Communists/Anarchists of America.

I think the VAST majority of Americans see the Progressive march towards Marxism in America.
Yet most are still patronizing hard Leftist corporations like Google, facebook, delta Air lines, Disney, Starbucks etc.
The present generation was born into luxury and expects nothing less. Most never had to fight for survival or food.

That has made them weak and pathetic and unwilling to lift a finger against tyranny. So tyranny will prevail. simple.
It won't be long now until venues like this that allow a voice will be silenced.
They'll pass some kind of "Implied Violence Online Act" or something and threaten jail terms if you so much as speak unfavorably about The Left and their agenda. It's coming.
Keep in mind it is the voters who voted a senile old man into the presidency, and a man felled by a stroke into the senate. Perhaps we need to ask who is watching the voters.

the election was stolen. There is ample evidence

Only those who don't give a rip about TRUTH refuse to look at it

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