Why The Media Want Clinton To Shut Up


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
Nobody in the media is eager to hear Clinton’s perspective on that catastrophic election cycle — especially not the part about them and their performance. They would rather not reflect on why her “damned emails” were so ridiculously overemphasized. Or why Trump enjoyed constant and groveling promotion as a television spectacle. Or why journalists produced so many misleading “investigations” of the Clinton Foundation, yet so very few examinations of Trump’s longstanding connections to organized crime. Or why vital policy differences between the two candidates received a tiny fraction of media attention...

Why The Media Want Hillary Clinton To Shut Up
They've got a strange way of showing it.

I seem to see something about her every day in the media.

Kinda like when they were bashing Trump before the election.

Dems claimed they were giving him too much coverage.
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She received 2.9 million more votes, had it not been for the mythical email 'scandal' it might have been 6-7 million more.
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Peachy, I think you are wrong. The only people who were exercised about the email "scandal" were Republicans who hated her to start with. What was in Podesta's emails cost her a lot more votes - Bernie votes - due to their contemptuous attitude and so on.

And of course, Hillary's mythical "popular vote victory" originated in the Peoples' Republic of California, where you don't have to be a citizen - in effect - to vote.
Peachy, I think you are wrong. The only people who were exercised about the email "scandal" were Republicans who hated her to start with. What was in Podesta's emails cost her a lot more votes - Bernie votes - due to their contemptuous attitude and so on.

And of course, Hillary's mythical "popular vote victory" originated in the Peoples' Republic of California, where you don't have to be a citizen - in effect - to vote.
She isn't wrong, she's delusional.
Peachy, I think you are wrong. The only people who were exercised about the email "scandal" were Republicans who hated her to start with. What was in Podesta's emails cost her a lot more votes - Bernie votes - due to their contemptuous attitude and so on.

And of course, Hillary's mythical "popular vote victory" originated in the Peoples' Republic of California, where you don't have to be a citizen - in effect - to vote.

So you're buying into Trump's myth that illegal aliens elected Hillary? You buy into Obama bugging his phones and thousands of Muslims dancing on rooftops in Jersey City on 9/11, too? Dupe much?
By "promotion" do you mean rape accusations?
What ever happened to them BTW? :lol:
apparently trump kept a 13 year old in a dungeon and threatened to kill her parents if she didnt jack him off..
Who WOULDNT want the world to know that about them? :lol:
Nobody in the media is eager to hear Clinton’s perspective on that catastrophic election cycle — especially not the part about them and their performance. They would rather not reflect on why her “damned emails” were so ridiculously overemphasized. Or why Trump enjoyed constant and groveling promotion as a television spectacle. Or why journalists produced so many misleading “investigations” of the Clinton Foundation, yet so very few examinations of Trump’s longstanding connections to organized crime. Or why vital policy differences between the two candidates received a tiny fraction of media attention...

Why The Media Want Hillary Clinton To Shut Up

Oh please, Hillary is a bore and still is. While Trump was packing professional sports stadiums, Hil-Liar couldn't pack a high school gymnasium. What did you expect the media to cover?

Trump only got positive coverage during the primaries. After he won, it was non-stop negativism right to voting day and beyond.

There is nothing over emphasized about Clinton's emails. She was subpoenaed by the US Congress to turn them over and instead, had her server bleach bitted.
Peachy, I think you are wrong. The only people who were exercised about the email "scandal" were Republicans who hated her to start with. What was in Podesta's emails cost her a lot more votes - Bernie votes - due to their contemptuous attitude and so on.

And of course, Hillary's mythical "popular vote victory" originated in the Peoples' Republic of California, where you don't have to be a citizen - in effect - to vote.

Could be, she did win the popular vote by a good margin in any case.
apparently trump kept a 13 year old in a dungeon and threatened to kill her parents if she didnt jack him off..
Who WOULDNT want the world to know that about them? :lol:

That was caca from the gitgo.
Nobody in the media is eager to hear Clinton’s perspective on that catastrophic election cycle — especially not the part about them and their performance. They would rather not reflect on why her “damned emails” were so ridiculously overemphasized. Or why Trump enjoyed constant and groveling promotion as a television spectacle. Or why journalists produced so many misleading “investigations” of the Clinton Foundation, yet so very few examinations of Trump’s longstanding connections to organized crime. Or why vital policy differences between the two candidates received a tiny fraction of media attention...

Why The Media Want Hillary Clinton To Shut Up
...and she's a loopy kunt
She received 2.9 million more votes, had it not been for the mythical email 'scandal' it might have been 6-7 million more.
The Electoral college works perfectly it keeps the crazies like yourself at bay...
Peachy, I think you are wrong. The only people who were exercised about the email "scandal" were Republicans who hated her to start with. What was in Podesta's emails cost her a lot more votes - Bernie votes - due to their contemptuous attitude and so on.

And of course, Hillary's mythical "popular vote victory" originated in the Peoples' Republic of California, where you don't have to be a citizen - in effect - to vote.

Could be, she did win the popular vote by a good margin in any case.
Crazy cali doesn't count
I can tell that some of you on this board determine an oral from a rectal thermometer by the taste.
Nobody in the media is eager to hear Clinton’s perspective on that catastrophic election cycle — especially not the part about them and their performance. They would rather not reflect on why her “damned emails” were so ridiculously overemphasized. Or why Trump enjoyed constant and groveling promotion as a television spectacle. Or why journalists produced so many misleading “investigations” of the Clinton Foundation, yet so very few examinations of Trump’s longstanding connections to organized crime. Or why vital policy differences between the two candidates received a tiny fraction of media attention...

Why The Media Want Hillary Clinton To Shut Up
It is because everything that she has done, that it contradicts what her husband had said.


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