Why the South lost the War of Soutern Rebellion

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Nullius in verba
Feb 15, 2011
Fairfax, NoVA
Just a few reasons outlined here. Chancellorsville being a Pyrrhic victory.

General Lee's Army - C-SPAN Video Library
Joseph Glatthaar spoke about the Battle of Gettysburg, which took place July 1-3, 1863, and is considered the bloodiest battle ever on U.S. soil. He talked about how Confederate General Robert E. Lee kept the Army of Northern Virginia fulfilling its strategic objectives despite increasing casualties and sacrifices.
Just a few reasons outlined here. Chancellorsville being a Pyrrhic victory.

General Lee's Army - C-SPAN Video Library
Joseph Glatthaar spoke about the Battle of Gettysburg, which took place July 1-3, 1863, and is considered the bloodiest battle ever on U.S. soil. He talked about how Confederate General Robert E. Lee kept the Army of Northern Virginia fulfilling its strategic objectives despite increasing casualties and sacrifices.

When Grant took command he understood the South had limited resources including its manpower so Grant engaged in battles of attrition and became known as "Butcher Grant."
Soon the butcher part lost its impact and America elected Grant president. He was a lousy president, but the presidency is how we often award winning generals.
Just a few reasons outlined here. Chancellorsville being a Pyrrhic victory.

General Lee's Army - C-SPAN Video Library
Joseph Glatthaar spoke about the Battle of Gettysburg, which took place July 1-3, 1863, and is considered the bloodiest battle ever on U.S. soil. He talked about how Confederate General Robert E. Lee kept the Army of Northern Virginia fulfilling its strategic objectives despite increasing casualties and sacrifices.

When Grant took command he understood the South had limited resources including its manpower so Grant engaged in battles of attrition and became known as "Butcher Grant."
Soon the butcher part lost its impact and America elected Grant president. He was a lousy president, but the presidency is how we often award winning generals.

"Lousy President?"

According to Wikipeadia,

Notable accomplishments as President include:
policies for the protection of African Americans in the Reconstruction states
as well as Native Americans in the West,
the Treaty of Washington in 1871, and
the Specie Payment Resumption Act in 1875.
The Department of Justice was created during the Grant administration in an effort to centralize under the Attorney General the hiring of lawyers to represent federal agencies.

President Grant sponsored two federally funded scientific discovery projects; the Polaris Expedition, America's first large-scale attempt to reach the North Pole, and the Hayden Geological Survey into the Yellowstone, that led to the establishment of Yellowstone National Park.[155][156]

Grant's 1862 General Orders No. 11 had haunted him, and as President he opposed a constitutional amendment that would have named Jesus as "ruler among the nations," out of respect for the Jewish people.[157] President Grant appointed a Jew, Edward S. Salomon, Governor of the Territory of Washington in 1870.[157] In 1875, Grant supported the Blaine Amendment, having stated the church and state should remain "forever separate."
The Civil War could have gone either way. Nevertheless, the North was more populated and had many more factories. Consequently a long war was bad for the South.

My regret is that the North did not make better use of the Henry Rifle and the Gatling Gun.

The Henry Rifle was available at the beginning of the Civil War. It was a repeating rifle that held sixteen rounds. At the time most rifles were muzzle loading. During the time it took to load one bullet into a muzzle loading rifle one could load all sixteen bullets into a Henry Rifle.

Henry rifle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Henry Rifle did not have an attachment for a bayonet, but that could have been added.

If the Union forces had been armed with Henry Rifles the Battle of Bull Run would have been a massacre of the Confederate forces. The Confederate capital at Richmond would have been occupied by Union forces. That may have been the end of the Confederacy right there.

The Gatling Gun was not available until 1862, but it would have made a crucial difference in subsequent battles.

Gatling gun - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If the Union had made thorough and intelligent use of the Henry Rifle and the Gatling Gun it could have ended the Civil War much earlier. With many fewer casualties it could have annihilated the Confederate Army.
Just a few reasons outlined here. Chancellorsville being a Pyrrhic victory.

General Lee's Army - C-SPAN Video Library

When Grant took command he understood the South had limited resources including its manpower so Grant engaged in battles of attrition and became known as "Butcher Grant."
Soon the butcher part lost its impact and America elected Grant president. He was a lousy president, but the presidency is how we often award winning generals.

"Lousy President?"

According to Wikipeadia,

Notable accomplishments as President include:
policies for the protection of African Americans in the Reconstruction states
as well as Native Americans in the West,
the Treaty of Washington in 1871, and
the Specie Payment Resumption Act in 1875.
The Department of Justice was created during the Grant administration in an effort to centralize under the Attorney General the hiring of lawyers to represent federal agencies.

President Grant sponsored two federally funded scientific discovery projects; the Polaris Expedition, America's first large-scale attempt to reach the North Pole, and the Hayden Geological Survey into the Yellowstone, that led to the establishment of Yellowstone National Park.[155][156]

Grant's 1862 General Orders No. 11 had haunted him, and as President he opposed a constitutional amendment that would have named Jesus as "ruler among the nations," out of respect for the Jewish people.[157] President Grant appointed a Jew, Edward S. Salomon, Governor of the Territory of Washington in 1870.[157] In 1875, Grant supported the Blaine Amendment, having stated the church and state should remain "forever separate."

Be that as it may Grant is usually rated pretty low by historians, but fortunately Bush came along and the ratings have raised some of the old losers, maybe Grant? In 1982 Grant was rated by liberals as 34th worst president and by conservatives as 35th worst.
The GOP under Grant robbed the country blind as they did when Harding was president. The excuse given for Grant, is that he was used to the honesty of the army and trusted people, the other excuse is that he drank a lot. The list of scandals for Grant, all proven, is too long to list.
When Grant took command he understood the South had limited resources including its manpower so Grant engaged in battles of attrition and became known as "Butcher Grant."
Soon the butcher part lost its impact and America elected Grant president. He was a lousy president, but the presidency is how we often award winning generals.

"Lousy President?"

According to Wikipeadia,

Notable accomplishments as President include:
policies for the protection of African Americans in the Reconstruction states
as well as Native Americans in the West,
the Treaty of Washington in 1871, and
the Specie Payment Resumption Act in 1875.
The Department of Justice was created during the Grant administration in an effort to centralize under the Attorney General the hiring of lawyers to represent federal agencies.

President Grant sponsored two federally funded scientific discovery projects; the Polaris Expedition, America's first large-scale attempt to reach the North Pole, and the Hayden Geological Survey into the Yellowstone, that led to the establishment of Yellowstone National Park.[155][156]

Grant's 1862 General Orders No. 11 had haunted him, and as President he opposed a constitutional amendment that would have named Jesus as "ruler among the nations," out of respect for the Jewish people.[157] President Grant appointed a Jew, Edward S. Salomon, Governor of the Territory of Washington in 1870.[157] In 1875, Grant supported the Blaine Amendment, having stated the church and state should remain "forever separate."

Be that as it may Grant is usually rated pretty low by historians, but fortunately Bush came along and the ratings have raised some of the old losers, maybe Grant? In 1982 Grant was rated by liberals as 34th worst president and by conservatives as 35th worst.
The GOP under Grant robbed the country blind as they did when Harding was president. The excuse given for Grant, is that he was used to the honesty of the army and trusted people, the other excuse is that he drank a lot. The list of scandals for Grant, all proven, is too long to list.

Given the fact that the country had just suffered 5 years of Civil War, and an assassination of the sitting President, I'm not so sure anyone could have been a Great President.

Odd that your reference(s) to historians doesn't include anything they may have done differently.
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The losers of the War of Southern Aggression lost several chances to force at least a truce on the USA.

However, the sealing of the defeat was Great Britain's and France's refusal to recognize the South as a nation and demand the right to trade with it, which would have brought in their navies.
The losers of the War of Southern Aggression lost several chances to force at least a truce on the USA.

However, the sealing of the defeat was Great Britain's and France's refusal to recognize the South as a nation and demand the right to trade with it, which would have brought in their navies.

And there you have the reason for the Emancipation Proclamation.
before the end of the civil war the north had the largest newest fleet in the world.
The losers of the War of Southern Aggression lost several chances to force at least a truce on the USA.

However, the sealing of the defeat was Great Britain's and France's refusal to recognize the South as a nation and demand the right to trade with it, which would have brought in their navies.

I remember that. The Confederates also had the Brits build some ships for them which were a perpetual thorn in the Federals side. I think The Federals (President) convinced them that it was not a good idea to continue building them.
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