Regardless of whether you like or hate him, if you simply him as a person and look at the state of the country in terms of numbers you can see who was the better president.
Not only is the country in the worst shape it's been in a long time long time, our society is also on the worst shape it's been in a very long time.
Nothing improved last year at all really. Now while we can't directly blame America and Americans socities problems on biden directly, we most certainly can lay the vast majority of the problems directly at the feet of his administration and his party.
Trumps final year was a bit of a cluster fuck, but it was that way in almost every country because it was something big no one had any idea how to handle. Most countries over corrected way too much at first. So really his last year wasn't his fault, he just happened to be standing there when the shit storm hit. And despite all that we still did a lot better than a lot of other countries did.