Why Trump is better than Biden on paper

They are similar to the rest of the world
Should Biden accept that or should he try to pursue policies that help the US battle inflation? How about driving down energy prices now? The gains in GDP and unemployment are being more than offset by high energy prices and inflation.
The people who support the potato don't have 401ks or retirement savings.

They are the people who want the govt. to GIVE that stuff to them!!!!!
Should Biden accept that or should he try to pursue policies that help the US battle inflation? How about driving down energy prices now? The gains in GDP and unemployment are being more than offset by high energy prices and inflation.
How do you drive down energy prices NOW?
Regardless of Ordinary Guy and his deflection, I do enjoy my 401 rising under trump.
I really do.
I also enjoy the rise under CURRENT POTUS Joe Biden.
Is 16.56% just a stock market number, or does it represent what you are calling Rate of Return?
it can barely be called a lift much less a rise with inflation rising up like a volcano getting ready to explode
Trump would lose money selling ice water in the middle of the Sahara Desert. Mr. Bankruptcy was bailed out by his old man so many times it's not even funny.

Atlantic City Casinos- Bust
Trump Steaks- Bust
Trump Wine-Bust
Trump Airlines- Bust.

Trump is so stoooooopid that he opened two casinos in Atlantic City within site of each other & they both went belly up.

Trump didn't lose money because he was POTUS. He loses money because he's an idiot.
So you fault a man that takes advantage of laws set up by Congress no less. How many times have we bailed out the whole state of NY and IL, OH lets not forget GM- a big loser for the American people. Trumps lost his money, Democrats make it easier to lose mine.
How do you drive down energy prices NOW?
Move in any direction away from the current position of having to beg foreign countries for more output. Pursue policies that reduce risk and cost for domestic energy companies.
Move in any direction away from the current position of having to beg foreign countries for more output. Pursue policies that reduce risk and cost for domestic energy companies.
Not an answer

How do you bring down prices TODAY?
Wow, nice fascist diatribe.

Say, where have the former 1-terms president's children generated their wealth? some private enterprise? Or grifting off the teat.
Nothing "fascist" about it. That's a term that has no meaning when used by Leftist whom toss it out to anyone whom doesn't buy into their delusions and scams.

Bottom-line economics is there are wealth makers and wealth takers.
Most wealth makers are conservatives and lean Republican.
Most wealth takers are regressives, psuedo-liberals and lean Democrat.

If Trump's kids got their wealth through dad's enterprises that would be legit.

"grifting off the (taxpayer's) teat is how Biden got most of his wealth.

Joe Biden - Wikipedia

Regardless of whether you like or hate him, if you simply him as a person and look at the state of the country in terms of numbers you can see who was the better president.

Not only is the country in the worst shape it's been in a long time long time, our society is also on the worst shape it's been in a very long time.

Nothing improved last year at all really. Now while we can't directly blame America and Americans socities problems on biden directly, we most certainly can lay the vast majority of the problems directly at the feet of his administration and his party.

Trumps final year was a bit of a cluster fuck, but it was that way in almost every country because it was something big no one had any idea how to handle. Most countries over corrected way too much at first. So really his last year wasn't his fault, he just happened to be standing there when the shit storm hit. And despite all that we still did a lot better than a lot of other countries did.
Regardless of whether you like or hate him, if you simply him as a person and look at the state of the country in terms of numbers you can see who was the better president.

Not only is the country in the worst shape it's been in a long time long time, our society is also on the worst shape it's been in a very long time.

Nothing improved last year at all really. Now while we can't directly blame America and Americans socities problems on biden directly, we most certainly can lay the vast majority of the problems directly at the feet of his administration and his party.

Trumps final year was a bit of a cluster fuck, but it was that way in almost every country because it was something big no one had any idea how to handle. Most countries over corrected way too much at first. So really his last year wasn't his fault, he just happened to be standing there when the shit storm hit. And despite all that we still did a lot better than a lot of other countries did.
Nothing improved?

Are more people not employed?

All stock markets up?

Unemployment down?

GDP up?

Economic life opened up?

Maga fuckups crying more

How so?
Uniting america.
Curing covid.
Highest gas prices.
Highest energy prices.
Highest inflation.
Highest food prices.
Empty shelves.
The outlook for all this is speculated to get worse. You gonna fart a rainbow now?
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