Why waste money on immunization programs?


Take Down ~ Tap Out
Aug 27, 2010
Just playing devil's advocate, where in the Constitution does it say government should be in the immunization program business?? All this could, would, should, might, maybe, scare tactics is costing us millions a year. I refuse to take the shots and haven't died yet.

In the past year, California has experienced the worst whooping cough outbreak in more than 50 years, an epidemic that has killed 10 infants and resulted in 6,400 reported cases.

Advocates warn that cutting back on vaccine education and availability could help increase the likelihood of future outbreaks of such diseases—and reduce the government's ability to respond effectively to contain such outbreaks when they occur.

The House GOP's 2011 budget would chop $156 million from the Centers for Disease Control's funding for immunization and respiratory diseases. The GOP reductions are likely to hit the CDC's support for state and local immunization programs.

Death By a Single GOP Cut? | Mother Jones
The constitution doesn't mention a hell of a lot of things that are constiutional.
Should of thought of that BEFORE you started spending trillions on welfare programs.

Yep, Haliburton should have never got a dime.................:eusa_whistle:

I am a shareholder of Halliburton.
What's your freaking problem?
Their employees have more "boots on the ground" than you do - so STFU and enjoy your freedoms.

Too bad KBR and Haliburton couldn't send some QUALILFIED electricians when they sent their "boots on the ground". Glad to see that capitalism is your #1 priority, even at the expense of our troops!:clap2:

KBR Got Bonuses for Work that Killed Soldiers | The Nation

The Department of Defense paid former Halliburton subsidiary KBR more than $80 million in bonuses for contracts to install electrical wiring in Iraq. The award payments were for the very work that resulted in the electrocution deaths of US soldiers, according to Department of Defense documents revealed today in a Senate hearing. More than $30 million in bonuses were paid months after the death of Sgt. Ryan Maseth, a highly decorated, 24-year-old Green Beret, who was electrocuted while taking a shower at a US base in January 2008. His death, the result of improper grounding for a water pump, has been classified by the US Army Criminal Investigations Division (CID) as a "negligent homicide." Maseth's death had originally been labeled an accident. Bonuses were paid to KBR in 2007 and 2008, after CID investigators had officially expressed concerns about the quality of KBR's electrical work. For its part, KBR denies any culpability for the electrocution deaths.
Yep, Haliburton should have never got a dime.................:eusa_whistle:

I am a shareholder of Halliburton.
What's your freaking problem?
Their employees have more "boots on the ground" than you do - so STFU and enjoy your freedoms.

Too bad KBR and Haliburton couldn't send some QUALILFIED electricians when they sent their "boots on the ground". Glad to see that capitalism is your #1 priority, even at the expense of our troops!:clap2:

KBR Got Bonuses for Work that Killed Soldiers | The Nation

The Department of Defense paid former Halliburton subsidiary KBR more than $80 million in bonuses for contracts to install electrical wiring in Iraq. The award payments were for the very work that resulted in the electrocution deaths of US soldiers, according to Department of Defense documents revealed today in a Senate hearing. More than $30 million in bonuses were paid months after the death of Sgt. Ryan Maseth, a highly decorated, 24-year-old Green Beret, who was electrocuted while taking a shower at a US base in January 2008. His death, the result of improper grounding for a water pump, has been classified by the US Army Criminal Investigations Division (CID) as a "negligent homicide." Maseth's death had originally been labeled an accident. Bonuses were paid to KBR in 2007 and 2008, after CID investigators had officially expressed concerns about the quality of KBR's electrical work. For its part, KBR denies any culpability for the electrocution deaths.

What's this "our troops" crap. I served for 20+ years. Did you?
I'll speak on behalf of "our troops" any fucking time I like. You don't have that privledge, Chickenhawk.
I am a shareholder of Halliburton.
What's your freaking problem?
Their employees have more "boots on the ground" than you do - so STFU and enjoy your freedoms.

Too bad KBR and Haliburton couldn't send some QUALILFIED electricians when they sent their "boots on the ground". Glad to see that capitalism is your #1 priority, even at the expense of our troops!:clap2:

KBR Got Bonuses for Work that Killed Soldiers | The Nation

The Department of Defense paid former Halliburton subsidiary KBR more than $80 million in bonuses for contracts to install electrical wiring in Iraq. The award payments were for the very work that resulted in the electrocution deaths of US soldiers, according to Department of Defense documents revealed today in a Senate hearing. More than $30 million in bonuses were paid months after the death of Sgt. Ryan Maseth, a highly decorated, 24-year-old Green Beret, who was electrocuted while taking a shower at a US base in January 2008. His death, the result of improper grounding for a water pump, has been classified by the US Army Criminal Investigations Division (CID) as a "negligent homicide." Maseth's death had originally been labeled an accident. Bonuses were paid to KBR in 2007 and 2008, after CID investigators had officially expressed concerns about the quality of KBR's electrical work. For its part, KBR denies any culpability for the electrocution deaths.

What's this "our troops" crap. I served for 20+ years. Did you?
I'll speak on behalf of "our troops" any fucking time I like. You don't have that privledge, Chickenhawk.

"Our troops" as in the troops that I help fund through my tax dollars, asshole. My father and brother have both served for a combinied 47 years, so you can kiss my ass. And what the fuck is a "privledge"? I guess the military didn't teach you much.
Too bad KBR and Haliburton couldn't send some QUALILFIED electricians when they sent their "boots on the ground". Glad to see that capitalism is your #1 priority, even at the expense of our troops!:clap2:

KBR Got Bonuses for Work that Killed Soldiers | The Nation

What's this "our troops" crap. I served for 20+ years. Did you?
I'll speak on behalf of "our troops" any fucking time I like. You don't have that privledge, Chickenhawk.

"Our troops" as in the troops that I help fund through my tax dollars, asshole. My father and brother have both served for a combinied 47 years, so you can kiss my ass. And what the fuck is a "privledge"? I guess the military didn't teach you much.

"combinied 47 years"


Stupid much?

In any event - your tax dollars? Hell, I probably pay more in taxes every year than you earn, welfare case.

And I don't give a shit what your father and brother served - you haven't served shit, Chickenhawk. So, STFU.
What's this "our troops" crap. I served for 20+ years. Did you?
I'll speak on behalf of "our troops" any fucking time I like. You don't have that privledge, Chickenhawk.

"Our troops" as in the troops that I help fund through my tax dollars, asshole. My father and brother have both served for a combinied 47 years, so you can kiss my ass. And what the fuck is a "privledge"? I guess the military didn't teach you much.

"combinied 47 years"


Stupid much?

In any event - your tax dollars? Hell, I probably pay more in taxes every year than you earn, welfare case.

And I don't give a shit what your father and brother served - you haven't served shit, Chickenhawk. So, STFU.

Father served 27 and brother 20...that combines to be 47. Do I have to teach you math TOO?

Chickenhawk (also chicken hawk and chicken-hawk) is a political epithet used in the United States to criticize a politician, bureaucrat, or commentator who strongly supports a war or other military action, yet who actively avoided military service when of age.

Chickenhawk (politics) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Since I do not support the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan or action in Lybia, how exactly am I a "chickenhawk" again?
"Our troops" as in the troops that I help fund through my tax dollars, asshole. My father and brother have both served for a combinied 47 years, so you can kiss my ass. And what the fuck is a "privledge"? I guess the military didn't teach you much.

"combinied 47 years"


Stupid much?

In any event - your tax dollars? Hell, I probably pay more in taxes every year than you earn, welfare case.

And I don't give a shit what your father and brother served - you haven't served shit, Chickenhawk. So, STFU.

Father served 27 and brother 20...that combines to be 47. Do I have to teach you math TOO?

Chickenhawk (also chicken hawk and chicken-hawk) is a political epithet used in the United States to criticize a politician, bureaucrat, or commentator who strongly supports a war or other military action, yet who actively avoided military service when of age.

Chickenhawk (politics) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Since I do not support the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan or action in Lybia, how exactly am I a "chickenhawk" again?

"combinied 47 years"

Teach yourself how to spell dumbass.
Then you can "school" others.

Your stupidity is noted.
"combinied 47 years"


Stupid much?

In any event - your tax dollars? Hell, I probably pay more in taxes every year than you earn, welfare case.

And I don't give a shit what your father and brother served - you haven't served shit, Chickenhawk. So, STFU.

Father served 27 and brother 20...that combines to be 47. Do I have to teach you math TOO?

Chickenhawk (also chicken hawk and chicken-hawk) is a political epithet used in the United States to criticize a politician, bureaucrat, or commentator who strongly supports a war or other military action, yet who actively avoided military service when of age.

Chickenhawk (politics) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Since I do not support the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan or action in Lybia, how exactly am I a "chickenhawk" again?

"combinied 47 years"

Teach yourself how to spell dumbass.
Then you can "school" others.

Your stupidity is noted.

As is your avoidance, troll.
Immunization efforts faltering...
Researchers: Immunization Efforts Falling Short
March 20, 2013 > Researchers said that despite progress immunizing African children against disease, vaccination efforts are falling far short of what’s needed. They warn that vaccine supply and cost need urgent attention.
University of Cape Town researchers say there are “failures within the immunization system.” “Well, there’s a very wide range if you look at African countries in terms of performance of immunization programs. Some are doing very well and others are doing very badly. So this disparity is a very big concern,” said Shingai Machingaidze, associate researcher at the university’s Vaccines for Africa Initiative. Similar problems exist in developing countries outside Africa, as well. “For the countries that are not doing so well in terms of their vaccine coverage it means that large numbers of children do not get basic vaccinations before they reach one year. 1.5 million vaccine preventable disease deaths were recorded in 2010,” she said.

Professor Gregory Hussey, director of the Vaccines for Africa Initiative, said that polio, which had been on the verge of eradication, remains entrenched in some places. University of Cape Town Professor Gregory Hussey speaking at the first International African Vaccinology Conference, November 2012. ​​​​“There’s a worldwide move to eradicate polio in the next five to 10 years. The stumbling blocks in Africa are in fact [in] Nigeria where there’s continued transmission of polio because of sub-optimal uptake of polio vaccine," he said. "And I’m sure you’re aware of the fact that the people refusing to immunize their children for a list of reasons – religious, political, etcetera, etcetera.”


University of Cape Town Professor Gregory Hussey speaking at the first International African Vaccinology Conference, November 2012

The World Health Organization had said after polio immunization was disrupted in northern Nigeria several years ago, that particular strain of the virus spread all the way to Ethiopia. Continued outbreaks of measles, Hussey said, are another example of immunization system failure. “With our porous borders in Africa disease can spread from one place to another place, especially if children are not being immunized properly,” he said.

Hussey said that while various U.N. and international agencies have campaigns advocating immunization, Africa lacked a home-grown program to do so. “We started this Vaccines for Africa Initiative precisely to try to make people more aware of issues around vaccine and immunization practices. And this includes not only the individuals who are delivering the vaccines, the healthcare workers, but also the policymakers, as well as communities, who should be receiving the vaccines,” he said.

More Researchers: Immunization Efforts Falling Short

See also:

African Health Ministers Commit to Ramped Up TB/HIV Treatment
March 20, 2013 > Health ministers from Swaziland and South Africa have agreed to radically change the diagnosis and treatment of the co-epidemic of TB/HIV in their countries. They made their comments at a press conference held on March 20 in Johannesburg. Doctors Without Borders, also known as MSF, said TB deaths in southern Africa account for 40 percent of all TB deaths globally, and it remains the leading cause of death for people with HIV.
In addition, death rates are highest among TB patients with multi-drug, or MDR, resistance to tuberculosis because fast and accurate diagnosis is rarely available. Dr. Marc Gastellu Etchegorry, MSF’s international medical secretary, said the agreement to tackle TB and HIV in a new and innovative way is a real priority not only for the world, but particularly for southern Africa. “It is a priority because we have a lot of cases by now, and TB is a very good illustration of that.

But one of the problems is that the patients have difficulties in accessing the treatment. And as we have a lot of people who are moving from one place to another, or one country to another, it is really important to find a new means to deliver the treatment to them,” explained Gastellu Etchegorry. He said the commitments made by Swaziland and South Africa highlighted the importance of centering treatments on the patient and not on the disease.

This, said Gastellu Etchegorry hopefully will be translated into action. “The action is that we have to deliver diagnosis and treatment close to the patients, build the structure for that,” he explained. “We also have to give the right documents to the patients so if they move they will be able to follow their treatment everywhere. And this means they have to be harmonized.”

Gastellu Etchegorry emphasized the importance of building health structures that are able to diagnose and treat patients suffering from both TB and HIV at the same time. “We have to be on the spot where patients are,” said Gastellu Etchegorry. In addition, the action plan would involve the support of local authorities and governments to help bring about changes for people with TB/HIV.

The initiative to bring about a more vigorous response to deal with TB/HIV and MDR-TB is being funded by the Global Fund, along with other partnerships, and the mining sector. Gastellu Etchegorry says it is not just a matter of money, but of political willingness to bring about radical change for the benefit of the patient.

The House GOP's 2011 budget would chop $156 million from the Centers for Disease Control's funding for immunization and respiratory diseases.

That's because Paul Ryan is "pro-life" instead of pro-living.

"The vocation of being a 'protector' ...means respecting each of God’s creatures and respecting the environment in which we live. It means protecting people, showing loving concern for each and every person, especially children, the elderly, those in need"
-- Pope Francis

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