Why we refuse to hear the Great Ronald Reagan


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Without any doubts the Great Ronald Reagan was one of the best and capable leaders of the former Free World.
There is no one who can be compared with him.
Why countries of the white christian man reject his valued advice?
All problems of western societies can be easy solved when peoples begin to apply the Holy Bible in daily life.
Not corrupted parties and whores MS presstitutes but only God and the Holy Bible can save us.

Without any doubts the Great Ronald Reagan was one of the best and capable leaders of the former Free World.
There is no one who can be compared with him.
Why countries of the white christian man reject his valued advice?
All problems of western societies can be easy solved when peoples begin to apply the Holy Bible in daily life.
Not corrupted parties and whores MS presstitutes but only God and the Holy Bible can save us.

Reagan was a good man. Donald Trump will be a better president for Americans.
ummmm ... st. ronny had his good points ...

reducing nukes, was in favor of an assault weapons ban, instrumental in bringing down the berlin wall, & establishing a real relationship with russia as opposed to donny anklegrabbing for vlad.

but he had his offensive side as well ...

union busting, establishing ketchup as a vegetable in children's school lunches, eliminating credit card interest as a tax deduction ...

but NO prez should try to persuade a state sanctioned religion.
Without any doubts the Great Ronald Reagan was one of the best and capable leaders of the former Free World.
There is no one who can be compared with him.
Why countries of the white christian man reject his valued advice?
All problems of western societies can be easy solved when peoples begin to apply the Holy Bible in daily life.
Not corrupted parties and whores MS presstitutes but only God and the Holy Bible can save us.

Reagan was a garbage president.
Without any doubts the Great Ronald Reagan was one of the best and capable leaders of the former Free World.
There is no one who can be compared with him.
Why countries of the white christian man reject his valued advice?
All problems of western societies can be easy solved when peoples begin to apply the Holy Bible in daily life.
Not corrupted parties and whores MS presstitutes but only God and the Holy Bible can save us.


Quite simply, MAGA Killed Reagan's Republican Party. He would considered way to "Liberal" for ReNaziKlan/MAGA Party. Also, he was an asshole.
Without any doubts the Great Ronald Reagan was one of the best and capable leaders of the former Free World.
There is no one who can be compared with him.
Why countries of the white christian man reject his valued advice?
All problems of western societies can be easy solved when peoples begin to apply the Holy Bible in daily life.
Not corrupted parties and whores MS presstitutes but only God and the Holy Bible can save us.

The man that gave us economic neoliberalism/voodoo economics?
Without any doubts the Great Ronald Reagan was one of the best and capable leaders of the former Free World.
There is no one who can be compared with him.
Why countries of the white christian man reject his valued advice?
All problems of western societies can be easy solved when peoples begin to apply the Holy Bible in daily life.
Not corrupted parties and whores MS presstitutes but only God and the Holy Bible can save us.

What advice is that?
The media writes the history books and the media hated Reagan just like they hate every other republican. They only tolerated Reagan at the time. For the most part Reagan was smarter than they were and could handle them.
The media writes the history books and the media hated Reagan just like they hate every other republican. They only tolerated Reagan at the time. For the most part Reagan was smarter than they were and could handle them.
Point taken WH

The victors always get to write history.......

Point taken WH

The victors always get to write history.......

The media writes the history books and historically the media always supported the democrat party agenda without question but republicans not so much. The guy who shot Reagan was clearly a sane political assassin who intended to kill Reagan but somehow the "Justice" system at the time and the media managed to support a not guilty verdict and hospital rehab for the potential assassin. During the same era the maniac who assassinated pop star John Lennon was likely insane but was convicted of murder.
The media writes the history books and historically the media always supported the democrat party agenda without question but republicans not so much. The guy who shot Reagan was clearly a sane political assassin who intended to kill Reagan but somehow the "Justice" system at the time and the media managed to support a not guilty verdict and hospital rehab for the potential assassin. During the same era the maniac who assassinated pop star John Lennon was likely insane but was convicted of murder.
I was around for both WH, and agree with you that the 'spin' in the court of public opinion seems to have had more weight than anything else

Even if the courts ruled against it, the damage was still done

So much for innocent until proven guilty......


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