Why wealthy, 1% jimmy kimmel is wrong about obamacare and his child's healthcare situation...

Emergency treatment for those with pre-existing conditions is not the sole need for these people. There is monitoring, treatment, speciality pharmaceuticals, dialysis; etc. Seriously, the emergency room means the lack of care has brought traumatic conditions.

Sounds like they should buy insurance then, despite the higher costs.
Jimmy Kimmel dragged his child onto the stage of his late night comedy show to bitch about obamacare, a system that is failing everyone and which will crater because it was designed to fail....yet wealthy, 1 percenter, jimmy kimmel...wants to trap you in that system....

5 Things You Need To Know About The Hospital Where Jimmy Kimmel Took His Son, And Why It's Not A Case For Obamacare

1. The hospital that treated Kimmel's baby is a private charity hospital.

Ben Shapiro

My daughter had open-heart surgery at the same hospital with same surgeon as Kimmel's son. Not a case for Obamacare. http://www.dailywire.com/news/15965/no-it-isnt-immoral-be-sick-or-poor-it-immoral-ben-shapiro …

4:42 PM - 2 May 2017

Indeed, the Children Hospital Los Angeles' website states:

Children's Hospital Los Angeles (CHLA) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit institution that provides pediatric health care and helps our patients more than 528,000 times each year in a setting designed just for their needs. Our history began in 1901 in a small house on the corner of Alpine and Castelar Streets (now Hill St. in Chinatown) and today our medical experts offer more than 350 pediatric specialty programs and services to meet the needs of our patients.

CHLA is a provider of more than $232.6 million in community benefits annually to children and families. As the first and largest pediatric hospital in Southern California, CHLA relies on the generosity of philanthropists in the community to support compassionate patient care, leading-edge education of the caregivers of tomorrow and innovative research efforts that impact children at our hospital and around the world.

2. What that means is that private charity is a valid solution to help those who are in need, which is the point that Shapiro makes in his response to Kimmel's monologue.

"None of this means we shouldn’t have social support for those who fall through the cracks — who lose their jobs during a pregnancy, for example. That’s what communities and churches and hospital charities are for, as a start," wrote Shapiro. "Obamacare doesn’t solve these problems, in any case — insurance companies have been opting out of the Obamacare scheme precisely because it bankrupts them, and Medicaid coverage has been shown to have little or no impact on life expectancy. That's why more options in health care decreases cost and makes health care more affordable to those who are poorer."

In other words, private charities like CHLA have proven to be more effective at providing healthcare to the needy than government-run schemes like Obamacare. What happened with Kimmel's baby is illustrative of that rather than a case in favor of Obamacare.

3. Prior to Obamacare, people were not dying in the streets as the result of being denied coverage for pre-existing conditions.

Health care policy wonk Avik Roy pointed out in Forbes that employer-sponsored and government-run health insurance plans were already required to cover pre-existing conditions prior to Obamacare, which accounted for "90% of Americans with health insurance." The only place where such denials of coverage could occur was through the individual market, but even then it was a small number of people. Roy pointed to the Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan (PCIP), a program established under Obamacare to provide "heavily subsidized coverage under PCIP if they had documented proof that they had been denied coverage by an insurance company and had a pre-existing condition" from 2010 to 2014. The highest number of people who signed up for the program was 114,959 — suggesting that it was indeed only a small percentage of the population who could have been denied coverage on the individual market due to a pre-existing condition.

Why don't you right winged sons of bitches stop with the Bullshit. ACA is working, has worked and continues to work dispite all the bullshit you right winged bastards keep talking about. K
Jimmy Kimmel dragged his child onto the stage of his late night comedy show to bitch about obamacare, a system that is failing everyone and which will crater because it was designed to fail....yet wealthy, 1 percenter, jimmy kimmel...wants to trap you in that system....

5 Things You Need To Know About The Hospital Where Jimmy Kimmel Took His Son, And Why It's Not A Case For Obamacare

1. The hospital that treated Kimmel's baby is a private charity hospital.

Ben Shapiro

My daughter had open-heart surgery at the same hospital with same surgeon as Kimmel's son. Not a case for Obamacare. http://www.dailywire.com/news/15965/no-it-isnt-immoral-be-sick-or-poor-it-immoral-ben-shapiro …

4:42 PM - 2 May 2017

Indeed, the Children Hospital Los Angeles' website states:

Children's Hospital Los Angeles (CHLA) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit institution that provides pediatric health care and helps our patients more than 528,000 times each year in a setting designed just for their needs. Our history began in 1901 in a small house on the corner of Alpine and Castelar Streets (now Hill St. in Chinatown) and today our medical experts offer more than 350 pediatric specialty programs and services to meet the needs of our patients.

CHLA is a provider of more than $232.6 million in community benefits annually to children and families. As the first and largest pediatric hospital in Southern California, CHLA relies on the generosity of philanthropists in the community to support compassionate patient care, leading-edge education of the caregivers of tomorrow and innovative research efforts that impact children at our hospital and around the world.

2. What that means is that private charity is a valid solution to help those who are in need, which is the point that Shapiro makes in his response to Kimmel's monologue.

"None of this means we shouldn’t have social support for those who fall through the cracks — who lose their jobs during a pregnancy, for example. That’s what communities and churches and hospital charities are for, as a start," wrote Shapiro. "Obamacare doesn’t solve these problems, in any case — insurance companies have been opting out of the Obamacare scheme precisely because it bankrupts them, and Medicaid coverage has been shown to have little or no impact on life expectancy. That's why more options in health care decreases cost and makes health care more affordable to those who are poorer."

In other words, private charities like CHLA have proven to be more effective at providing healthcare to the needy than government-run schemes like Obamacare. What happened with Kimmel's baby is illustrative of that rather than a case in favor of Obamacare.

3. Prior to Obamacare, people were not dying in the streets as the result of being denied coverage for pre-existing conditions.

Health care policy wonk Avik Roy pointed out in Forbes that employer-sponsored and government-run health insurance plans were already required to cover pre-existing conditions prior to Obamacare, which accounted for "90% of Americans with health insurance." The only place where such denials of coverage could occur was through the individual market, but even then it was a small number of people. Roy pointed to the Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan (PCIP), a program established under Obamacare to provide "heavily subsidized coverage under PCIP if they had documented proof that they had been denied coverage by an insurance company and had a pre-existing condition" from 2010 to 2014. The highest number of people who signed up for the program was 114,959 — suggesting that it was indeed only a small percentage of the population who could have been denied coverage on the individual market due to a pre-existing condition.

Listen, you right winged bastards can spin this shit all the fuck you want.....reality is reality. The only fuckin reason you nuts hang on this failure shit is because some rich white CEO fuck who wasn't allowed to merge with another insurance company, said that ACA will fail and you nuts have run with this shit ever since. Yes, we have far too many sick vs healthy people in on ACA...something both party's can fix....Yes, premiums go up and did so many many many many times prior to ACA, another thing both parties can tackle by capping premiums and Yes, this fat cats want out, their bonus's are shrinking....however if both parties would agree on single payer, than these fact rich CEO's can find another way to make a living, rather than shitting all over the poor and sick, find another gotdamn racket....single payer all the fuckin way!!
Parents, teach your kids responsibility. Show them how to pay their own way in life, protect them with health and life insurance, encourage education and a healthy life style. On the other hand you could advocate the Kimmel thinking and condemn them to slavery under government.

Oh wow, really?

I don't see you talking about the Big Pharma or Medical corruption who jack-up the prices so much while living on their huge yachts and mansions on the backs of the American people..
Why is it always the regular guy's fault trying to be well, while ignoring the corruption?

Why are we paying for luxury medical care to the congress opposing Obamacare including 100% home health for the old farts when they get old?

It is not ok to turn our backs on the sick needing healthcare, while ignoring the corruption..

Why don't you ask Congress to pass Obamacare reform with changes to this corruption you point out? Frankly, I fight it by buying pharmaceutical stocks.

Yeah like congress will listen to anyone except those who line their pockets with $$$$

It is Big Pharma, and the corruption that put out large amounts of money lying about how bad Obamacare is.
Until you are sick you can not see what is going on within the money making machine..

There are problems with Obamacare, but the GOP is having a hard time trying to get rid of it,because people knows that it helps them pay for the extreme prices..

They put poisons in our food and water, and then cry when you get sick..
Prior to Obamacare, people were not dying in the streets as the result of being denied coverage for pre-existing conditions.

Where we're they dying then? And why is location of the deaths important?

Mostly in hospitals, the location is important to your narrative.

Not if they're dead from being denied coverage. Unless you believe that everyone who dies in a hospital has insurance. Then that would be hilarious.

False narrative

Well I can see you've deployed the show me your belly technique. Because if you believe everyone who dies in a hospital means they weren't denied coverage is funny.

And the OP thinks that as long as they weren't dying "in the streets" (whatever that means) then it's ok.
52 million of your fellow citizens have pre-existing condition.
"Let them die, let them die"

'About one in four people have pre-existing conditions that would have made it difficult for them to get health insurance prior to President Barack Obama's health care law, according to a new analysis from the Kaiser Family Foundation.'

Far more than that have had car accidents and pay higher car insurance. Some people feel that driving without it is fine. Emergency help is not refused at public hospitals. I have no problem with at risk people paying a higher premium.

Emergency treatment for those with pre-existing conditions is not the sole need for these people. There is monitoring, treatment, speciality pharmaceuticals, dialysis; etc. Seriously, the emergency room means the lack of care has brought traumatic conditions.

The Emergency Rooms are legally bound to treat everyone including illegals... I had to go to the ER last year and the place was jammed pack with people being treated in the waiting rooms.

They use it like a doctors office for a cold...

Then the bills are so high they can not pay the bills, so the costs hike up which we end up paying for..
Prior to Obamacare, people were not dying in the streets as the result of being denied coverage for pre-existing conditions.

Where we're they dying then? And why is location of the deaths important?

Mostly in hospitals, the location is important to your narrative.

Not if they're dead from being denied coverage. Unless you believe that everyone who dies in a hospital has insurance. Then that would be hilarious.

False narrative

Well I can see you've deployed the show me your belly technique. Because if you believe everyone who dies in a hospital means they weren't denied coverage is funny.

And the OP thinks that as long as they weren't dying "in the streets" (whatever that means) then it's ok.

Most of those people dying in the streets are Vets who fought in wars.. but that is ok , let them die without dignity ..
Only in alt-right bizarro world could there be a backlash against a father calling for children to have medical care if they need it

That isn't what he is calling for...he is calling for a state run medical system that is already collapsing that he will never use. A system meant to destroy the healthcare options 80% of the country was happy with, in order to put those 80% under the control of nameless, faceless bureaucrats who are currently running the Veterans Administration Healthcare system that cannot provide healthcare for the limited number of Veterans in this country...but they seem to think giving them complete control over the healthcare of 320 million Americans...jim kimmel excluded.......will allow them to do better.....

That is the problem with jimmy kimmel and his rant...
Jimmy Kimmel dragged his child onto the stage of his late night comedy show to bitch about obamacare, a system that is failing everyone and which will crater because it was designed to fail....yet wealthy, 1 percenter, jimmy kimmel...wants to trap you in that system....

5 Things You Need To Know About The Hospital Where Jimmy Kimmel Took His Son, And Why It's Not A Case For Obamacare

1. The hospital that treated Kimmel's baby is a private charity hospital.

Ben Shapiro

My daughter had open-heart surgery at the same hospital with same surgeon as Kimmel's son. Not a case for Obamacare. http://www.dailywire.com/news/15965/no-it-isnt-immoral-be-sick-or-poor-it-immoral-ben-shapiro …

4:42 PM - 2 May 2017

Indeed, the Children Hospital Los Angeles' website states:

Children's Hospital Los Angeles (CHLA) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit institution that provides pediatric health care and helps our patients more than 528,000 times each year in a setting designed just for their needs. Our history began in 1901 in a small house on the corner of Alpine and Castelar Streets (now Hill St. in Chinatown) and today our medical experts offer more than 350 pediatric specialty programs and services to meet the needs of our patients.

CHLA is a provider of more than $232.6 million in community benefits annually to children and families. As the first and largest pediatric hospital in Southern California, CHLA relies on the generosity of philanthropists in the community to support compassionate patient care, leading-edge education of the caregivers of tomorrow and innovative research efforts that impact children at our hospital and around the world.

2. What that means is that private charity is a valid solution to help those who are in need, which is the point that Shapiro makes in his response to Kimmel's monologue.

"None of this means we shouldn’t have social support for those who fall through the cracks — who lose their jobs during a pregnancy, for example. That’s what communities and churches and hospital charities are for, as a start," wrote Shapiro. "Obamacare doesn’t solve these problems, in any case — insurance companies have been opting out of the Obamacare scheme precisely because it bankrupts them, and Medicaid coverage has been shown to have little or no impact on life expectancy. That's why more options in health care decreases cost and makes health care more affordable to those who are poorer."

In other words, private charities like CHLA have proven to be more effective at providing healthcare to the needy than government-run schemes like Obamacare. What happened with Kimmel's baby is illustrative of that rather than a case in favor of Obamacare.

3. Prior to Obamacare, people were not dying in the streets as the result of being denied coverage for pre-existing conditions.

Health care policy wonk Avik Roy pointed out in Forbes that employer-sponsored and government-run health insurance plans were already required to cover pre-existing conditions prior to Obamacare, which accounted for "90% of Americans with health insurance." The only place where such denials of coverage could occur was through the individual market, but even then it was a small number of people. Roy pointed to the Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan (PCIP), a program established under Obamacare to provide "heavily subsidized coverage under PCIP if they had documented proof that they had been denied coverage by an insurance company and had a pre-existing condition" from 2010 to 2014. The highest number of people who signed up for the program was 114,959 — suggesting that it was indeed only a small percentage of the population who could have been denied coverage on the individual market due to a pre-existing condition.

Why don't you right winged sons of bitches stop with the Bullshit. ACA is working, has worked and continues to work dispite all the bullshit you right winged bastards keep talking about. K
Jimmy Kimmel dragged his child onto the stage of his late night comedy show to bitch about obamacare, a system that is failing everyone and which will crater because it was designed to fail....yet wealthy, 1 percenter, jimmy kimmel...wants to trap you in that system....

5 Things You Need To Know About The Hospital Where Jimmy Kimmel Took His Son, And Why It's Not A Case For Obamacare

1. The hospital that treated Kimmel's baby is a private charity hospital.

Ben Shapiro

My daughter had open-heart surgery at the same hospital with same surgeon as Kimmel's son. Not a case for Obamacare. http://www.dailywire.com/news/15965/no-it-isnt-immoral-be-sick-or-poor-it-immoral-ben-shapiro …

4:42 PM - 2 May 2017

Indeed, the Children Hospital Los Angeles' website states:

Children's Hospital Los Angeles (CHLA) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit institution that provides pediatric health care and helps our patients more than 528,000 times each year in a setting designed just for their needs. Our history began in 1901 in a small house on the corner of Alpine and Castelar Streets (now Hill St. in Chinatown) and today our medical experts offer more than 350 pediatric specialty programs and services to meet the needs of our patients.

CHLA is a provider of more than $232.6 million in community benefits annually to children and families. As the first and largest pediatric hospital in Southern California, CHLA relies on the generosity of philanthropists in the community to support compassionate patient care, leading-edge education of the caregivers of tomorrow and innovative research efforts that impact children at our hospital and around the world.

2. What that means is that private charity is a valid solution to help those who are in need, which is the point that Shapiro makes in his response to Kimmel's monologue.

"None of this means we shouldn’t have social support for those who fall through the cracks — who lose their jobs during a pregnancy, for example. That’s what communities and churches and hospital charities are for, as a start," wrote Shapiro. "Obamacare doesn’t solve these problems, in any case — insurance companies have been opting out of the Obamacare scheme precisely because it bankrupts them, and Medicaid coverage has been shown to have little or no impact on life expectancy. That's why more options in health care decreases cost and makes health care more affordable to those who are poorer."

In other words, private charities like CHLA have proven to be more effective at providing healthcare to the needy than government-run schemes like Obamacare. What happened with Kimmel's baby is illustrative of that rather than a case in favor of Obamacare.

3. Prior to Obamacare, people were not dying in the streets as the result of being denied coverage for pre-existing conditions.

Health care policy wonk Avik Roy pointed out in Forbes that employer-sponsored and government-run health insurance plans were already required to cover pre-existing conditions prior to Obamacare, which accounted for "90% of Americans with health insurance." The only place where such denials of coverage could occur was through the individual market, but even then it was a small number of people. Roy pointed to the Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan (PCIP), a program established under Obamacare to provide "heavily subsidized coverage under PCIP if they had documented proof that they had been denied coverage by an insurance company and had a pre-existing condition" from 2010 to 2014. The highest number of people who signed up for the program was 114,959 — suggesting that it was indeed only a small percentage of the population who could have been denied coverage on the individual market due to a pre-existing condition.

Listen, you right winged bastards can spin this shit all the fuck you want.....reality is reality. The only fuckin reason you nuts hang on this failure shit is because some rich white CEO fuck who wasn't allowed to merge with another insurance company, said that ACA will fail and you nuts have run with this shit ever since. Yes, we have far too many sick vs healthy people in on ACA...something both party's can fix....Yes, premiums go up and did so many many many many times prior to ACA, another thing both parties can tackle by capping premiums and Yes, this fat cats want out, their bonus's are shrinking....however if both parties would agree on single payer, than these fact rich CEO's can find another way to make a living, rather than shitting all over the poor and sick, find another gotdamn racket....single payer all the fuckin way!!

It's not working...it is failing, dramatically, and this year is when all the worst aspects kick in....the worst aspects that were put off till after the election....
52 million of your fellow citizens have pre-existing condition.
"Let them die, let them die"

'About one in four people have pre-existing conditions that would have made it difficult for them to get health insurance prior to President Barack Obama's health care law, according to a new analysis from the Kaiser Family Foundation.'

Far more than that have had car accidents and pay higher car insurance. Some people feel that driving without it is fine. Emergency help is not refused at public hospitals. I have no problem with at risk people paying a higher premium.

Emergency treatment for those with pre-existing conditions is not the sole need for these people. There is monitoring, treatment, speciality pharmaceuticals, dialysis; etc. Seriously, the emergency room means the lack of care has brought traumatic conditions.

The Emergency Rooms are legally bound to treat everyone including illegals... I had to go to the ER last year and the place was jammed pack with people being treated in the waiting rooms.

They use it like a doctors office for a cold...

Then the bills are so high they can not pay the bills, so the costs hike up which we end up paying for..

Let's clear up some misconceptions here. First, hospitals are not required to treat anyone. PUBLIC hospitals that participate in Medicare, are required to provide a MSE, Medical Screening Examination when requested by someone with an EMC, Emergency Medical Condition. A cold IS NOT an emergency medical condition. Nor is a medical screening exam anything close to treatment. The hospital is only required to stabilize the individual.

Now, to the uninsured and uncompensated care. An example. My wife recently had a sinus infection. That required a visit to the doctor. We have one of those high deductible Obamacare plans so we had to pay for it all out of pocket. The charged amount, $179.00. We paid $97.00, the negotiated discount.

The important number is not the price, it is the collection ratio. In my above example you can see the collection ratio is a little over fifty percent. If I had no insurance, and only paid three fourths of my bill, the doctor's office would have came out ahead.

Hospital Pricing And The Uninsured: Do The Uninsured Pay Higher Prices?

The above is an old study. It shows that the collection ratio for uninsured patients was almost equal to that of the privately insured and actually higher than Medicare and Medicaid patients. It also points to a trend of a declining collection ratio for private and public insurance in the face of increasing prices for the uninsured. Currently, I believe an argument can be made that, with higher collection ratio's, the uninsured are actually subsidizing the care of the insured.
Only in alt-right bizarro world could there be a backlash against a father calling for children to have medical care if they need it

That isn't what he is calling for...he is calling for a state run medical system that is already collapsing that he will never use. A system meant to destroy the healthcare options 80% of the country was happy with, in order to put those 80% under the control of nameless, faceless bureaucrats who are currently running the Veterans Administration Healthcare system that cannot provide healthcare for the limited number of Veterans in this country...but they seem to think giving them complete control over the healthcare of 320 million Americans...jim kimmel excluded.......will allow them to do better.....

That is the problem with jimmy kimmel and his rant...

Obamacare simply attempting to increase the number of INSURED. You got that. It wasn't about health care. It wasn't about cost. It was about INSURANCE. It was placed on top of an already dysfunctional system.

Come on. It is simple. This is our current system.

The elderly and the disabled, they have PUBLIC INSURANCE, it is called Medicare.

The poor, they have PUBLIC INSURANCE, it is called Medicaid.



Insurance companies have already tossed the elderly, the disabled, and the poor on to the public. Now, they want "high risk pools" so they can throw all those with pre-existing conditions to the public. In the end, they want only the youngest, the healthiest, and the lowest risk in order to attain the highest PROFITS.

Come on. Can't you see it. The public is already responsible for those with the highest health care risk. Does it not make sense that the public should also assume the health care risk of the lowest risk individuals as well? If the public were a private insurance company you would be screaming about a "death spiral". So tell me, why is the answer to the death spiral not an increased diversification of risk and instead, simply transferring the death spiral on to the backs of the people?
Only in alt-right bizarro world could there be a backlash against a father calling for children to have medical care if they need it

That isn't what he is calling for...he is calling for a state run medical system that is already collapsing that he will never use. A system meant to destroy the healthcare options 80% of the country was happy with, in order to put those 80% under the control of nameless, faceless bureaucrats who are currently running the Veterans Administration Healthcare system that cannot provide healthcare for the limited number of Veterans in this country...but they seem to think giving them complete control over the healthcare of 320 million Americans...jim kimmel excluded.......will allow them to do better.....

That is the problem with jimmy kimmel and his rant...

Obamacare simply attempting to increase the number of INSURED. You got that. It wasn't about health care. It wasn't about cost. It was about INSURANCE. It was placed on top of an already dysfunctional system.

Come on. It is simple. This is our current system.

The elderly and the disabled, they have PUBLIC INSURANCE, it is called Medicare.

The poor, they have PUBLIC INSURANCE, it is called Medicaid.



Insurance companies have already tossed the elderly, the disabled, and the poor on to the public. Now, they want "high risk pools" so they can throw all those with pre-existing conditions to the public. In the end, they want only the youngest, the healthiest, and the lowest risk in order to attain the highest PROFITS.

Come on. Can't you see it. The public is already responsible for those with the highest health care risk. Does it not make sense that the public should also assume the health care risk of the lowest risk individuals as well? If the public were a private insurance company you would be screaming about a "death spiral". So tell me, why is the answer to the death spiral not an increased diversification of risk and instead, simply transferring the death spiral on to the backs of the people?

They can't handle the old and the poor........or the Veterans...yet you think by adding all AMericans they will get better at it.......you "Come on" and get real...
He's trying to make this about the hospital and not that Republicans control everything and won't repeal Obamacare. The OP can't fathom that they lied to him so he lashes out like someone who was just told Santa isn't real and starts to attack "A Christmas Story"

Bullshit! The vast majority of the story was about the great doctors and sanctity of life, but then at the 2:00 mark he destroys his message into a political rant and ignorant attack. I mean he starts out an attack directly on Trump! Don't be so partisan!

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
He's trying to make this about the hospital and not that Republicans control everything and won't repeal Obamacare. The OP can't fathom that they lied to him so he lashes out like someone who was just told Santa isn't real and starts to attack "A Christmas Story"

Bullshit! The vast majority of the story was about the great doctors and sanctity of life, but then at the 2:00 mark he destroys his message into a political rant and ignorant attack. I mean he starts out an attack directly on Trump! Don't be so partisan!

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Perhaps you can one day show everyone how you go about disagreeing with a policy a politician wants without it being "political".

Until then the only problem you have is that someone likes a policy that Trump doesn't. And decided that simply labeling a discussion on politics as being "political" was nefarious enough to slide by.
Jimmy Kimmel's child got the care given to a celebrity's child. He should be glad he has a famous name.
Only in alt-right bizarro world could there be a backlash against a father calling for children to have medical care if they need it

That isn't what he is calling for...he is calling for a state run medical system that is already collapsing that he will never use. A system meant to destroy the healthcare options 80% of the country was happy with, in order to put those 80% under the control of nameless, faceless bureaucrats who are currently running the Veterans Administration Healthcare system that cannot provide healthcare for the limited number of Veterans in this country...but they seem to think giving them complete control over the healthcare of 320 million Americans...jim kimmel excluded.......will allow them to do better.....

That is the problem with jimmy kimmel and his rant...

Obamacare simply attempting to increase the number of INSURED. You got that. It wasn't about health care. It wasn't about cost. It was about INSURANCE. It was placed on top of an already dysfunctional system.

Come on. It is simple. This is our current system.

The elderly and the disabled, they have PUBLIC INSURANCE, it is called Medicare.

The poor, they have PUBLIC INSURANCE, it is called Medicaid.



Insurance companies have already tossed the elderly, the disabled, and the poor on to the public. Now, they want "high risk pools" so they can throw all those with pre-existing conditions to the public. In the end, they want only the youngest, the healthiest, and the lowest risk in order to attain the highest PROFITS.

Come on. Can't you see it. The public is already responsible for those with the highest health care risk. Does it not make sense that the public should also assume the health care risk of the lowest risk individuals as well? If the public were a private insurance company you would be screaming about a "death spiral". So tell me, why is the answer to the death spiral not an increased diversification of risk and instead, simply transferring the death spiral on to the backs of the people?

They can't handle the old and the poor........or the Veterans...yet you think by adding all AMericans they will get better at it.......you "Come on" and get real...

Can't handle? Yeah, get real. I don't think I have ever heard someone go, "Damn this Medicare, I wish I had my private insurance back". In fact, both Medicare and the VA have higher patient satisfaction ratio's than private pay.
Only in alt-right bizarro world could there be a backlash against a father calling for children to have medical care if they need it

That isn't what he is calling for...he is calling for a state run medical system that is already collapsing that he will never use. A system meant to destroy the healthcare options 80% of the country was happy with, in order to put those 80% under the control of nameless, faceless bureaucrats who are currently running the Veterans Administration Healthcare system that cannot provide healthcare for the limited number of Veterans in this country...but they seem to think giving them complete control over the healthcare of 320 million Americans...jim kimmel excluded.......will allow them to do better.....

That is the problem with jimmy kimmel and his rant...

Obamacare simply attempting to increase the number of INSURED. You got that. It wasn't about health care. It wasn't about cost. It was about INSURANCE. It was placed on top of an already dysfunctional system.

Come on. It is simple. This is our current system.

The elderly and the disabled, they have PUBLIC INSURANCE, it is called Medicare.

The poor, they have PUBLIC INSURANCE, it is called Medicaid.



Insurance companies have already tossed the elderly, the disabled, and the poor on to the public. Now, they want "high risk pools" so they can throw all those with pre-existing conditions to the public. In the end, they want only the youngest, the healthiest, and the lowest risk in order to attain the highest PROFITS.

Come on. Can't you see it. The public is already responsible for those with the highest health care risk. Does it not make sense that the public should also assume the health care risk of the lowest risk individuals as well? If the public were a private insurance company you would be screaming about a "death spiral". So tell me, why is the answer to the death spiral not an increased diversification of risk and instead, simply transferring the death spiral on to the backs of the people?

They can't handle the old and the poor........or the Veterans...yet you think by adding all AMericans they will get better at it.......you "Come on" and get real...

Yes, you need to get real and quit falling for the partisan bullshit. Both Medicare and the VA have higher patient satisfaction rates than private health insurance.

Medicare vs. Private Insurance: Rhetoric and Reality

News Releases - Office of Public and Intergovernmental Affairs

Sure, you might hear some horror stories about the VA. And maybe, just maybe, you might find a handful of people that complain about Medicare. But those numbers pale in comparison to the complaints about private hospitals and private insurance. I started in the insurance business more than two decades ago, in the individual health market. It took me less than three months to jump ship and focus on the Medicare market, mostly because the private market was as FUBARED then as it is now. Today, I have hundreds of clients, all on Medicare, and to the person, not a one would be willing to go back to the private insurance market.

Do some research. You will find that Medicare's average spending per beneficiary is damn near equal to the average premium for private health insurance. In other words, the government is spending, taking care of a little more than 80% of the health expenses of the elderly and disabled, what private insurance CHARGES to take care of the same percentage of expenses of the HEALTHY AND WORKING. Yeah, somebody is getting hosed.

And now, these stupid "high risk" pools, which I am more than familiar with, is just another attempt by the private insurance companies, to throw the health care risk of the highest risk individuals, that are still working and not disabled, to the public. Look, if you owned a cow, and you paid a guy to milk it, would you continue to pay him if he separated the cream from the milk, walked off with the cream, and left you with only skim milk?
Only in alt-right bizarro world could there be a backlash against a father calling for children to have medical care if they need it

That isn't what he is calling for...he is calling for a state run medical system that is already collapsing that he will never use. A system meant to destroy the healthcare options 80% of the country was happy with, in order to put those 80% under the control of nameless, faceless bureaucrats who are currently running the Veterans Administration Healthcare system that cannot provide healthcare for the limited number of Veterans in this country...but they seem to think giving them complete control over the healthcare of 320 million Americans...jim kimmel excluded.......will allow them to do better.....

That is the problem with jimmy kimmel and his rant...

Obamacare simply attempting to increase the number of INSURED. You got that. It wasn't about health care. It wasn't about cost. It was about INSURANCE. It was placed on top of an already dysfunctional system.

Come on. It is simple. This is our current system.

The elderly and the disabled, they have PUBLIC INSURANCE, it is called Medicare.

The poor, they have PUBLIC INSURANCE, it is called Medicaid.



Insurance companies have already tossed the elderly, the disabled, and the poor on to the public. Now, they want "high risk pools" so they can throw all those with pre-existing conditions to the public. In the end, they want only the youngest, the healthiest, and the lowest risk in order to attain the highest PROFITS.

Come on. Can't you see it. The public is already responsible for those with the highest health care risk. Does it not make sense that the public should also assume the health care risk of the lowest risk individuals as well? If the public were a private insurance company you would be screaming about a "death spiral". So tell me, why is the answer to the death spiral not an increased diversification of risk and instead, simply transferring the death spiral on to the backs of the people?

They can't handle the old and the poor........or the Veterans...yet you think by adding all AMericans they will get better at it.......you "Come on" and get real...

Can't handle? Yeah, get real. I don't think I have ever heard someone go, "Damn this Medicare, I wish I had my private insurance back". In fact, both Medicare and the VA have higher patient satisfaction ratio's than private pay.
Only in alt-right bizarro world could there be a backlash against a father calling for children to have medical care if they need it

That isn't what he is calling for...he is calling for a state run medical system that is already collapsing that he will never use. A system meant to destroy the healthcare options 80% of the country was happy with, in order to put those 80% under the control of nameless, faceless bureaucrats who are currently running the Veterans Administration Healthcare system that cannot provide healthcare for the limited number of Veterans in this country...but they seem to think giving them complete control over the healthcare of 320 million Americans...jim kimmel excluded.......will allow them to do better.....

That is the problem with jimmy kimmel and his rant...

Obamacare simply attempting to increase the number of INSURED. You got that. It wasn't about health care. It wasn't about cost. It was about INSURANCE. It was placed on top of an already dysfunctional system.

Come on. It is simple. This is our current system.

The elderly and the disabled, they have PUBLIC INSURANCE, it is called Medicare.

The poor, they have PUBLIC INSURANCE, it is called Medicaid.



Insurance companies have already tossed the elderly, the disabled, and the poor on to the public. Now, they want "high risk pools" so they can throw all those with pre-existing conditions to the public. In the end, they want only the youngest, the healthiest, and the lowest risk in order to attain the highest PROFITS.

Come on. Can't you see it. The public is already responsible for those with the highest health care risk. Does it not make sense that the public should also assume the health care risk of the lowest risk individuals as well? If the public were a private insurance company you would be screaming about a "death spiral". So tell me, why is the answer to the death spiral not an increased diversification of risk and instead, simply transferring the death spiral on to the backs of the people?

They can't handle the old and the poor........or the Veterans...yet you think by adding all AMericans they will get better at it.......you "Come on" and get real...

Yes, you need to get real and quit falling for the partisan bullshit. Both Medicare and the VA have higher patient satisfaction rates than private health insurance.

Medicare vs. Private Insurance: Rhetoric and Reality

News Releases - Office of Public and Intergovernmental Affairs

Sure, you might hear some horror stories about the VA. And maybe, just maybe, you might find a handful of people that complain about Medicare. But those numbers pale in comparison to the complaints about private hospitals and private insurance. I started in the insurance business more than two decades ago, in the individual health market. It took me less than three months to jump ship and focus on the Medicare market, mostly because the private market was as FUBARED then as it is now. Today, I have hundreds of clients, all on Medicare, and to the person, not a one would be willing to go back to the private insurance market.

Do some research. You will find that Medicare's average spending per beneficiary is damn near equal to the average premium for private health insurance. In other words, the government is spending, taking care of a little more than 80% of the health expenses of the elderly and disabled, what private insurance CHARGES to take care of the same percentage of expenses of the HEALTHY AND WORKING. Yeah, somebody is getting hosed.

And now, these stupid "high risk" pools, which I am more than familiar with, is just another attempt by the private insurance companies, to throw the health care risk of the highest risk individuals, that are still working and not disabled, to the public. Look, if you owned a cow, and you paid a guy to milk it, would you continue to pay him if he separated the cream from the milk, walked off with the cream, and left you with only skim milk?

Yeah...please tell us how well run the VA and medicare are......medicare is bankrupt and the VA is killing Vets.....

The people on Medicare aren't complaining because they don't have to worry about paying for it...unless the doctor they want won't take medicare patients because they won't be reimbursed for the full rate of the treatment...

So please...don't piss on our legs and tell us it's raining.....
Only in alt-right bizarro world could there be a backlash against a father calling for children to have medical care if they need it

That isn't what he is calling for...he is calling for a state run medical system that is already collapsing that he will never use. A system meant to destroy the healthcare options 80% of the country was happy with, in order to put those 80% under the control of nameless, faceless bureaucrats who are currently running the Veterans Administration Healthcare system that cannot provide healthcare for the limited number of Veterans in this country...but they seem to think giving them complete control over the healthcare of 320 million Americans...jim kimmel excluded.......will allow them to do better.....

That is the problem with jimmy kimmel and his rant...

Obamacare simply attempting to increase the number of INSURED. You got that. It wasn't about health care. It wasn't about cost. It was about INSURANCE. It was placed on top of an already dysfunctional system.

Come on. It is simple. This is our current system.

The elderly and the disabled, they have PUBLIC INSURANCE, it is called Medicare.

The poor, they have PUBLIC INSURANCE, it is called Medicaid.



Insurance companies have already tossed the elderly, the disabled, and the poor on to the public. Now, they want "high risk pools" so they can throw all those with pre-existing conditions to the public. In the end, they want only the youngest, the healthiest, and the lowest risk in order to attain the highest PROFITS.

Come on. Can't you see it. The public is already responsible for those with the highest health care risk. Does it not make sense that the public should also assume the health care risk of the lowest risk individuals as well? If the public were a private insurance company you would be screaming about a "death spiral". So tell me, why is the answer to the death spiral not an increased diversification of risk and instead, simply transferring the death spiral on to the backs of the people?

They can't handle the old and the poor........or the Veterans...yet you think by adding all AMericans they will get better at it.......you "Come on" and get real...

Can't handle? Yeah, get real. I don't think I have ever heard someone go, "Damn this Medicare, I wish I had my private insurance back". In fact, both Medicare and the VA have higher patient satisfaction ratio's than private pay.
Only in alt-right bizarro world could there be a backlash against a father calling for children to have medical care if they need it

That isn't what he is calling for...he is calling for a state run medical system that is already collapsing that he will never use. A system meant to destroy the healthcare options 80% of the country was happy with, in order to put those 80% under the control of nameless, faceless bureaucrats who are currently running the Veterans Administration Healthcare system that cannot provide healthcare for the limited number of Veterans in this country...but they seem to think giving them complete control over the healthcare of 320 million Americans...jim kimmel excluded.......will allow them to do better.....

That is the problem with jimmy kimmel and his rant...

Obamacare simply attempting to increase the number of INSURED. You got that. It wasn't about health care. It wasn't about cost. It was about INSURANCE. It was placed on top of an already dysfunctional system.

Come on. It is simple. This is our current system.

The elderly and the disabled, they have PUBLIC INSURANCE, it is called Medicare.

The poor, they have PUBLIC INSURANCE, it is called Medicaid.



Insurance companies have already tossed the elderly, the disabled, and the poor on to the public. Now, they want "high risk pools" so they can throw all those with pre-existing conditions to the public. In the end, they want only the youngest, the healthiest, and the lowest risk in order to attain the highest PROFITS.

Come on. Can't you see it. The public is already responsible for those with the highest health care risk. Does it not make sense that the public should also assume the health care risk of the lowest risk individuals as well? If the public were a private insurance company you would be screaming about a "death spiral". So tell me, why is the answer to the death spiral not an increased diversification of risk and instead, simply transferring the death spiral on to the backs of the people?

They can't handle the old and the poor........or the Veterans...yet you think by adding all AMericans they will get better at it.......you "Come on" and get real...

Yes, you need to get real and quit falling for the partisan bullshit. Both Medicare and the VA have higher patient satisfaction rates than private health insurance.

Medicare vs. Private Insurance: Rhetoric and Reality

News Releases - Office of Public and Intergovernmental Affairs

Sure, you might hear some horror stories about the VA. And maybe, just maybe, you might find a handful of people that complain about Medicare. But those numbers pale in comparison to the complaints about private hospitals and private insurance. I started in the insurance business more than two decades ago, in the individual health market. It took me less than three months to jump ship and focus on the Medicare market, mostly because the private market was as FUBARED then as it is now. Today, I have hundreds of clients, all on Medicare, and to the person, not a one would be willing to go back to the private insurance market.

Do some research. You will find that Medicare's average spending per beneficiary is damn near equal to the average premium for private health insurance. In other words, the government is spending, taking care of a little more than 80% of the health expenses of the elderly and disabled, what private insurance CHARGES to take care of the same percentage of expenses of the HEALTHY AND WORKING. Yeah, somebody is getting hosed.

And now, these stupid "high risk" pools, which I am more than familiar with, is just another attempt by the private insurance companies, to throw the health care risk of the highest risk individuals, that are still working and not disabled, to the public. Look, if you owned a cow, and you paid a guy to milk it, would you continue to pay him if he separated the cream from the milk, walked off with the cream, and left you with only skim milk?

Yeah...please tell us how well run the VA and medicare are......medicare is bankrupt and the VA is killing Vets.....

The people on Medicare aren't complaining because they don't have to worry about paying for it...unless the doctor they want won't take medicare patients because they won't be reimbursed for the full rate of the treatment...

So please...don't piss on our legs and tell us it's raining.....

The bankruptcy part is both highly debatable and totally irrelevant. It is a funding question, not a question as to patient satisfaction nor efficiency. And the VA is killing vets? Do tell. And private hospitals are not? Hell, medical mistakes are probably the third leading cause of death in the United States, and that is conservative estimate.

Medical Errors Are No. 3 Cause Of U.S Deaths, Researchers Say
That isn't what he is calling for...he is calling for a state run medical system that is already collapsing that he will never use. A system meant to destroy the healthcare options 80% of the country was happy with, in order to put those 80% under the control of nameless, faceless bureaucrats who are currently running the Veterans Administration Healthcare system that cannot provide healthcare for the limited number of Veterans in this country...but they seem to think giving them complete control over the healthcare of 320 million Americans...jim kimmel excluded.......will allow them to do better.....

That is the problem with jimmy kimmel and his rant...

Obamacare simply attempting to increase the number of INSURED. You got that. It wasn't about health care. It wasn't about cost. It was about INSURANCE. It was placed on top of an already dysfunctional system.

Come on. It is simple. This is our current system.

The elderly and the disabled, they have PUBLIC INSURANCE, it is called Medicare.

The poor, they have PUBLIC INSURANCE, it is called Medicaid.



Insurance companies have already tossed the elderly, the disabled, and the poor on to the public. Now, they want "high risk pools" so they can throw all those with pre-existing conditions to the public. In the end, they want only the youngest, the healthiest, and the lowest risk in order to attain the highest PROFITS.

Come on. Can't you see it. The public is already responsible for those with the highest health care risk. Does it not make sense that the public should also assume the health care risk of the lowest risk individuals as well? If the public were a private insurance company you would be screaming about a "death spiral". So tell me, why is the answer to the death spiral not an increased diversification of risk and instead, simply transferring the death spiral on to the backs of the people?

They can't handle the old and the poor........or the Veterans...yet you think by adding all AMericans they will get better at it.......you "Come on" and get real...

Can't handle? Yeah, get real. I don't think I have ever heard someone go, "Damn this Medicare, I wish I had my private insurance back". In fact, both Medicare and the VA have higher patient satisfaction ratio's than private pay.
That isn't what he is calling for...he is calling for a state run medical system that is already collapsing that he will never use. A system meant to destroy the healthcare options 80% of the country was happy with, in order to put those 80% under the control of nameless, faceless bureaucrats who are currently running the Veterans Administration Healthcare system that cannot provide healthcare for the limited number of Veterans in this country...but they seem to think giving them complete control over the healthcare of 320 million Americans...jim kimmel excluded.......will allow them to do better.....

That is the problem with jimmy kimmel and his rant...

Obamacare simply attempting to increase the number of INSURED. You got that. It wasn't about health care. It wasn't about cost. It was about INSURANCE. It was placed on top of an already dysfunctional system.

Come on. It is simple. This is our current system.

The elderly and the disabled, they have PUBLIC INSURANCE, it is called Medicare.

The poor, they have PUBLIC INSURANCE, it is called Medicaid.



Insurance companies have already tossed the elderly, the disabled, and the poor on to the public. Now, they want "high risk pools" so they can throw all those with pre-existing conditions to the public. In the end, they want only the youngest, the healthiest, and the lowest risk in order to attain the highest PROFITS.

Come on. Can't you see it. The public is already responsible for those with the highest health care risk. Does it not make sense that the public should also assume the health care risk of the lowest risk individuals as well? If the public were a private insurance company you would be screaming about a "death spiral". So tell me, why is the answer to the death spiral not an increased diversification of risk and instead, simply transferring the death spiral on to the backs of the people?

They can't handle the old and the poor........or the Veterans...yet you think by adding all AMericans they will get better at it.......you "Come on" and get real...

Yes, you need to get real and quit falling for the partisan bullshit. Both Medicare and the VA have higher patient satisfaction rates than private health insurance.

Medicare vs. Private Insurance: Rhetoric and Reality

News Releases - Office of Public and Intergovernmental Affairs

Sure, you might hear some horror stories about the VA. And maybe, just maybe, you might find a handful of people that complain about Medicare. But those numbers pale in comparison to the complaints about private hospitals and private insurance. I started in the insurance business more than two decades ago, in the individual health market. It took me less than three months to jump ship and focus on the Medicare market, mostly because the private market was as FUBARED then as it is now. Today, I have hundreds of clients, all on Medicare, and to the person, not a one would be willing to go back to the private insurance market.

Do some research. You will find that Medicare's average spending per beneficiary is damn near equal to the average premium for private health insurance. In other words, the government is spending, taking care of a little more than 80% of the health expenses of the elderly and disabled, what private insurance CHARGES to take care of the same percentage of expenses of the HEALTHY AND WORKING. Yeah, somebody is getting hosed.

And now, these stupid "high risk" pools, which I am more than familiar with, is just another attempt by the private insurance companies, to throw the health care risk of the highest risk individuals, that are still working and not disabled, to the public. Look, if you owned a cow, and you paid a guy to milk it, would you continue to pay him if he separated the cream from the milk, walked off with the cream, and left you with only skim milk?

Yeah...please tell us how well run the VA and medicare are......medicare is bankrupt and the VA is killing Vets.....

The people on Medicare aren't complaining because they don't have to worry about paying for it...unless the doctor they want won't take medicare patients because they won't be reimbursed for the full rate of the treatment...

So please...don't piss on our legs and tell us it's raining.....

The bankruptcy part is both highly debatable and totally irrelevant. It is a funding question, not a question as to patient satisfaction nor efficiency. And the VA is killing vets? Do tell. And private hospitals are not? Hell, medical mistakes are probably the third leading cause of death in the United States, and that is conservative estimate.

Medical Errors Are No. 3 Cause Of U.S Deaths, Researchers Say
Of course they are. You know that medicine is not an exact science. You know it's called the practice of medicine.

Jimmy Kimmel dragged his child onto the stage of his late night comedy show to bitch about obamacare, a system that is failing everyone and which will crater because it was designed to fail....yet wealthy, 1 percenter, jimmy kimmel...wants to trap you in that system....

5 Things You Need To Know About The Hospital Where Jimmy Kimmel Took His Son, And Why It's Not A Case For Obamacare

1. The hospital that treated Kimmel's baby is a private charity hospital.

Ben Shapiro

My daughter had open-heart surgery at the same hospital with same surgeon as Kimmel's son. Not a case for Obamacare. http://www.dailywire.com/news/15965/no-it-isnt-immoral-be-sick-or-poor-it-immoral-ben-shapiro …

4:42 PM - 2 May 2017

Indeed, the Children Hospital Los Angeles' website states:

Children's Hospital Los Angeles (CHLA) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit institution that provides pediatric health care and helps our patients more than 528,000 times each year in a setting designed just for their needs. Our history began in 1901 in a small house on the corner of Alpine and Castelar Streets (now Hill St. in Chinatown) and today our medical experts offer more than 350 pediatric specialty programs and services to meet the needs of our patients.

CHLA is a provider of more than $232.6 million in community benefits annually to children and families. As the first and largest pediatric hospital in Southern California, CHLA relies on the generosity of philanthropists in the community to support compassionate patient care, leading-edge education of the caregivers of tomorrow and innovative research efforts that impact children at our hospital and around the world.

2. What that means is that private charity is a valid solution to help those who are in need, which is the point that Shapiro makes in his response to Kimmel's monologue.

"None of this means we shouldn’t have social support for those who fall through the cracks — who lose their jobs during a pregnancy, for example. That’s what communities and churches and hospital charities are for, as a start," wrote Shapiro. "Obamacare doesn’t solve these problems, in any case — insurance companies have been opting out of the Obamacare scheme precisely because it bankrupts them, and Medicaid coverage has been shown to have little or no impact on life expectancy. That's why more options in health care decreases cost and makes health care more affordable to those who are poorer."

In other words, private charities like CHLA have proven to be more effective at providing healthcare to the needy than government-run schemes like Obamacare. What happened with Kimmel's baby is illustrative of that rather than a case in favor of Obamacare.

3. Prior to Obamacare, people were not dying in the streets as the result of being denied coverage for pre-existing conditions.

Health care policy wonk Avik Roy pointed out in Forbes that employer-sponsored and government-run health insurance plans were already required to cover pre-existing conditions prior to Obamacare, which accounted for "90% of Americans with health insurance." The only place where such denials of coverage could occur was through the individual market, but even then it was a small number of people. Roy pointed to the Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan (PCIP), a program established under Obamacare to provide "heavily subsidized coverage under PCIP if they had documented proof that they had been denied coverage by an insurance company and had a pre-existing condition" from 2010 to 2014. The highest number of people who signed up for the program was 114,959 — suggesting that it was indeed only a small percentage of the population who could have been denied coverage on the individual market due to a pre-existing condition.

Why don't you right winged sons of bitches stop with the Bullshit. ACA is working, has worked and continues to work dispite all the bullshit you right winged bastards keep talking about. K
Jimmy Kimmel dragged his child onto the stage of his late night comedy show to bitch about obamacare, a system that is failing everyone and which will crater because it was designed to fail....yet wealthy, 1 percenter, jimmy kimmel...wants to trap you in that system....

5 Things You Need To Know About The Hospital Where Jimmy Kimmel Took His Son, And Why It's Not A Case For Obamacare

1. The hospital that treated Kimmel's baby is a private charity hospital.

Ben Shapiro

My daughter had open-heart surgery at the same hospital with same surgeon as Kimmel's son. Not a case for Obamacare. http://www.dailywire.com/news/15965/no-it-isnt-immoral-be-sick-or-poor-it-immoral-ben-shapiro …

4:42 PM - 2 May 2017

Indeed, the Children Hospital Los Angeles' website states:

Children's Hospital Los Angeles (CHLA) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit institution that provides pediatric health care and helps our patients more than 528,000 times each year in a setting designed just for their needs. Our history began in 1901 in a small house on the corner of Alpine and Castelar Streets (now Hill St. in Chinatown) and today our medical experts offer more than 350 pediatric specialty programs and services to meet the needs of our patients.

CHLA is a provider of more than $232.6 million in community benefits annually to children and families. As the first and largest pediatric hospital in Southern California, CHLA relies on the generosity of philanthropists in the community to support compassionate patient care, leading-edge education of the caregivers of tomorrow and innovative research efforts that impact children at our hospital and around the world.

2. What that means is that private charity is a valid solution to help those who are in need, which is the point that Shapiro makes in his response to Kimmel's monologue.

"None of this means we shouldn’t have social support for those who fall through the cracks — who lose their jobs during a pregnancy, for example. That’s what communities and churches and hospital charities are for, as a start," wrote Shapiro. "Obamacare doesn’t solve these problems, in any case — insurance companies have been opting out of the Obamacare scheme precisely because it bankrupts them, and Medicaid coverage has been shown to have little or no impact on life expectancy. That's why more options in health care decreases cost and makes health care more affordable to those who are poorer."

In other words, private charities like CHLA have proven to be more effective at providing healthcare to the needy than government-run schemes like Obamacare. What happened with Kimmel's baby is illustrative of that rather than a case in favor of Obamacare.

3. Prior to Obamacare, people were not dying in the streets as the result of being denied coverage for pre-existing conditions.

Health care policy wonk Avik Roy pointed out in Forbes that employer-sponsored and government-run health insurance plans were already required to cover pre-existing conditions prior to Obamacare, which accounted for "90% of Americans with health insurance." The only place where such denials of coverage could occur was through the individual market, but even then it was a small number of people. Roy pointed to the Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan (PCIP), a program established under Obamacare to provide "heavily subsidized coverage under PCIP if they had documented proof that they had been denied coverage by an insurance company and had a pre-existing condition" from 2010 to 2014. The highest number of people who signed up for the program was 114,959 — suggesting that it was indeed only a small percentage of the population who could have been denied coverage on the individual market due to a pre-existing condition.

Listen, you right winged bastards can spin this shit all the fuck you want.....reality is reality. The only fuckin reason you nuts hang on this failure shit is because some rich white CEO fuck who wasn't allowed to merge with another insurance company, said that ACA will fail and you nuts have run with this shit ever since. Yes, we have far too many sick vs healthy people in on ACA...something both party's can fix....Yes, premiums go up and did so many many many many times prior to ACA, another thing both parties can tackle by capping premiums and Yes, this fat cats want out, their bonus's are shrinking....however if both parties would agree on single payer, than these fact rich CEO's can find another way to make a living, rather than shitting all over the poor and sick, find another gotdamn racket....single payer all the fuckin way!!

It's not working...it is failing, dramatically, and this year is when all the worst aspects kick in....the worst aspects that were put off till after the election....

Yeah, yeah yeah, that's why 80% of the country supports ACA, like it and want to keep it, otherwise it would have been gone YESTERDAY!! You morons are nothing but whiners and anything the black guy has done, you guys hate. I hate the fact, I'm paying for boomers who put no where near the dollars into medicare and ss that they consume each year, but its life and unlike you fools, we all adjust and get over it.

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