Why Would US Give a War Guarantee -- to Finland?

The problem is not only Ukraine, it is all the global elites.

They don't talk to each other, and they all have the mentality that it is still the 19th century. They don't work with each other, they only seek to conquer.

They think like you do.
Well that is flatly untrue on every level.
Russia has never invaded any NATO Member Nation and it isn't going to start now.

That would only ensure their complete destruction.
When Russia has to eventually widen the war in Ukraine, and it starts to degrade western Ukraine, demolishing infrastructure because NATO keeps sending in reinforcing measures?

And once the economies of the US and EU start to collapse, you can't say that NATO won't get even more involved. .. . .
When Russia has to eventually widen the war in Ukraine, and it starts to degrade western Ukraine, demolishing infrastructure because NATO keeps sending in reinforcing measures?

And once the economies of the US and EU start to collapse, you can't say that NATO won't get even more involved. .. . .
Russia can't hold what it has now.

The EU countries economies are not about to collapse, Russia doesn't have either the political, military, or economic power to harm them seriously.
Russia can't hold what it has now.

The EU countries economies are not about to collapse, Russia doesn't have either the political, military, or economic power to harm them seriously.
If that were true?

If Ukraine Is Winning Why Is The U.S. Requesting A Ceasefire?​

Yesterday the U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin called the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation Sergei Shoigu.


The U.S. readout of the call says:

On May 13, Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III spoke with Russian Minister of Defense Sergey Shoygu for the first time since February 18. Secretary Austin urged an immediate ceasefire in Ukraine and emphasized the importance of maintaining lines of communication.

Austin initiated the call and the U.S. is seeking a ceasefire in Ukraine!!!

Are we not told that the Ukraine is winning the war? That it will soon push the Russian forces back over the border? The operation to 'weaken Russia', which Austin had publicly announced two weeks ago, does not seem to go that well.


2022.05.14 Why Did Lloyd Austin Call Sergei Shoigu?​

Premiered May 14, 2022
As often as it's been explained with you not getting it I can't see now explaining it again is going to be helpful.

Army of Secret Propagandists in Ukraine Funded by U.S. to Win Western Hearts and Minds for NATO Policies​

You might have a little more credibility if you hadn't just joined after this war started. . . .

The older membership is a bit more skeptical of someone that doesn't question anything at all coming out of the establishment. . . and just joined to push a narrative.

I wonder. . . will you even be on this forum once this war is over. . .

Pretty sure we can take Canada.
I think Mexico wouldn't be much of a threat to us either. . .


Folks like this always say that isolationism was a disaster to us, but I am not sure how?

I think Mexico wouldn't be much of a threat to us either. . .


Folks like this always say that isolationism was a disaster to us, but I am not sure how?


The US gained nothing from our involvement in the First World War.

Whether or not our economic gains and elevation to super power status from World War II was a net gain to us is a matter for debate.

Even had we not been involved (or involved only in The Pacific) in the Second World War, our intact industrial base at the end of the war would still have made us the world's leading industrial power for many years.

Army of Secret Propagandists in Ukraine Funded by U.S. to Win Western Hearts and Minds for NATO Policies​

You might have a little more credibility if you hadn't just joined after this war started. . . .

The older membership is a bit more skeptical of someone that doesn't question anything at all coming out of the establishment. . . and just joined to push a narrative.

I wonder. . . will you even be on this forum once this war is over. . .

What does anything there have to do with this discussion?
The US gained nothing from our involvement in the First World War.

Whether or not our economic gains and elevation to super power status from World War II was a net gain to us is a matter for debate.

Even had we not been involved (or involved only in The Pacific) in the Second World War, our intact industrial base at the end of the war would still have made us the world's leading industrial power for many years.
WWI spurred a new industrial revolution in the US like we'd not yet seen and made the US a world power.

Less than 30 years later we were the worlds leading manufacturing economy many times over and the undisputed military super power in the world.

It largely was responsible for the succeeding migration of rural Americans to the industrial cities of the East and Midwest.

It also led to the most rapid gains in science, engineering, and technology the nation had ever seen to that point.

Prior to 1914 we were still largely seen as a upstart backwater nation and failed English Colony.
The US gained nothing from our involvement in the First World War.

Whether or not our economic gains and elevation to super power status from World War II was a net gain to us is a matter for debate.

Even had we not been involved (or involved only in The Pacific) in the Second World War, our intact industrial base at the end of the war would still have made us the world's leading industrial power for many years.
I'm aware. It has always been about the banks, and about reconstituting the empire for the Anglophile elites.

If the US separated our policy from Britain? All of this would end. I don't see it happening though. Anymore than I see us separating our policy from Israel.

The Rhodes Scholars Guiding Biden’s Presidency​

While the WEF’s Young Global Leader program has recently become infamous, it follows the model of a much older program and think tank established with the ill-begotten gains of Cecil Rhodes.
One moment, please...

". . .Videos of Klaus Schwab bragging that Young Leaders have been positioned across the governments of Canada, Argentina, Europe and beyond are now being posted across social media platforms on a daily basis, confirming the suspicions of many that the World Economic Forum is not a benign business networking operation, as it has tried to project for the credulous. Rather, it is something much darker and insidious.

Set up in 1993 as the Global Leaders of Tomorrow and renamed WEF Young Leaders Forum in 2004 (fueled with funds from such benevolent institutions as JP Morgan Chase and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation), over 1400 young leaders (under the age of 38) from both public and private sectors have been processed through the program. For those tapped to become members of this elitist clique, they agree to attend six years of regular WEF conferences featuring seminars, focus groups and other special experiences both at Davos and at regional WEF events, at which point they graduate and become “alumni” who, in turn, become capable of nominating future young leaders... ."


". . .As important as it is to hold this disturbing fact in mind, it is even more important not to lose sight of the deeper historical forces at play and the older institutional practice of talent searching young blood upon which the YGL Program is based.

Just as Klaus Schwab was never his own man, having been trained by his mentors Maurice Strong (co-founder of the WEF) [1] and his Harvard mentor Henry Kissinger, so too were Klaus’ Young Leaders merely a modern version of an older practice that has been at play for over 114 years. This older institution is the Rhodes Scholarship system and the associated Round Table Movement, which created both Chatham House in 1919 and its American branch, dubbed “The Council on Foreign Relations,” in 1921.. . "



Cecil Rhodes and the Creation of a New Religion

The early members of the Rhodes Trust hive interfaced closely with London’s Fabian Society throughout the 20th century and became the new disciplined elite that gradually infiltrated throughout society. This new breed of imperial management exerted its influence in much the same way earlier Jesuit operations had been formed and deployed across Europe beginning in the 16th century.


For anyone confused as to the purpose of this Rhodes Scholarship program, one need look no further than Rhodes’ 1877 Confessions of Faith and Seven Wills, which called for the domination of “inferior races” by Anglo-Saxon superiority, as well as the ultimate recapturing of America and the creation of a new Church of the British Empire:


In another will, Rhodes described in more detail his intention to create an organization:


The WW1 Conspiracy​

What was World War One about? How did it start? Who won? And what did they win? Now, 100 years after those final shots rang out, these questions still puzzle historians and laymen alike. But as we shall see, this confusion is not a happenstance of history but the wool that has been pulled over our eyes to stop us from seeing what WWI really was. This is the story of WWI that you didn’t read in the history books. This is The WWI Conspiracy.
Turkey isn't on the fence, it has the largest military in NATO except for the US.
Turkey has been an unreliable ally and fence sitter since the Islamic Hard liners started getting control of the country.

They play to Russia economically and with shared military technology while still being a NATO ally.

They even refused to let US forces come through Turkey to get into N. Iraq to protect the Kurds and link up with their forces whom Saddam had been trying to exterminate off and on for decades.
And it’s still causing problems for northern Syria.

I watched a programme on it last night.
Depends on your perspective really.

Are you sure it isn't Israel that is really causing the problems?


Either way, it is none of the concern of the U.S.

Our concern should be the southern border, central America, and the cartels.
So true. This is the War Party of Washington at work. That is why they hated Trump, there was no money in it for them with Trump around.

Insanity rules the day. Ukraine, Finland, Sweden, back into Somalia. Do any of you who don't get it finally get it now?

Seeing Russia invade Ukraine, historically neutral Finland has undergone a late conversion and decided to join NATO immediately.
Why? Because NATO membership means the world's strongest power, the United States, under Article 5 of NATO, would go to war against Russia, should it cross Finland's border.
Nervous about Russian President Vladimir Putin's intentions, Finland wants America legally and morally bound to fight Russia on its behalf, should Putin invade Finland as he invaded Ukraine.
From the Finnish point of view, this is perfectly understandable.
But why would the United States consent to go to war with Russia, the largest nuclear power on earth, for violating Finland's frontiers?
Finland is not Alaska; it is not Canada; it is 5,000 miles away. And no one ever asserted during the Cold War, or for the decades since, that Finland was a U.S. vital interest. Why, then, would we consent, in advance, to go to war with Russia over Finland?
President Joe Biden said last week that NATO has an "open door" policy and Finland and Sweden are welcome, and he looks forward to their joining.
Consider what Biden is actually saying and doing here. He is ceding to Finland, a country of 5.5 million people with an 830-mile border with Putin's Russia, the right to obligate the United States of America to go to war with Russia, if Russia attacks Finland.
What patriot would commit his own country, in perpetuity, to go to war on behalf of another country not his own?

Finland is run by a gang of sorority girls in pink hats

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