Wildlife wins one

A hunter was gored by the deer he had just shot -- and he died. - CNN

I love it. More reports of wildlife defending themselves against predator hunters would be great news.
Great news! Hunting for sport is barbaric.

What makes you think he was hunting for sport?
I doubt VERY much he was hunting to SURVIVE. That's the ONLY hunting that is NOT barbaric. Hunting to stay alive.

Well I'll be waving from my deer blind in two weeks. Why? Because hunting deer provides meat and controls their population. You're describing trophy hunting, which is a rich person's hobby usually confined to ranches or done abroad because of the Endangered Species Act.
A hunter was gored by the deer he had just shot -- and he died. - CNN

I love it. More reports of wildlife defending themselves against predator hunters would be great news.
Great news! Hunting for sport is barbaric.

What makes you think he was hunting for sport?
I doubt VERY much he was hunting to SURVIVE. That's the ONLY hunting that is NOT barbaric. Hunting to stay alive.
So you're saying rich trophy hunters should not kill trophy deer unless they are poor?
A hunter was gored by the deer he had just shot -- and he died. - CNN

I love it. More reports of wildlife defending themselves against predator hunters would be great news.
Great news! Hunting for sport is barbaric.

What makes you think he was hunting for sport?
I doubt VERY much he was hunting to SURVIVE. That's the ONLY hunting that is NOT barbaric. Hunting to stay alive.

Lots of people hunt for the meat. If you havnt noticed, commercial beef is not all that good for you compared to wild meat. People have a choice. Do you also rejoice when your local butcher has an accident with one of the saws? cutting up an innocent cow?

the article said the hunter and his nephew were preparing to field dress the deer for meat. So maybe this guy just liked to feed his family. It's not a crime considering deer populations are over populated. They actually need to be hunted for the health of the overall herd.
A hunter was gored by the deer he had just shot -- and he died. - CNN

I love it. More reports of wildlife defending themselves against predator hunters would be great news.

Your all wrong here. Deer are prey animals as determined by nature. They feed predators and like it or not, humans are animals themselves, human beings are also part of the earths eco-system. We are both naturally predators and we eat vegetables. Whether you have a cow slaughtered on a ranch, or shoot a deer to feed your family, its all the same. SO this guy died a slow and probably miserable death, trying to cling onto life, and you want to celebrate it.
I'm not going to call you a bad person, I'll just chalk it up to ignorance.
A hunter was gored by the deer he had just shot -- and he died. - CNN

I love it. More reports of wildlife defending themselves against predator hunters would be great news.
You're a B00B. Look at the animal numbers per state for the last 50 year. Hunting(wildlife management) is a proven science of protection of species over the decades.

These guys think the forest is a petting zoo, which is the problem.

What are the Causes and Effects of Deer Overpopulation?


Ecosystem Changes
Over-browsing of large numbers of deer change ecosystem environments. They eat reproducing seeds of plants and trees that other animals use for food and shelter. Deer predators are being hunted and relocated by humans, hence increasing the population of deer. The deer also change the nutrients in the soil needed for plants and trees to reproduce and grow. Invasive plants otherwise unable to flourish in certain ecosystems eventually become dominate in the wake of the over-browsing deer.

Too Many Deer: A Bigger Threat to Eastern Forests than Climate Change?

White-tailed deer likely impact every landscape east of the Mississippi River. The damage has been insidious — both slow moving and cumulative. Unfortunately, the harm is often overlooked, or worse, accepted as somehow “natural.”
A hunter was gored by the deer he had just shot -- and he died. - CNN

I love it. More reports of wildlife defending themselves against predator hunters would be great news.
You're a B00B. Look at the animal numbers per state for the last 50 year. Hunting(wildlife management) is a proven science of protection of species over the decades.

These guys think the forest is a petting zoo, which is the problem.

What are the Causes and Effects of Deer Overpopulation?


Ecosystem Changes
Over-browsing of large numbers of deer change ecosystem environments. They eat reproducing seeds of plants and trees that other animals use for food and shelter. Deer predators are being hunted and relocated by humans, hence increasing the population of deer. The deer also change the nutrients in the soil needed for plants and trees to reproduce and grow. Invasive plants otherwise unable to flourish in certain ecosystems eventually become dominate in the wake of the over-browsing deer.

Too Many Deer: A Bigger Threat to Eastern Forests than Climate Change?

White-tailed deer likely impact every landscape east of the Mississippi River. The damage has been insidious — both slow moving and cumulative. Unfortunately, the harm is often overlooked, or worse, accepted as somehow “natural.”
Bring in more mountain lions
A hunter was gored by the deer he had just shot -- and he died. - CNN

I love it. More reports of wildlife defending themselves against predator hunters would be great news.
And how do you like wild dogs who run in packs killing and eating little children, Mr. Live and Let Live?
They hate us more than they love the children.

UM: No To Hunting; Yes To Culling Of Deer Herds.

“By hiring that means instead of hunters paying for the chance to hunt and kill a deer . . . East Lansing has to pay the $6,000 it will cost for this round of culling. When the cull happens the city manager would partner with the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Wildlife Services to bring in those taxpayer-paid sharpshooters who will kill the deer in specialized hunts in the city parks.”​

This may sound nonsensical, but when you realize that opposition to hunting stems more from hatred of hunters than from love of deer, it all makes sense.
A hunter was gored by the deer he had just shot -- and he died. - CNN

I love it. More reports of wildlife defending themselves against predator hunters would be great news.
Great news! Hunting for sport is barbaric.

What makes you think he was hunting for sport?
I doubt VERY much he was hunting to SURVIVE. That's the ONLY hunting that is NOT barbaric. Hunting to stay alive.

You shop to stay alive, don't you?
A hunter was gored by the deer he had just shot -- and he died. - CNN

I love it. More reports of wildlife defending themselves against predator hunters would be great news.
Great news! Hunting for sport is barbaric.

What makes you think he was hunting for sport?
I doubt VERY much he was hunting to SURVIVE. That's the ONLY hunting that is NOT barbaric. Hunting to stay alive.

You shop to stay alive, don't you?
Of course. Any other shopping is barbaric.

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