Will Bernie Sanders Become the First Jewish President?

I think he's catching up with Hillary. It would funny to watch the RW put all their eggs in the "bash Hillary" basket and Sanders winning.....................again.

Can it get more racist than the OP? I guess birtherism is right up there. Guess that makes sense, since Hillary Clinton is mother of the birther movement.

In any event, as a Republican I find myself favoring a Sanders Presidency more than a Clinton Presidency in many ways. It's kinda strange. It's had me a bit conflicted. For me, it comes down to the fact that Clinton is far more partisan than Sanders. I think Sanders would be much more willing to work with Republicans than Clinton would be. But I'm very concerned with his age. I'm not sure he would be able to stand up to the rigors of being President. Theoretically, I'd support a Sanders/[insert strong VP option here] ticket over a Trump/[insert anybody] ticket.

If it does come down to Trump v Clinton, I'll probably be giving an immigration lawyer a call.
You know I may disagree with him on almost everything, but one thing is for sure I can see Bernie Sanders being a better President than Hillary Clinton...

I will not vote for him but have respect for the man...
Bernie aint going nowhere. He's too busy sniffing the hils crotch and apologizing to her and making excuses for her. He's not worth two dungs.
Bernie aint going nowhere. He's too busy sniffing the hils crotch and apologizing to her and making excuses for her. He's not worth two dungs.

You know, you would have sounded more intelligent if you had come right out and said "two shits." I find it amazing how some people manage to go out of their way to demonstrate their immaturity.
Bernie aint going nowhere. He's too busy sniffing the hils crotch and apologizing to her and making excuses for her. He's not worth two dungs.

You know, you would have sounded more intelligent if you had come right out and said "two shits." I find it amazing how some people manage to go out of their way to demonstrate their immaturity.

Yet, you knew exactly what he meant.
It depends...

Plebs tend to vote for whomever promises wealth distribution...

Which is exactly where Comrade Sanders wants to take the country...

If enough Peasants and Welfare Vassals show-up at the polls no November 8, 2016... it's possible.
I wonder why Bernie doesn't speak out more about his Jewishness? Does Nutanyahoo support Bernie? Why isn't he over here campaigning for him?
I hope not. Israel causes enough trouble without having a Jewish U.S. president.

A look into the Jewish side of US presidential candidate Bernie Sanders

Whaaaa? You worried your hidabeast won't get elected? For shame!
Whats w/ the ad hom for HRC? westwall Is it really necessary especially since you go out of your way to claim that you're a Dem :eusa_eh:

I've never claimed to be a Dem. I just don't vote Repub under pretty much any circumstances. Am considering not voting at all if it comes down to the usual controlled opposition election

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