Will Bernie Sanders Become the First Jewish President?

If Democrats want a Republican sitting in the Oval Office, nominate Bernie Sanders. Mickey Mouse could beat him--LOL You would never have gotten a free college education anyway.

Hillary Clinton is the one.

I am an Independent--and have followed politics for decades. There is not a Republican running in this race, that will be able to defeat her. Other than the far Reich wing of the party, she will attract moderate Republican women, they will cross the party line to vote for her. Independents in this country--which btw is the largest voting block in this country she is going to get the overwhelming majority. She's not going to have any problems winning. Hispanics, Thanks to Trump they are all in her column, and women rule today as the majority voting block, and they're all thirsty for the 1st woman President in this nations history.

Hillary Clinton is your candidate. Republicans know that, that is why they don't pay any attention to Bernie Sanders but they're continually attacking her on Bengazi, and emails--that she's also been cleared of in any negligence or wrong doing. The Tea Party has shattered the Republican party into pieces, take advantage of it and don't be stupid.


I agree.
So if Bernie is Jewish, how is he gonna abide by the democratic mantra of trashing Israel?

Pretty much all politicians in the USA are zionist supporters. Otherwise they get trashed by the MSM and do not get elected.
It makes no difference. Trump went Jew years ago. Klintons skank married a Bolshevik, Cruz and Dr. Basketablall say Jayzuess loves IsNtReal. You're still fucked.
That's because there's only 3 Jews IN IsNtReal. It's a Bolshevik control freak outpost. "Those who claim to be but aren't". Jewish, because organized crime is profitable.
Dorkhota "asks" the dopey question, "Will Bernie Sanders Become the First Jewish President"

The answer is clearly "of course not."

One needs to WIN, first, to be the President and there is simply NO WAY that the American people will vote for a self-avowed "socialist."

Bernie will continue to be just a schmuck.

Your great wisdom overwhelms me.

Your ongoing utter vapidity bores me.

The reasons the senile old socialist you love will never be the first Jewish President is that he will never be President at all, you fucking imbecile.
That's because there's only 3 Jews IN IsNtReal. It's a Bolshevik control freak outpost. "Those who claim to be but aren't". Jewish, because organized crime is profitable.

anti-semitic hate is always amusing to watch.


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