Will Bernie Sanders Become the First Jewish President?

viva jewish president
usa is controlling by jewish. without jewish president or with jewish president
Sanders isn't going anywhere... yeah.. OK, he's got the support of ignorant youngsters who think Socialist means adept and Twitter and Facebook. No sane person is going to vote that loony tune.
Dorkhota "asks" the dopey question, "Will Bernie Sanders Become the First Jewish President"

The answer is clearly "of course not."

One needs to WIN, first, to be the President and there is simply NO WAY that the American people will vote for a self-avowed "socialist."

Bernie will continue to be just a schmuck.

Your great wisdom overwhelms me.
I agree, we are too beholden to Israel. But i don't think it matters who our Presdent is in that regard. The policies won't change.
I hope not. Israel causes enough trouble without having a Jewish U.S. president.

A look into the Jewish side of US presidential candidate Bernie Sanders

Don't call him Jewish.....he might take offense.

Since he really is Jewish - he may be the Jewish Manchurian Candidate. We shouldn't risk it.

Ben Carson is really Black and Ted Cruz is really Latino. You Liberals feel entitled to assess a person's color or creed. Factually, you liberals love to brag about the first black president who happens to be the son of an Irish woman who grew up in white privilege Hawaii yet feel entitled to belittle and besmirch a black kid from inner city Detroit who became an accomplished surgeon.
I hope not. Israel causes enough trouble without having a Jewish U.S. president.

A look into the Jewish side of US presidential candidate Bernie Sanders

Don't call him Jewish.....he might take offense.

Since he really is Jewish - he may be the Jewish Manchurian Candidate. We shouldn't risk it.

Ben Carson is really Black and Ted Cruz is really Latino. You Liberals feel entitled to assess a person's color or creed. Factually, you liberals love to brag about the first black president who happens to be the son of an Irish woman who grew up in white privilege Hawaii yet feel entitled to belittle and besmirch a black kid from inner city Detroit who became an accomplished surgeon.

What does Rain Man Carson have to do with this thread?
If Democrats want a Republican sitting in the Oval Office, nominate Bernie Sanders. Mickey Mouse could beat him--LOL You would never have gotten a free college education anyway.

Hillary Clinton is the one.

I am an Independent--and have followed politics for decades. There is not a Republican running in this race, that will be able to defeat her. Other than the far Reich wing of the party, she will attract moderate Republican women, they will cross the party line to vote for her. Independents in this country--which btw is the largest voting block in this country she is going to get the overwhelming majority. She's not going to have any problems winning. Hispanics, Thanks to Trump they are all in her column, and women rule today as the majority voting block, and they're all thirsty for the 1st woman President in this nations history.

Hillary Clinton is your candidate. Republicans know that, that is why they don't pay any attention to Bernie Sanders but they're continually attacking her on Bengazi, and emails--that she's also been cleared of in any negligence or wrong doing. The Tea Party has shattered the Republican party into pieces, take advantage of it and don't be stupid.

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If Democrats want a Republican sitting in the Oval Office, nominate Bernie Sanders. Mickey Mouse could be him--LOL

Hillary Clinton is the one.

I am an Independent--and have followed politics for decades. There is not a Republican running in this race, that will be able to defeat her. Other than the far Reich wing of the party, she will attract moderate Republican women, they will cross the party line to vote for her. Every Independent in this country--which btw is the largest voting block in this country she is going to get. She's not going to have any problems winning. Hispanics, Thanks to Trump they are all in her column, and women rule today as the majority voting block, and they're all thirsty for the 1st woman President in this nations history.

Hillary Clinton is your candidate. Republicans know that, that is why they don't pay any attention to Bernie Sanders but they're continually attacking her on Bengazi, and emails--that's she also been cleared off in any negligence or wrong doing


I think the point is
it is better to risk losing with Sanders who at least represents the working class progressives,
than to win with Hillary and risk getting more of the same corporate politics as usual.

One way, the liberals who gamble on Sanders may lose.
But the other way, EVERYONE loses.
I hope not. Israel causes enough trouble without having a Jewish U.S. president.

A look into the Jewish side of US presidential candidate Bernie Sanders

Don't call him Jewish.....he might take offense.

Since he really is Jewish - he may be the Jewish Manchurian Candidate. We shouldn't risk it.

Ben Carson is really Black and Ted Cruz is really Latino. You Liberals feel entitled to assess a person's color or creed. Factually, you liberals love to brag about the first black president who happens to be the son of an Irish woman who grew up in white privilege Hawaii yet feel entitled to belittle and besmirch a black kid from inner city Detroit who became an accomplished surgeon.

No one's criticizing Dr. Carson's skills as a surgeon. Those skills are irrelevant to his fitness to be President, and that's not a matter of melanin.
I hope not. Israel causes enough trouble without having a Jewish U.S. president.

A look into the Jewish side of US presidential candidate Bernie Sanders

Don't call him Jewish.....he might take offense.

Since he really is Jewish - he may be the Jewish Manchurian Candidate. We shouldn't risk it.

Ben Carson is really Black and Ted Cruz is really Latino. You Liberals feel entitled to assess a person's color or creed. Factually, you liberals love to brag about the first black president who happens to be the son of an Irish woman who grew up in white privilege Hawaii yet feel entitled to belittle and besmirch a black kid from inner city Detroit who became an accomplished surgeon.

No one's criticizing Dr. Carson's skills as a surgeon. Those skills are irrelevant to his fitness to be President, and that's not a matter of melanin.

I think Carson should be part of the leadership team to plan how to reform the prison system
to redirect more resources and facilities toward sustainable effective mental and medical care.

Maybe creating a position for him on something he can excel in and show his leadership skills
would be fitting compensation for whatever damage was done with the political rumors to undercut him.
So if Bernie is Jewish, how is he gonna abide by the democratic mantra of trashing Israel?
So if Bernie is Jewish, how is he gonna abide by the democratic mantra of trashing Israel?

He'll be part of a team cleaning up the trash left by others.

The Jewish Christian and Muslim leadership will come together for sake of Peace and Justice,
and call an end to the destructive politics and warmongering going on.

The true peacemakers have been working behind the scenes, all this time,
trying to keep the communities together and rebuild on a solid foundation.

At some point, that true leadership will rise to the top, and bring
all the people together with them. So Sanders' grassroots organizing is part of the movement
to bring the working class people upward to have representation and visibility at last.

All communities are going through similar.
The grassroots level that has been silenced while politicians take all the credit
are steadily rising up and organizing so they will end up leading in the end.
And ousting false leaders in the process who aren't really representing
the public's best interest. The real solutions and leadership will come forth in the end.

it just takes time to build solid relations, community and consensus.
it isn't the 30 second sound byte method of selling a solution in the media for political points,
but having no real work to back it up.

The real people doing the work have been building over 25-35 years to finally rise to the top.
Slow and steady wins the race, where it is based on representing local interests of the people,
then citywide and statewide, all the way up to public laws and policies affecting the entire nation.

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