Will Donald Trump go the same way as Joseph McCarthy

Will Donald Trump go the same way as Joseph McCarthy.
Joseph McCarthy was exposed on national TV through the Army - McCarthy hearing. McCarthy's false claims without back up, coming straight from McCarthy's mouth, showed the country who the real McCarthy was. The Republican party realized what a liability he was. He lost all political power. Roy Cohn was a huge influence on Joseph McCarthy.

The January 6th hearing on TV are showing America who Donald Trump is through his own words. Past political allies are testifying to who Trump was behind closed doors. After the hearings, how much political power will Trump have? Roy Cohn was a mentor of Donald Trump.
More like Howard Cosell... dying alone in the shadows.
Will Donald Trump go the same way as Joseph McCarthy.
Joseph McCarthy was exposed on national TV through the Army - McCarthy hearing. McCarthy's false claims without back up, coming straight from McCarthy's mouth, showed the country who the real McCarthy was. The Republican party realized what a liability he was. He lost all political power. Roy Cohn was a huge influence on Joseph McCarthy.

The January 6th hearing on TV are showing America who Donald Trump is through his own words. Past political allies are testifying to who Trump was behind closed doors. After the hearings, how much political power will Trump have? Roy Cohn was a mentor of Donald Trump.

And a true imbecile begins a thread that proves he is an imbecile.

Earlier, I explained what an Elmer is....

....one poster, Elmer, the very same one who began this thread, came up with this knee-jerk post from one of the indoctrinated:

“ There were hundreds if not thousands of people who lost jobs, careers, even families based on McCarty's (sic) over reach and list he compiled and interrogated. Innocent people.”

Yea Or Nay?

One hears this time and again from the indoctrinated....

If this is true…..it should be eminently simple to prove.

When challenged, he could not name a single such innocent ruined by McCarthy......yet he doubled down with his lies, continuing to blame McCarthy.

Senator Jos. McCarthy was an American hero who fought against neo-Marxism. This OP proves that Marxism and ignorance won.
And a true imbecile begins a thread that proves he is an imbecile.

Earlier, I explained what an Elmer is....

....one poster, Elmer, the very same one who began this thread, came up with this knee-jerk post from one of the indoctrinated:

“ There were hundreds if not thousands of people who lost jobs, careers, even families based on McCarty's (sic) over reach and list he compiled and interrogated. Innocent people.”

Yea Or Nay?

One hears this time and again from the indoctrinated....

If this is true…..it should be eminently simple to prove.

When challenged, he could not name a single such innocent ruined by McCarthy......yet he doubled down with his lies, continuing to blame McCarthy.

Senator Jos. McCarthy was an American hero who fought against neo-Marxism. This OP proves that Marxism and ignorance won.

McCarthy was proven right.
The End.
The people that stay within the Democrat Media Bubble don't know that, will never accept that because most are aligned with Marxism themselves and Their Cult is - 100%
And a true imbecile begins a thread that proves he is an imbecile.

Earlier, I explained what an Elmer is....

....one poster, Elmer, the very same one who began this thread, came up with this knee-jerk post from one of the indoctrinated:

“ There were hundreds if not thousands of people who lost jobs, careers, even families based on McCarty's (sic) over reach and list he compiled and interrogated. Innocent people.”

Yea Or Nay?

One hears this time and again from the indoctrinated....

If this is true…..it should be eminently simple to prove.

When challenged, he could not name a single such innocent ruined by McCarthy......yet he doubled down with his lies, continuing to blame McCarthy.

Senator Jos. McCarthy was an American hero who fought against neo-Marxism. This OP proves that Marxism and ignorance won.
You people are bat shit crazy. It does no good to have a discussion with crazy.
That's how you do it in a authoritarian state.

Sad but true. And it is not merely the control of the schools and media. The first fatal step was to give up spiritualism for materialism.....that's what they hold over individuals: their careers and wealth.

. The destruction of America began when the Left imposed the idea that truth is relative, and there is no real right or wrong. The highest virtue has become tolerance.
To embrace tolerance is to cease to believe in anything.

Perhaps the greatest damage to our character and culture is having exchanged spiritual belief for materialism: The meaning of life has become what you have, no matter how you got it.

"Will Donald Trump go the same way as Joseph McCarthy"​

Worse! Much worse! Joseph McCarthy never attempted a coup!

McCarthy attempted to save America from the disease to which you have succumbed.
He never did anything more than point out who whas working for the Marxists.
McCarthy was, of course, correct, and you are proof of that.

The thrust is that it was McCarthyism, more than Soviet espionage or Communism infiltration of government, that was – in the words of the October 23, 1998, NYTimes editorial, “a lethal threat to American democracy.” This, in the same editorial that admitted that the evidence against Julius Rosenberg, and “most likely” Alger Hiss, was clear.

The deciphered Venona messages document the CPUSA’s integral role in the Soviet Union’s massive espionage against the US.

Senator Joe McCarthy confronted government officials concealing communist involvement and excessively lax security with regards to Communists in sensitive U.S. Government posts. In many cases he was on target, with over 81 of the names he gave the Tydings committee resulting in resignations or movement of security risks. Given that over 200 of the spies uncovered in the Venona decrypts were never identified, we can only speculate as to the national security impact of removing Communists from key DoD and State Dept posts.

Arthur Herman, author of "Joseph McCarthy: Reexamining the Life and Legacy of America's Most Hated Senator," says that the accuracy of McCarthy's charges "was no longer a matter of debate," that they are "now accepted as fact."

And The New York Post's Eric Fettmann has noted: "growing historical evidence underscores that, whatever his rhetorical and investigative excesses - and they were substantial - McCarthy was a lot closer to the truth about Communism than were his foes."

Whittaker Chambers wrote in his book WITNESS that liberals are/were incapable of ever effectively fighting Communism because they did not see anything in Communism that was antithetical to their own beliefs. In short, Liberals are Communists and Communists are Liberals.

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