Will Mueller be remembered as a lamb or a lion?


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
How will history judge him? I think that will greatly depend on his testimony before Congress on Wednesday. The DOJ has ordered Mueller to strictly limit his testimony solely to his report - which Mueller is not required to do. Mueller said in his report that DOJ policy prevented him from charging a sitting president with a crime; however, AG Barr later stated that Mueller could have charged crimes if he felt justified. What do you think?

DOJ Tells Mueller to Limit Congressional Testimony
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Personally, I've always had great respect for Mueller. However, I'm concerned that respect may be shattered on Wednesday.
According to the leftard clown posse of sniveling commie fucks? Mueller was going to bring charges against Trump and prove that the ROOSKIES and Trump conspired to steal the election from the Hildebeast by revealing the corruption and criminality of the DNC and in particular, the Hildebeast herself........

Didn't work out quite like they had hoped.

Doesn't matter what Mueller says. The right will scream that he said something during the hearing other than what was in his report and attack him in an effort to discredit the report and anything he says about it.
'co-conspirator' whose conflict of interests and records of illegally hiding crimes, FISA Court abuses as FBI Director, intentionally sending innocent people to jail, etc...to should have prevented him from being named Special Counsel.
According to the leftard clown posse of sniveling commie fucks? Mueller was going to bring charges against Trump and prove that the ROOSKIES and Trump conspired to steal the election from the Hildebeast by revealing the corruption and criminality of the DNC and in particular, the Hildebeast herself........

Didn't work out quite like they had hoped.


Come on Dale. After all those thousands of hours of research, you can't spent a little while just reading the report?
Doesn't matter what Mueller says. The right will scream that he said something during the hearing other than what was in his report and attack him in an effort to discredit the report and anything he says about it.

I totally disagree! It matters GREATLY what Mueller says and how he answers questions. It's a given how childish right-wingers will behave.
According to the leftard clown posse of sniveling commie fucks? Mueller was going to bring charges against Trump and prove that the ROOSKIES and Trump conspired to steal the election from the Hildebeast by revealing the corruption and criminality of the DNC and in particular, the Hildebeast herself........

Didn't work out quite like they had hoped.


Come on Dale. After all those thousands of hours of research, you can't spent a little while just reading the report?

I swore off fiction a long time ago....Stephen King was once my favorite author.
Doesn't matter what Mueller says. The right will scream that he said something during the hearing other than what was in his report and attack him in an effort to discredit the report and anything he says about it.

I totally disagree! It matters GREATLY what Mueller says and how he answers questions. It's a given how childish right-wingers will behave.

Again, I worded it poorly. Yes. What he says matters a great deal, but either way, expect a tantrum from the right claiming he stepped outside of the text of the report.
I believe that Rod should have hired an Independent Counsel. Robert Mueller wasn't really an "Independent" investigator. He was a Republican.

He should have gotten someone that was either a Republican nor a Democrat. JMO
According to the leftard clown posse of sniveling commie fucks? Mueller was going to bring charges against Trump and prove that the ROOSKIES and Trump conspired to steal the election from the Hildebeast by revealing the corruption and criminality of the DNC and in particular, the Hildebeast herself........

Didn't work out quite like they had hoped.


Come on Dale. After all those thousands of hours of research, you can't spent a little while just reading the report?

I swore off fiction a long time ago....Stephen King was once my favorite author.

The conspiracy theory King swore off fiction? I'm calling bullshit.
How will history judge him? I think that will greatly depend on his testimony before Congress on Wednesday. The DOJ has ordered Mueller to strictly limit his testimony solely to his report - which Mueller is not required to do. Mueller said in his report that DOJ policy prevented him from charging a sitting president with a crime; however, AG Barr later stated that Mueller could have charged crimes if he felt justified. What do you think?

U.S. Justice Department Tells Mueller To Limit Congressional Testimony

Snake? Weasel? Slug?
Even Snowflakes have admitted that ''Collusion' has NEVER been illegal...so what was the criminal investigation for 3 years about? Fail!
Personally, I've always had great respect for Mueller. However, I'm concerned that respect may be shattered on Wednesday.
Oh bullshit...You more than likely had no idea whatsoever who he was, until he got appointed to the position of Grand Inquisitor.

I was blogging back in the day when Mueller was carrying water for the Bush crime family during the 9/11/01 hearings in 2004 and the leftard clown posse absolutely LOATHED Mueller......funny how time changes the perspectives of the average leftard.
According to the leftard clown posse of sniveling commie fucks? Mueller was going to bring charges against Trump and prove that the ROOSKIES and Trump conspired to steal the election from the Hildebeast by revealing the corruption and criminality of the DNC and in particular, the Hildebeast herself........

Didn't work out quite like they had hoped.


Come on Dale. After all those thousands of hours of research, you can't spent a little while just reading the report?

I swore off fiction a long time ago....Stephen King was once my favorite author.

The conspiracy theory King swore off fiction? I'm calling bullshit.

"Call" in one hand and then take a shit in the other and see which one fills up first. You are a clueless wonder blinded by ideology and you wear those blinders proudly.
Personally, I've always had great respect for Mueller. However, I'm concerned that respect may be shattered on Wednesday.
Oh bullshit...You more than likely had no idea whatsoever who he was, until he got appointed to the position of Grand Inquisitor.

The only thing that one knows (#1 on the list with good reason) is whatever MadCow dribbles out of her disgusting mouth. Then this pathetic low IQ Squaw swallows it hook line sinker and re-gurgitates it daily.
Personally, I've always had great respect for Mueller. However, I'm concerned that respect may be shattered on Wednesday.
Oh bullshit...You more than likely had no idea whatsoever who he was, until he got appointed to the position of Grand Inquisitor.

I was blogging back in the day when Mueller was carrying water for the Bush crime family during the 9/11/01 hearings in 2004 and the leftard clown posse absolutely LOATHED Mueller......funny how time changes the perspectives of the average leftard.
I knew about that slimy weasel from back when he was Whitey Bulger's piss boi.

Sorry about the insult to weasels.

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