Will Obama Hellcare adopt the UK's Death Panels?

Of course they will, there is NO WAY they wouldn't be able to

rationing when the money starts running low is the next thing for this...

you see people dying today from waiting for organ transplants, you will see them dying for less when this takes over


Always have before.
Of course they will, there is NO WAY they wouldn't be able to

rationing when the money starts running low is the next thing for this...

you see people dying today from waiting for organ transplants, you will see them dying for less when this takes over


Rationing Health Care in Oregon

Liberal states often preview health-care central planning before the same regulations go national, which ought to make an Oregon cost-control commission especially scary. On Thursday a state board could change Oregon's Medicaid program to deny costly care to poor patients who need it most.
the whole purpose of any change in the system is to cut costs. Since the most costs are being spent on Americans in their last months of life - killing them sooner is the ultimate goal.
Will offset the skyrocketing medicare costs and also SS ones - since it was never designed to serve the retirees for a longer time than they payed into it.
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Let me repeat and clarify the question:

Why would anything in Obamacare do what is described in the OP?


U.S. Heading For Financial Trouble.

To illustrate their impact, he uses a power point presentation to show what would happen in 30 years if the U.S. maintains its current course and fulfills all of the promises politicians have made to the public on things like Social Security and Medicare.

What would happen in 2040 if nothing changes?

"If nothing changes, the federal government's not gonna be able to do much more than pay interest on the mounting debt and some entitlement benefits. It won't have money left for anything else - national defense, homeland security, education, you name it," Walker warns.

So how would cutting or ending the programs help the people who can't afford healthcare?

Why can't you relate this to Obamacare since you made the accusation?
Try being elderly in the state of Arkansas. You go to the hospital, if the MD claims you can't take care of yourself they will and do order you to a nursing facility. You are now their prisoner. The state can take away your property and sell it to pay for the nursing home. Free country my ass.

So, who should pay the nursing home for your care?


lol, this is what makes these kind of threads so funny...

...conservatives bitching about inadequate government funded healthcare (and trying to blame it on liberals)

when those same conservatives would prefer that you got NO government funded healthcare.
We have many thousands of seniors dying of neglect in our "assisted living" facilities right here in the US.

That's a fact. Did you see the new app that came out to allow a family member to remote monitor the room of a loved on in a nursing home? Interesting use of technology.
Try being elderly in the state of Arkansas. You go to the hospital, if the MD claims you can't take care of yourself they will and do order you to a nursing facility. You are now their prisoner. The state can take away your property and sell it to pay for the nursing home. Free country my ass.

So, who should pay the nursing home for your care?


lol, this is what makes these kind of threads so funny...

...conservatives bitching about inadequate government funded healthcare (and trying to blame it on liberals)

when those same conservatives would prefer that you got NO government funded healthcare.

You can't make this kind of shit up, can you? Amazing.
Why would anything in Obamacare do that?

When publicly funded healthcare cannot afford to treat patients adequately, it's because they don't have sufficient public funds.

Who are those most likely to cut public funds? Democrats or Republicans? Liberals or Conservatives?

You question is predicated on the condition that democratic politicians give a damn about the elderly. Ditto for either side.

Given, for example, that a surprisingly large portion of Medicaid goes to the elderly, and it's not the Democrats trying to gut Medicaid, I say that question has been answered.

Before adopting more bureaucratic restrictions the governments should have tried to identify the reasons healthcare is so expensive and how the FREE MARKET can remedy the situation.

In August of 2009, Sarah Palin claimed that the health legislation being crafted by Democrats at the time would create a “death panel,” in which government bureaucrats would decide whether disabled and elderly patients are “worthy of healthcare.” Despite being debunked by fact-checkers and mainstream media outlets, this myth has persisted, with almost half of Americans stating recently that they believe the Affordable Care Act (ACA) creates such a panel.

Why It Is So Difficult to Kill the Death Panel Myth - Forbes
One of the reasons the myth persists is a consequence of the ignorance or deceit of those such as the OP, who are either truly ignorant or liars.
the whole purpose of any change in the system is to cut costs. Since the most costs are being spent on Americans in their last months of life - killing them sooner is the ultimate goal.
Will offset the skyrocketing medicare costs and also SS ones - since it was never designed to serve the retirees for a longer time than they payed into it.

Let me repeat and clarify the question:

Why would anything in Obamacare do what is described in the OP?


U.S. Heading For Financial Trouble.

To illustrate their impact, he uses a power point presentation to show what would happen in 30 years if the U.S. maintains its current course and fulfills all of the promises politicians have made to the public on things like Social Security and Medicare.

What would happen in 2040 if nothing changes?

"If nothing changes, the federal government's not gonna be able to do much more than pay interest on the mounting debt and some entitlement benefits. It won't have money left for anything else - national defense, homeland security, education, you name it," Walker warns.

So how would cutting or ending the programs help the people who can't afford healthcare?

Why can't you relate this to Obamacare since you made the accusation?

Obama, Reid and Pelosi should stop lying in order to get elected. There is no way the federal government can pay for healthcare costs.

The responsibility to provide for healthcare and old age belongs to the individual. The government will destroy itself , and our liberties in the process.


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