*Will Obama Make War On N. Korea When Attacked: Or Will He Puss Out?*

Our troops should've evacuated the Korean peninsula decades ago.

Empire sure sucks, man.

Yup. As far as I'm concerned this is China's problem if anybodies.

South Korea is not a U.S. ally? We don't have formal treaties with that country? Cutting and running now would send a terrible message, that the U.S. is a big pussy and if you ally yourself with us and get threatened you can't count on our help.
How is that supposed to help the U.S?
i have a friend who is a English teacher in S. Korea. He has been there 10 years.
Bottom line(re: US military presence in S, Korea) generally the US Military is not welcome.
Those troops we have over there are not exactly battle ready. Our presence in South Korea has been largely symbolic.
I think the suggestion that "this is China's problem" is correct. The North Korean government is the aggressor. N.Korea is a puppet state under direct control of Beijing.
The US Appeals to Beijing, offers them even better trade programs, the Chinese government picks up the phone and N. Korea goes away with it's tail between it's legs.
Or as one foreign policy expert stated, North Korea is attempting to use their military to keep from being marginalized and ignored. The country cannot feed it's own people. So they shoot some materiel into the South. Pyongyang figures they can force a negotiation to stop hostilities and in the mean time, get paid to come to the table.
The Chinese will most likely ask the US to do the paying.
And in keeping with Obama's wimp status as a world leader, he will bend over and grab his ankles.
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Sorry bout that,

Our troops should've evacuated the Korean peninsula decades ago.

Empire sure sucks, man.

Yup. As far as I'm concerned this is China's problem if anybodies.

South Korea is not a U.S. ally? We don't have formal treaties with that country? Cutting and running now would send a terrible message, that the U.S. is a big pussy and if you ally yourself with us and get threatened you can't count on our help.
How is that supposed to help the U.S?

1. We won't be, *cutting and running*.
2. But I do wonder what Obama will do.
3. The Generals won't take a hit and do nothing, for sure.

Looks like the OP is a Keyboard Kommando....wonder if he wants to go volunteer as a mercenary for the South Korean (North Korean if you ask Palin) army.....or is he just a computer tough guy?

B(ad)O(dor)....DUH....C'ya, The Irrelevant LEZBO Sniper, undoubtedly feels that she fulfilled her irrelevant duty by referring to Sarah's gaffe (not unlike Obamadinejad's "57" states) .... now she can crawl back under some rock to wait for another momentous occasion.

Your monumental contribution is noted.

Carry on, you useless crunt.

Thanks for confirming that you too are nothing but a foul-mouthed keyboard kommando, and that's all you've got....and even it's not very good. :lol:
Will Chesswarsnow volunteer for front line service in any war: or will he puss out?

1. Will Chesswarsnow *Puss Out*, and do nothing?
2. Of course he will!
3. No need to debate it!!!
4. Bring it!!!!!
5. What else would we expect from an armchair warrior!

Sorry about that.
Why is North Korea our enemy? Seems pretty stupid to me. China practically owns our nation at this point. If we are willing to do all that business with China,i see no reason for North Korea to be our enemy. The whole North Korea/Enemy concept seems pretty out-dated to me. South Korea is more than capable of defending themselves at this point. We should have left South Korea a long long time ago. No more failed World's Policeman & World's Referee policies. That stuff is just so old.
There's a recruiting office nearby, Rabbi, and judging by your posts and maturity level you are clearly young enough to enlist. Have at it, big boy. Or would you rather real Americans do the fighting for you?

Translation: I am out of witty comments (not that I ever had any) much less arguments.

Thanks for this frank admission. Your homosexual fantasies are disturbing. Were you in the Navy?

You got a problem with the Navy there Rabbi Doucheberg?

He probably got rejected by the Navy...couldn't paint things grey without screwing up.
Translation: I am out of witty comments (not that I ever had any) much less arguments.

Thanks for this frank admission. Your homosexual fantasies are disturbing. Were you in the Navy?

You got a problem with the Navy there Rabbi Doucheberg?

No, I treasure the traditions of the Navy: Sodomy, rum, and the lash.

Ah, I see why you don't like the Navy now...we don't have that anymore.
Sorry bout that,

Looks like the OP is a Keyboard Kommando....wonder if he wants to go volunteer as a mercenary for the South Korean (North Korean if you ask Palin) army.....or is he just a computer tough guy?

1. What I am doesn't factor into this problem now does it?
2. Please stay on topic, or STFU, okay man?


Credit for admitting that you are nothing more than a keyboard kommand. Bet you play Black Ops and Medal of Honor...and confuse them with real life.
South Korea is more than capable of defending themselves. They are one of the wealthiest economies in Asia, have a modern military, the best equipment and US supplied intelligence. North Korea has no money to sustain a war beyond a week, trouble feeding their troops, poor morale, poor equipment....paper tiger.

Let the US back them with satellite surveilance, sell them equipment and counter any nuclear threat from the north.

No reason to sustain US troops in the line of fire

I disagree.

We've had since the end of WWII an obligation to support South Korea. They've turned things around from the de-facto military dictatorship they once were to a thriving capitalistic Democratic Republic. It's in our best interest (and probably China's) that it stay that way.
More military welfare.

At what point do the SoKos stand on their own two feet and demonstrate at least a little self-sufficiency and take r-r-r-r-responsibility (remember that word?) for their own damned country?

So your answer is no, the United States can violate its agreements with other countries.
OK, glad we cleared that one up.
So your answer is that statist neocon republicans only pay lip service to personal responsibility and dependency when it suits their political agendas...Otherwise it's a dead letter.

Glad we cleared that one up.

I asked a reasonable question. The U.S. has a treaty obligation. Your view seems to be that we can hike our obligations anytime it's inconvenient. How's that personal responsibility thing working out?
If we were discussing Indonesia it might be different. But we have dedicated many lives and treasure to helping South Korea and flushing it because...well I really don't know why doesn't make sense to me.
So you can mouthe generalities and left-wing talking points (or is it right wing? Narco-libertarianism always confused me) all you want. But it isn't answering the question.
Hopefully China will be dragged into this one. They should invade and reign North Korea in. North Korea is their creation therefore it's their responsibility to reign them in. Let them fight another useless War. We shouldn't be involved with this one. Why the hell are we still in South Korea. I think 70yrs. is long enough. South Korea can handle themselves at this point.
So your answer is no, the United States can violate its agreements with other countries.
OK, glad we cleared that one up.
So your answer is that statist neocon republicans only pay lip service to personal responsibility and dependency when it suits their political agendas...Otherwise it's a dead letter.

Glad we cleared that one up.

I asked a reasonable question. The U.S. has a treaty obligation. Your view seems to be that we can hike our obligations anytime it's inconvenient. How's that personal responsibility thing working out?
If we were discussing Indonesia it might be different. But we have dedicated many lives and treasure to helping South Korea and flushing it because...well I really don't know why doesn't make sense to me.
So you can mouthe generalities and left-wing talking points (or is it right wing? Narco-libertarianism always confused me) all you want. But it isn't answering the question.

We do indeed have obligations via treaties...and living up to them unless the treaty becomes invalid or the other party goes over the borders of the treaty. The thing is not to enter into treaties in the first place if those treaties leave us holding the short end of the stick in the long run.

My $.02...
Hopefully China will be dragged into this one. They should invade and reign North Korea in. North Korea is their creation therefore it's their responsibility to reign them in. Let them fight another useless War. We shouldn't be involved with this one. Why the hell are we still in South Korea. I think 70yrs. is long enough. South Korea can handle themselves at this point.

People seem to think China says jump and Kim says how high. It isn't so. There is a strong relationship and leverage but they are not mere puppets for the Chinese.
I don't know the state of readiness of South Korean troops. I doubt you do either.
So your answer is that statist neocon republicans only pay lip service to personal responsibility and dependency when it suits their political agendas...Otherwise it's a dead letter.

Glad we cleared that one up.

I asked a reasonable question. The U.S. has a treaty obligation. Your view seems to be that we can hike our obligations anytime it's inconvenient. How's that personal responsibility thing working out?
If we were discussing Indonesia it might be different. But we have dedicated many lives and treasure to helping South Korea and flushing it because...well I really don't know why doesn't make sense to me.
So you can mouthe generalities and left-wing talking points (or is it right wing? Narco-libertarianism always confused me) all you want. But it isn't answering the question.

We do indeed have obligations via treaties...and living up to them unless the treaty becomes invalid or the other party goes over the borders of the treaty. The thing is not to enter into treaties in the first place if those treaties leave us holding the short end of the stick in the long run.

My $.02...

That's not unreasonable. Keep in mind our relationship with SoKorea goes back to just after WW2 when we were concerned about international communism. The world has changed and there are plenty of these legacies floating around. No one has taken the time to re-evaluate our commitments and act accordingly. We can speculate on all teh reasons for that but the most obvious to me is inertia.
Hopefully China will be dragged into this one. They should invade and reign North Korea in. North Korea is their creation therefore it's their responsibility to reign them in. Let them fight another useless War. We shouldn't be involved with this one. Why the hell are we still in South Korea. I think 70yrs. is long enough. South Korea can handle themselves at this point.

People seem to think China says jump and Kim says how high. It isn't so. There is a strong relationship and leverage but they are not mere puppets for the Chinese.
I don't know the state of readiness of South Korean troops. I doubt you do either.

Are you saying that China couldn't take North Korea down? I'm pretty sure China would be successful in taking North Korea out. This should be their problem. North Korea is their puppet. Let them fight this War.
There is one critical area here that will control any northern invasion. China supplies North Korea with its oil. Without oil tanks cannot run and the North cannot invade. Tanks are notorious as fuel mongers and even though Korea is a relatively small place it takes a lot of fuel to launch an invasion. What happens when tanks run out of fuel? Look at Rommel in north Africa druing WWII or Patton in France after the breakout. Tanks are sitting ducks and deathtraps without fuel. Any invasion of the South would have to be supplied by the Chinese and the Chinese do not want this conflict at the present time. It does not fit their plans.

Therefore nothing will happen. There is internal posturing going on in the North. Plus the revelation about their nuclear processing capability that surfaced this week may be behind this little incident. Some South Koreans are thinking of asking the US to re-commit theater nuclear weapons to the theater in response to the revelations and this attack may have been a warning about that.
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Hopefully China will be dragged into this one. They should invade and reign North Korea in. North Korea is their creation therefore it's their responsibility to reign them in. Let them fight another useless War. We shouldn't be involved with this one. Why the hell are we still in South Korea. I think 70yrs. is long enough. South Korea can handle themselves at this point.

People seem to think China says jump and Kim says how high. It isn't so. There is a strong relationship and leverage but they are not mere puppets for the Chinese.
I don't know the state of readiness of South Korean troops. I doubt you do either.

Are you saying that China couldn't take North Korea down? I'm pretty sure China would be successful in taking North Korea out. This should be their problem. North Korea is their puppet. Let them fight this War.

What meager money N Korea has coming in comes from China, their military is supplied by China. as in the 50s, they could not engage in a shooting war without China

Being that North Korea is one of the few remaining Communist countries left, China does not want to publicaly throw them under the bus. It does not mean they do not apply pressure to N Korea. China needs the west now to continue its modernization...they do not want N Korea to untrack that gray train
People seem to think China says jump and Kim says how high. It isn't so. There is a strong relationship and leverage but they are not mere puppets for the Chinese.
I don't know the state of readiness of South Korean troops. I doubt you do either.

Are you saying that China couldn't take North Korea down? I'm pretty sure China would be successful in taking North Korea out. This should be their problem. North Korea is their puppet. Let them fight this War.

What meager money N Korea has coming in comes from China, their military is supplied by China. as in the 50s, they could not engage in a shooting war without China

Being that North Korea is one of the few remaining Communist countries left, China does not want to publicaly throw them under the bus. It does not mean they do not apply pressure to N Korea. China needs the west now to continue its modernization...they do not want N Korea to untrack that gray train

China is going to be the big winner in this, regardless. They will come out as the established power-player in the Pacific Rim.

China does a couple of billion dollars in trade/year with N. Korea. It does 126 billion dollars in trade/year with the S. Koreans.

Guess who is going to quietly be told to sit down and stop causing trouble? I expect China is telling N. Korea in private that if they pick a fight, they are on their own.
Hopefully China will be dragged into this one. They should invade and reign North Korea in. North Korea is their creation therefore it's their responsibility to reign them in. Let them fight another useless War. We shouldn't be involved with this one. Why the hell are we still in South Korea. I think 70yrs. is long enough. South Korea can handle themselves at this point.

People seem to think China says jump and Kim says how high. It isn't so. There is a strong relationship and leverage but they are not mere puppets for the Chinese.
I don't know the state of readiness of South Korean troops. I doubt you do either.

Are you saying that China couldn't take North Korea down? I'm pretty sure China would be successful in taking North Korea out. This should be their problem. North Korea is their puppet. Let them fight this War.

We could shoot a nuke over there and end it in a flash. But for complex reasons none of those will happen. China isn't going to invade N.Korea. I don't know how much leverage they have over NK. I doubt anyone does.

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