Will Pelosi Send Impeachment to the Senate ?


But Trump won't let it set for long as he will petition SCOTUS to force her to proceed. Its a worthless piece of paper if the Senate never see's it.
The SCOTUS can't tell the House how to govern itself. There is no timeframe set in the Constitution or in House rules dictating when the House has to deliver articles of impeachment to the Senate.
Will Pelosi send the Impeachment proceedings over to the Senate ?

Will she do nothing with it, and just let it stay a House thing, and nothing more ?

she has 2 more weeks of reprieve, and to accomplish anything she hopes to do.

By the rules, it can not be sent over, while congress and the Senate are on break and not in session... they are due back, January 7th
Hey, toughtits, she had PLENTY of time to do this BEFORE the recess.
So? She chose not to. TFB.

But Trump won't let it set for long as he will petition SCOTUS to force her to proceed. Its a worthless piece of paper if the Senate never see's it.

SCOTUS can't force her to do anything.

What part of "Sole" power is confusing to you?
WRONG...look it up....

I don't have to look anything up fool.

Article I, Section 2, Clause 5 provides: The House of Representatives shall choose their Speaker and other Officers; and shall have the sole Power of Impeachment.

End of discussion. Pelosi will let the Republicans know when they have her permission to start the trial.
Its not an impeachment if she doesn't send it to the senate...congress has the sole power to impeach but she must send it to the senate or SCOTUS can declare the impeachment null and void....

The Senate has no power to declare an impeachment null and void. Impeachment sticks with Impeached Trump for as long as history books, in any format, exist. All the Senate can do is either hold a trial or not hold one. They cannot null or void out an impeachment since only the House can do that and the House House didn't do that. The House impeached Trump.

But Trump won't let it set for long as he will petition SCOTUS to force her to proceed. Its a worthless piece of paper if the Senate never see's it.

SCOTUS can't force her to do anything.

What part of "Sole" power is confusing to you?
WRONG...look it up....

When do you idiots learn the Constitution?

Each House may determine the Rules of its Proceedings
Oh no not you again...where have ya been Faun ol buddy?....there will be a judge presiding over a senate trial if there ever is one...and that will be Roberts...and he can compel Pelosi to turn over the impeachment articles if the senate begins a trial without her cooperation....Pelosi has all the power in the house but ZERO...in the senate....she can refuse but if she does it creates a legal fight between her and the SCOTUS...and she does not want that....

But Trump won't let it set for long as he will petition SCOTUS to force her to proceed. Its a worthless piece of paper if the Senate never see's it.

SCOTUS can't force her to do anything.

What part of "Sole" power is confusing to you?
WRONG...look it up....

When do you idiots learn the Constitution?

Each House may determine the Rules of its Proceedings
Oh no not you again...where have ya been Faun ol buddy?....there will be a judge presiding over a senate trial if there ever is one...and that will be Roberts...and he can compel Pelosi to turn over the impeachment articles if the senate begins a trial without her cooperation....Pelosi has all the power in the house but ZERO...in the senate....she can refuse but if she does it creates a legal fight between her and the SCOTUS...and she does not want that....

Umm, Roberts doesn't actually preside over the Senate trial until there's a Senate trial and there isn't a Senate Trial until Pelosi notifies the Senate who the impeachment managers are and delivers the articles of impeachment to the Senate


But Trump won't let it set for long as he will petition SCOTUS to force her to proceed. Its a worthless piece of paper if the Senate never see's it.

SCOTUS can't force her to do anything.

What part of "Sole" power is confusing to you?
WRONG...look it up....

When do you idiots learn the Constitution?

Each House may determine the Rules of its Proceedings
Oh no not you again...where have ya been Faun ol buddy?....there will be a judge presiding over a senate trial if there ever is one...and that will be Roberts...and he can compel Pelosi to turn over the impeachment articles if the senate begins a trial without her cooperation....Pelosi has all the power in the house but ZERO...in the senate....she can refuse but if she does it creates a legal fight between her and the SCOTUS...and she does not want that....

Umm, Roberts doesn't actually preside over the Senate trial until there's a Senate trial and there isn't a Senate Trial until Pelosi notifies the Senate who the impeachment managers are and delivers the articles of impeachment to the Senate

A lot of legal advisers disagree with you and are telling McConnell to go ahead and convene a court...I'm no lawyer but we are on uncharted ground with the holding up of the articles of impeachment after the vote has been held in the house....
SCOTUS can't force her to do anything.

What part of "Sole" power is confusing to you?
WRONG...look it up....

When do you idiots learn the Constitution?

Each House may determine the Rules of its Proceedings
Oh no not you again...where have ya been Faun ol buddy?....there will be a judge presiding over a senate trial if there ever is one...and that will be Roberts...and he can compel Pelosi to turn over the impeachment articles if the senate begins a trial without her cooperation....Pelosi has all the power in the house but ZERO...in the senate....she can refuse but if she does it creates a legal fight between her and the SCOTUS...and she does not want that....

Umm, Roberts doesn't actually preside over the Senate trial until there's a Senate trial and there isn't a Senate Trial until Pelosi notifies the Senate who the impeachment managers are and delivers the articles of impeachment to the Senate

A lot of legal advisers disagree with you and are telling McConnell to go ahead and convene a court...I'm no lawyer but we are on uncharted ground with the holding up of the articles of impeachment after the vote has been held in the house....
The Constitution and the House and Senate rules are quite clear.
A lot of legal advisers disagree with you and are telling McConnell to go ahead and convene a court...I'm no lawyer but we are on uncharted ground with the holding up of the articles of impeachment after the vote has been held in the house....
Ram, it seems to me a few (self-evident?) things:
  1. There can be no actual "impeachment" of a president if the House never files it.
  2. Power and control over the Senate trial must ultimately lay with McConnell and not Pelosi as HE is the head of the Senate.
  3. The Founders clearly never imagined a Congress so fucked up as this one where the House would first (A) hold a totally unilateral "investigation" where they literally rammed through a forced conclusion predetermined to their sole benefit right before an election, then (B) try to hold the Senate hostage as well and control and manipulate it in an effort to assure the outcome THEY want in the trial as well! Essentially declaring a vote of "no confidence" in the Republican Party after a total sham of a Democrat-led witch-trial!
  4. Though not spelled out in the Constitution, the law must provide a remedy to an effort of a party to usurp control over another branch of government to prevent it from:
  • Monolithically limiting a party and a president from defending itself made powerless with essentially no say or choices in an impeachment as if they solely represented the WHOLE government.
  • Ram it through unilaterally without even any crimes committed for it to site basically saying that the president served at THEIR pleasure and not the voters.
  • Withhold the filing of the impeachment with the Senate in an attempt to then narrow ITS choices down to none. Or at least delay the impeachment in abeyance until such time that they hopefully gained such power over the Senate then to complete the impeachment to their sole benefit, again, wholly excluding the other party as if they were THE WHOLE GOVERNMENT and the republicans served at their pleasure as well?
A lot of legal advisers disagree with you and are telling McConnell to go ahead and convene a court...I'm no lawyer but we are on uncharted ground with the holding up of the articles of impeachment after the vote has been held in the house....
Ram, it seems to me a few (self-evident?) things:
  1. There can be no actual "impeachment" of a president if the House never files it.
  2. Power and control over the Senate trial must ultimately lay with McConnell and not Pelosi as HE is the head of the Senate.
  3. The Founders clearly never imagined a Congress so fucked up as this one where the House would first (A) hold a totally unilateral "investigation" where they literally rammed through a forced conclusion predetermined to their sole benefit right before an election, then (B) try to hold the Senate hostage as well and control and manipulate it in an effort to assure the outcome THEY want in the trial as well! Essentially declaring a vote of "no confidence" in the Republican Party after a total sham of a Democrat-led witch-trial!
  4. Though not spelled out in the Constitution, the law must provide a remedy to an effort of a party to usurp control over another branch of government to prevent it from:
  • Monolithically limiting a party and a president from defending itself made powerless with essentially no say or choices in an impeachment as if they solely represented the WHOLE government.
  • Ram it through unilaterally without even any crimes committed for it to site basically saying that the president served at THEIR pleasure and not the voters.
  • Withhold the filing of the impeachment with the Senate in an attempt to then narrow ITS choices down to none. Or at least delay the impeachment in abeyance until such time that they hopefully gained such power over the Senate then to complete the impeachment to their sole benefit, again, wholly excluding the other party as if they were THE WHOLE GOVERNMENT and the republicans served at their pleasure as well?
"There can be no actual "impeachment" of a president if the House never files it."



Dumbfuck, the House says otherwise. The House says Impeached Trump was impeached the moment the House adopted the articles of impeachment against Impeached Trump.

And the House is granted "sole power" of impeachment, not you, by the Constitution.


The Senate has no power to declare an impeachment null and void. Impeachment sticks with Impeached Trump for as long as history books, in any format, exist. All the Senate can do is either hold a trial or not hold one. They cannot null or void out an impeachment since only the House can do that and the House House didn't do that. The House impeached Trump.

she'll send it over in due time; she won't hang onto them forever. i think what she is doing, is

A) she is messing with his head by delaying it thru the holidays: MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!
& it seems to be working since he is having twitter tantrums daily. &

B) giving senators time to hear what their constituents are saying about the kangaroo court turtleboy wants- ie no factual witness' or hard copy docs & perhaps a few of them will vote on the rules to allow that.

tutt tutt to all who think donny hasn't been impeached. impeachment is akin to being charged. donny has been charged. a senate trial doesn't change that. it will forever be written in the history books next to his name:

donald john trump: IMPEACHED.

he knows that & he can't stand it. :auiqs.jpg:
A) she is messing with his head by delaying it thru the holidays: MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!
& it seems to be working since he is having twitter tantrums daily. &
Try to imagine the epic hissy fit he'll throw once he's out of office and looking at dying in p:WooHooSmileyWave-vi:rison?
Democrats have no idea how out of touch they are. :rolleyes:
Democrats have no idea how out of touch they are
Each side has approximately the same amount of support:
"Do Americans support impeaching Trump?
An updating calculation of support for and opposition to impeachment, accounting for each poll's quality, recency and sample size, since Mar. 1, 2019..."

Do Americans Support Impeaching Trump?

46% do not support impeachment

47.8% do support impeachment
yep. & the fact that it will forever be written in history, that he is - & that it's driving him nuts is just so delicious to savor.
Nope. As long as Nazi Pelousy hides her farce he has not been impeached.


it's a done deal. accept it.
Yep, she is batshit crazy..................and has yet to impeach Trump.:5_1_12024:

follow the bouncing ball m'k? ...

articles of impeachment are the charges.

trump has been charged.

the articles haven't gone to the courthouse aka the senate yet .

that doesn't mean donny hasn't been charged.

see how easy that was?


now accept it, cause it's fini.
The Constitutional Expert on impeachment the Dimwingers in the House brought in to testify and educate them on impeachment says you are full of shit.


Jonathan Turley refutes Dem lawyer, says Trump was impeached despite withheld articles
Jonathan Turley refutes Dem lawyer, says Trump was impeached despite withheld articles

I testified against Trump’s impeachment. But let’s not pretend it didn’t happen.
Constitutional reality doesn’t rest on the House sending the articles over to the Senate.



lol ~ donald J. trump *

* still impeached
Nope. Not yet.

yep. & the fact that it will forever be written in history, that he is - & that it's driving him nuts is just so delicious to savor.
Nope. As long as Nazi Pelousy hides her farce he has not been impeached.


it's a done deal. accept it.
This coming from an “Independent”...

real independents deal in facts.

it's a fact. accept it.
yep. & the fact that it will forever be written in history, that he is - & that it's driving him nuts is just so delicious to savor.
Nope. As long as Nazi Pelousy hides her farce he has not been impeached.


it's a done deal. accept it.
This coming from an “Independent”...
The only thing he is independent from is rational thought.
It’s a she.

' it's ' ?

lol....nice. you forgot to add 'witch' too. :spinner:
Last edited:
yep. & the fact that it will forever be written in history, that he is - & that it's driving him nuts is just so delicious to savor.
Nope. As long as Nazi Pelousy hides her farce he has not been impeached.


it's a done deal. accept it.
Yep, she is batshit crazy..................and has yet to impeach Trump.:5_1_12024:

follow the bouncing ball m'k? ...

articles of impeachment are the charges.

trump has been charged.

the articles haven't gone to the courthouse aka the senate yet .

that doesn't mean donny hasn't been charged.

see how easy that was?


now accept it, cause it's fini.
Well until they show up, nope. No prosecutor

the DA charges & the prosecutors will be named when the trial rules are set.

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