Will There Be An Anti-muslim Backlash Now That Violent Jihad Has Reached The Heartland?

There will be backlash. Backlash against anyone who says a word bad about Islam.

The left wing certainly isn't going to say much of a word because they like that the Muslims are anti-Christian. The enemy of my enemy....... Even though they don't realize that their atheist views puts them first on the hit list. But as long as there is something tearing down the fabric of America that is all OK with the left. I really don't understand what the left thinks they have to gain by being so closed minded.

Harry Ellis of "Die Hard" is how I often think of Leftists when they commit (or act like they want to commit) what amounts to TREASON by allying themselves with our enemies.

"Hanoi Jane" Fonda immediately comes to mind.

Anyway, here is Harry Ellis (Hart Bochner...yes, Lloyd's son).


In the category of, "Sleazy Screen Jerks You Love to Hate", he is my #1.
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Raise your hand if you want all Muslims deported from the US.


I guess you'll have to find some other thing to stir them up with and enrage your fellow Jihadis in order to get them to hate us more.

My fellow jihadis?

I may be wrong.

Remind me. What is your stand on this OK beheading business?

What is my stand?

Crazy motherfucker decides to respond to being fired by going on a murderous rampage. He's been shot...is unconscious....and will be arrested and tried for his crimes old he recover.

As of this moment, I have no reason to believe that the killing was motivated by religion.

If it is revealed that this killing was motivated by religion, I will still think that a crazy motherfucker acted crazy.

Now.....grow a pair and stop trying to frighten yourself into a tizzy.
Raise your hand if you want all Muslims deported from the US.


I guess you'll have to find some other thing to stir them up with and enrage your fellow Jihadis in order to get them to hate us more.

My fellow jihadis?

I may be wrong.

Remind me. What is your stand on this OK beheading business?

What is my stand?

Crazy motherfucker decides to respond to being fired by going on a murderous rampage. He's been shot...is unconscious....and will be arrested and tried for his crimes old he recover.

As of this moment, I have no reason to believe that the killing was motivated by religion.

If it is revealed that this killing was motivated by religion, I will still think that a crazy motherfucker acted crazy.

Now.....grow a pair and stop trying to frighten yourself into a tizzy.

Ahhh, that's right.

A jihadist.

Or a Dhimmi.

At LEAST a useful idiot.
wot , he won't admit to jihad but he was muslim doing muslim tricks with his beheading . He tried converting people at his work . Wot , he and the experts , cair and imams , moderates say that it wasn't jihad and all the nodding heads will agree . Probably will and that makes me laugh !!
I think , guess that you were being sarcastic in your last post ehh SJ ??
While I am not fan of tolerance when it comes to an ideology that promotes brutality such as radical Islam, I think it is way too soon to be drawing conclusions. This asshole was most likely a disgruntled former employee with mental problems.

Not all ISLAMIC terrorists are anti-American. Most of the anti-American ones come from the Middle East and Northern Africa. This prick who beheaded the former co-worker was just some black dude from middle America who, for whatever reason, got into Islam. The Black Panthers are largely Muslim too, but they do not go around cutting whitey's heads off.

True, this prick may have been inspired by recent videos. Nonetheless, there is nothing yet to indicate that he was part of some movement or organization devoted to terrorism. If he was then why didn't he attack a political target, or a target that would result in the spread of terror (shopping mall, subway, etc...)? No, he went to his former job and went all sideways.

All of the facts are not yet known. As I said, I believe that this was merely a case of a mentally ill disgruntled former employee flipping out big time. It happens. The Islam slant most likely not a motivating factor. But, I could be wrong.
I rest my case.

I would not "rest my case" yet, shit-for-brains. There is a lot of distance between the facts you think you know and the conclusions that you reach.

I agree that we are engaged to some degree in a war with Islamists. I do not pity MUSLIMS and I sure as hell am not for banning guns and doing the rest of the bullshit you mention. I am most certainly NOT a liberal, you moronic twat.

I am sorry that you lack the ability to objectively and emotionlessly analyze the data before you. That is a personal problem you posses, and you need to work on that. There is no way to know at this point that but-for Islam this man would not have beheaded that woman. He went to his old job where he was fired, cut off the head of a woman and was in the process of carving up another woman when he was shot and stopped. Unless you have been living under a rock the past 100 years you know that workplace killings happen all the time. Nothing so far suggests that this was an ideologically motivated attack. Maybe facts will ultimately come out to prove that it was. But right now your conclusions are not compelled by the known facts.

Go jack it, you dumb bitch.

When the facts are confirmed I'd guess she'll be closer to the truth than not.

But will you be man enough to come back here and apologize to her for being an asshole?

Of course not.

Jesus Christ, you are a shit. First, I acknowledge that she may be right, though I doubt it. That dumb bitch is going to always be right in her mind regardless of what facts come out. For her, since the prick was into Islam that is sufficient for her feeble mind to conclude the murder was an act of jihad, and it always will be. Why do you fail to get that? My point is that he could have pictures of Osama bin Laden tattooed on his balls and it still would not be an act compelled by Islam. Rather, the act is compelled by the existence of an untreated mental problem or perhaps it was simply the act of a very bad man. In other words, the killer was eventually going to do it anyway regardless of which religion he was into at the time.

So fuck you, Mojo2. You have shown that you are as fucking stupid as that other bitch.

Motherfucker...there are some dense assholes on this board who seem completely unable to break-down issues and examine them from multiple sides and perspectives. You bring shame down upon the human race. If you had any conscience at all you would go jump in front of a moving train to mitigate your thus far needless existence.
It should be the people of Moore's civic duty to burn that mosque down and go vigilante on his imam.

They already have enough to deal with like tornadoes. They don't need radicalized blacks cutting of whitey's head.
While I am not fan of tolerance when it comes to an ideology that promotes brutality such as radical Islam, I think it is way too soon to be drawing conclusions. This asshole was most likely a disgruntled former employee with mental problems.

Not all ISLAMIC terrorists are anti-American. Most of the anti-American ones come from the Middle East and Northern Africa. This prick who beheaded the former co-worker was just some black dude from middle America who, for whatever reason, got into Islam. The Black Panthers are largely Muslim too, but they do not go around cutting whitey's heads off.

True, this prick may have been inspired by recent videos. Nonetheless, there is nothing yet to indicate that he was part of some movement or organization devoted to terrorism. If he was then why didn't he attack a political target, or a target that would result in the spread of terror (shopping mall, subway, etc...)? No, he went to his former job and went all sideways.

All of the facts are not yet known. As I said, I believe that this was merely a case of a mentally ill disgruntled former employee flipping out big time. It happens. The Islam slant most likely not a motivating factor. But, I could be wrong.
I rest my case.

I would not "rest my case" yet, shit-for-brains. There is a lot of distance between the facts you think you know and the conclusions that you reach.

I agree that we are engaged to some degree in a war with Islamists. I do not pity MUSLIMS and I sure as hell am not for banning guns and doing the rest of the bullshit you mention. I am most certainly NOT a liberal, you moronic twat.

I am sorry that you lack the ability to objectively and emotionlessly analyze the data before you. That is a personal problem you posses, and you need to work on that. There is no way to know at this point that but-for Islam this man would not have beheaded that woman. He went to his old job where he was fired, cut off the head of a woman and was in the process of carving up another woman when he was shot and stopped. Unless you have been living under a rock the past 100 years you know that workplace killings happen all the time. Nothing so far suggests that this was an ideologically motivated attack. Maybe facts will ultimately come out to prove that it was. But right now your conclusions are not compelled by the known facts.

Go jack it, you dumb bitch.

When the facts are confirmed I'd guess she'll be closer to the truth than not.

But will you be man enough to come back here and apologize to her for being an asshole?

Of course not.

Jesus Christ, you are a shit. First, I acknowledge that she may be right, though I doubt it. That dumb bitch is going to always be right in her mind regardless of what facts come out. For her, since the prick was into Islam that is sufficient for her feeble mind to conclude the murder was an act of jihad, and it always will be. Why do you fail to get that? My point is that he could have pictures of Osama bin Laden tattooed on his balls and it still would not be an act compelled by Islam. Rather, the act is compelled by the existence of an untreated mental problem or perhaps it was simply the act of a very bad man. In other words, the killer was eventually going to do it anyway regardless of which religion he was into at the time.

So fuck you, Mojo2. You have shown that you are as fucking stupid as that other bitch.

Motherfucker...there are some dense assholes on this board who seem completely unable to break-down issues and examine them from multiple sides and perspectives. You bring shame down upon the human race. If you had any conscience at all you would go jump in front of a moving train to mitigate your thus far needless existence.

When the facts are confirmed I'd guess she'll be closer to the truth than not.

But will you be man enough to come back here and apologize to her for being an asshole?

Of course not.
While I am not fan of tolerance when it comes to an ideology that promotes brutality such as radical Islam, I think it is way too soon to be drawing conclusions. This asshole was most likely a disgruntled former employee with mental problems.

Not all ISLAMIC terrorists are anti-American. Most of the anti-American ones come from the Middle East and Northern Africa. This prick who beheaded the former co-worker was just some black dude from middle America who, for whatever reason, got into Islam. The Black Panthers are largely Muslim too, but they do not go around cutting whitey's heads off.

True, this prick may have been inspired by recent videos. Nonetheless, there is nothing yet to indicate that he was part of some movement or organization devoted to terrorism. If he was then why didn't he attack a political target, or a target that would result in the spread of terror (shopping mall, subway, etc...)? No, he went to his former job and went all sideways.

All of the facts are not yet known. As I said, I believe that this was merely a case of a mentally ill disgruntled former employee flipping out big time. It happens. The Islam slant most likely not a motivating factor. But, I could be wrong.
I rest my case.

I apologize for maligning you about your assertions concerning the killer. It is appearing that you made the right call on this being a jihadist act. I still think that it would be more prudent to wait for all of the facts to come out first. But you were right. I am sorry for doubting you and for acting like a prick toward you.
The muslim American population will continue to grow.

And creeping Sharia will continue to creep.

True story......... :thup: . :smile:
Yes, due to the lax immigration system in this country, Islam will continue to grow, however, at some point armed non-Muslims (and there are many millions them), will rise up and fight to defend their freedoms.
While I am not fan of tolerance when it comes to an ideology that promotes brutality such as radical Islam, I think it is way too soon to be drawing conclusions. This asshole was most likely a disgruntled former employee with mental problems.

Not all ISLAMIC terrorists are anti-American. Most of the anti-American ones come from the Middle East and Northern Africa. This prick who beheaded the former co-worker was just some black dude from middle America who, for whatever reason, got into Islam. The Black Panthers are largely Muslim too, but they do not go around cutting whitey's heads off.

True, this prick may have been inspired by recent videos. Nonetheless, there is nothing yet to indicate that he was part of some movement or organization devoted to terrorism. If he was then why didn't he attack a political target, or a target that would result in the spread of terror (shopping mall, subway, etc...)? No, he went to his former job and went all sideways.

All of the facts are not yet known. As I said, I believe that this was merely a case of a mentally ill disgruntled former employee flipping out big time. It happens. The Islam slant most likely not a motivating factor. But, I could be wrong.
I rest my case.

I apologize for maligning you about your assertions concerning the killer. It is appearing that you made the right call on this being a jihadist act. I still think that it would be more prudent to wait for all of the facts to come out first. But you were right. I am sorry for doubting you and for acting like a prick toward you.


I want to buy this MAN a beer!

The muslim American population will continue to grow.

And creeping Sharia will continue to creep.

True story......... :thup: . :smile:
Yes, due to the lax immigration system in this country, Islam will continue to grow, however, at some point armed non-Muslims (and there are many millions them), will rise up and fight to defend their freedoms.

Right on!

Only one thing.

Let's consider stopping the threat WITHOUT America becoming like beautiful downtown Beirut or whatever cities are fighting the Jihadists.




You know how much Muslims love the reciprocal 'game.'

They play tit4tat on these pages all the time.

And you always hear them talking about how they want US to know how they feel.

Well, THEY would love nothing more than the city streets of America being turned into these dystopian war torn Syrian city scenes.

They know we may win this round, but they hope to introduce combat to our country.

Nevermind, for now, what the ultimate winner will be.

Let's keep America free of violent Jihad.

Stop Islam before the battle starts in OUR CITIES.

No Islamic Warfare in America's Streets!

Stop Jihad and keep America safe!
Will There be an Anti-Muslim Backlash Now That Violent Jihad Has Reached the Heartland?

This is war.

Will this war see a nationwide wave of backlash attacks against American Muslims prompted by the Oklahoma beheading of a woman there by a Muslim?

They had a chance. Too bad they didn't make better use of it. Too late now, I think.
There is an ongoing backlash already in progress. It one of the reasons Muslims in this country are getting targeted for hate crimes. This will just fuel more loonies to more of the same. They will attack innocent, peaceful Muslims which will convince other Muslims that ISIS may be right.
Reached the heartland decades ago dumbshit.

# 1973 March 4: A failed terrorist attack by Palestinian group Black September, with car bombings in New York City while Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir was visiting the city.
# 1973 June 1: Yosef Alon, the Israeli Air Force attache in Washington, D.C., was shot and killed outside his home in Chevy Chase, Maryland. Palestinian militant group Black September is suspected, though the case remains unsolved.

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