Will Yellowstone erupt in 2016?

That's a bit dramatic.

But, given what I said about it being a major eruption, it is accurate.
Says who?
Watch the video Baron posted...................Yellow Stone is considered a GIANT VOLCANO................if it ever went it wouldn't just take us out...........It would cause the earth to Freeze from the Cloud............It would block out most the light on earth.

That is how big it is..........
There's no way to know if it goes, when it goes or how much it will go if it does. A meteor could hit. A giant solar flare could disrupt the ionosphere. There's never an end to doomsdayers.
Very True...............When it happens there is nothing we can do to stop it.............It is what it is.............

What do you mean? We can stop the oceans from rising. We can stop the climate from changing. We are omnipotent.
But, given what I said about it being a major eruption, it is accurate.
Says who?
Watch the video Baron posted...................Yellow Stone is considered a GIANT VOLCANO................if it ever went it wouldn't just take us out...........It would cause the earth to Freeze from the Cloud............It would block out most the light on earth.

That is how big it is..........
There's no way to know if it goes, when it goes or how much it will go if it does. A meteor could hit. A giant solar flare could disrupt the ionosphere. There's never an end to doomsdayers.
Very True...............When it happens there is nothing we can do to stop it.............It is what it is.............

What do you mean? We can stop the oceans from rising. We can stop the climate from changing. We are omnipotent.
I've seen that movie but I don't think it's reality..........How did you come to that conclusion from what I posted.......

Says who?
Watch the video Baron posted...................Yellow Stone is considered a GIANT VOLCANO................if it ever went it wouldn't just take us out...........It would cause the earth to Freeze from the Cloud............It would block out most the light on earth.

That is how big it is..........
There's no way to know if it goes, when it goes or how much it will go if it does. A meteor could hit. A giant solar flare could disrupt the ionosphere. There's never an end to doomsdayers.
Very True...............When it happens there is nothing we can do to stop it.............It is what it is.............

What do you mean? We can stop the oceans from rising. We can stop the climate from changing. We are omnipotent.
I've seen that movie but I don't think it's reality..........How did you come to that conclusion from what I posted.......


I was being sarcastic, not directed at you.
I think we need to wake up Sen. Juan McSame ( war hero==bombed women in light bulb factory)and get him to begin a program for a New War on Volcanoes. How about an initial budget of a meager 150 billion to check for results ?
tRump will get the Japanese to pay for it.
Watch the video Baron posted...................Yellow Stone is considered a GIANT VOLCANO................if it ever went it wouldn't just take us out...........It would cause the earth to Freeze from the Cloud............It would block out most the light on earth.

That is how big it is..........
There's no way to know if it goes, when it goes or how much it will go if it does. A meteor could hit. A giant solar flare could disrupt the ionosphere. There's never an end to doomsdayers.
Very True...............When it happens there is nothing we can do to stop it.............It is what it is.............

What do you mean? We can stop the oceans from rising. We can stop the climate from changing. We are omnipotent.
I've seen that movie but I don't think it's reality..........How did you come to that conclusion from what I posted.......


I was being sarcastic, not directed at you.
Sorry.......need more coffee...........:coffee:
Forget corrupt politicians and Muslims with Quran and Bombs, something much worst is going on.Thoughts?

Shock video shows dramatic shift in seismic activity

THE Yellowstone Caldera super volcano could be about to ERUPT, it is feared, after new footage showed it seemingly SIMMERING beneath the surface.

Terrifying new footage shows steam and ash rising beneath the surface of the 2,805m tall volcano in Wyoming, US, fuelling fresh concern it could be about to blow.

The massive volcano last erupted 70,000 years ago but a recent unexpected spike in seismic activity around the globe, which has resulted in devastating earthquakes in Asia and Ecuador in the last week, has unsettled nerves.

“Somehow (don’t ask me how), the Geyser Observation Study site was able to capture the ENTIRE night with NO freeze ups and cutting in and out….how is THAT?”

If the volcano were to erupt, it could cause global catastrophe, particularly in the US where two-thirds of the country would become immediately uninhabitable as the large spew of ash into the atmosphere would block out sunlight and directly effecting life beneath it.

Will Yellowstone erupt in 2016? Shock video shows dramatic shift in seismic activity

USGS: Volcano Hazards Program

YELLOWSTONE VOLCANO OBSERVATORY MONTHLY UPDATEFriday, April 1, 2016 2:24 PM MDT (Friday, April 1, 2016 20:24 UTC)

44°25'48" N 110°40'12" W, Summit Elevation 9203 ft (2805 m)
Current Volcano Alert Level: NORMAL
Current Aviation Color Code: GREEN


During March 2016, the University of Utah Seismograph Stations, responsible for the operation and analysis of the Yellowstone Seismic Network, reports 49 earthquakes were located in the Yellowstone National Park (YNP) region. The largest event was a micro earthquake of magnitude 2.3 on March 26, 02:28 AM MDT, located 9 miles northeast of Norris Geyser Basin, YNP.

March 2016 seismicity did not include any earthquake swarms. Yellowstone earthquake activity in March is at low background levels.

Ground deformation

GPS stations in Yellowstone continue to show little or no ground movement.

WLWY - Data | PBO Station Page | UNAVCO (click on Static Plots / Time Series)

The Yellowstone Volcano Observatory (YVO) provides long-term monitoring of volcanic and earthquake activity in the Yellowstone National Park region. Yellowstone is the site of the largest and most diverse collection of natural thermal features in the world and the first National Park. YVO is one of the five USGS Volcano Observatories that monitor volcanoes within the United States for science and public safety.

YVO Member agencies: USGS, Yellowstone National Park, University of Utah, University of Wyoming, UNAVCO, Inc., Wyoming State Geological Survey, Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology, Idaho Geological Survey

Jacob Lowenstern, Scientist-in-Charge

Every time there is the slightest little burp at Yellowstone, the doom criers go into full bay. Yellowstone will certainly erupt again. Sometime within the next 50,000 years. By present indictations, not anytime soon, in terms of human lifespans.
When the Yellowstone caldera does blow, it will do two major things in the US.
1. Food production via plant growth will end, causing massive starvation.
2. The US economy will end.
It's always been a waiting game for that thing to blow.
Forget corrupt politicians and Muslims with Quran and Bombs, something much worst is going on.Thoughts?

Shock video shows dramatic shift in seismic activity

THE Yellowstone Caldera super volcano could be about to ERUPT, it is feared, after new footage showed it seemingly SIMMERING beneath the surface.

Terrifying new footage shows steam and ash rising beneath the surface of the 2,805m tall volcano in Wyoming, US, fuelling fresh concern it could be about to blow.

The massive volcano last erupted 70,000 years ago but a recent unexpected spike in seismic activity around the globe, which has resulted in devastating earthquakes in Asia and Ecuador in the last week, has unsettled nerves.

“Somehow (don’t ask me how), the Geyser Observation Study site was able to capture the ENTIRE night with NO freeze ups and cutting in and out….how is THAT?”

If the volcano were to erupt, it could cause global catastrophe, particularly in the US where two-thirds of the country would become immediately uninhabitable as the large spew of ash into the atmosphere would block out sunlight and directly effecting life beneath it.

Will Yellowstone erupt in 2016? Shock video shows dramatic shift in seismic activity

Yellowstone won't erupt in our lifetimes, cool your jets. If there were going to be an eruption it wouldn't come without warning from a region that large being constantly studied by scientists (as it is continuously active). Now, on the 1 in 8 trillion chance that it does erupt, I just want to point out that everything I've seen covering it indicates that it will pretty much eliminate sunlight from the entire North American skyline for at least a year (maybe more both timewise and spacewise). So, that would pretty much be the end of our entire economic system for quite some time.
I've been reading about this for years but nobody knows when it will happen. Tmrw and ten thousands years from now are equally likely.
While I cannot say for sure that everything is or isn't related here, I can definitely say that the Ring of Fire's seismic activity is way up this past year.

I'm in Alaska and there are faults which have been near dead that are acting up a lot right now; to example specifically, a fault about 7 miles from my house which has been so quiet (aka silent) since this area was settled that the geologists weren't even entirely sure it was actually a fault line, has been dropping 4-5s on us. We've had at least four 6+'s in the past year to the SE of Anchorage (I believe two of those were in 2016 alone), and even relatively "tame" faults near Big Lake (in the Wasilla/Palmer Valley) that had not been a concern over the 40+ years I've lived up here are acting up recently; we had a 6.8 roll through there some months ago (I cannot recall exactly when, but Big Lake is directly across an inlet from my house and it rocked us pretty good, damaged schools in Anchorage to the S of us as well.)

There is no doubt in my mind that we're having massive crustal shifts, though who knows why for sure. It could be Yellowstone, it could be the predicted magnetic pole shift, or it could just be crustal buoyancy recovery from the recession of the last ice age. I've heard that a shift on one crust can causing shifting on other crusts, so perhaps it's just a cascade effect of large slips (in which case everything should settle down in the next year or so.)
If Yellowstone erupted, it stands to reason that we'd have to pump more GHGs into the atmosphere to compensate, right?
Not having seen any footage to compare the recent "unprecedented" footage I cant say if that's normal or not.
You would think they would have shown something that showed the increase.
Yellowstone is a caldera volcano, not a Trapp Volcano. Ash spread over half to two thirds of the lower forty eight would be our primary problem. A short cooling of maybe a decade. And a long recovery as the effects of the ash on the infrastructure and plants gradually lessened. It took only a few years for the St. Helens ash to be incorperated into the soil, and disappear from the water. Yellowstone would take longer, and the devastate the US and world economy for a generation.
Well that was some serious venting there.................If it goes we are all done...........

They don't know when it will happen......they only know it will happen one day..........
That is time lapse photography. It show one minute every second. Of course it's going to look violent. At normal speed, this is what visitors see every day. There are hot springs, mud pits and geysers bubbling all the time. Yes it s a volcano, but no where near ready to blow off yet.

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