Will your governor suspend rents for illegal aliens...will you support such a political intervention?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
There was never a doubt that our filthy piece of shit governor here in Mexifornia would impose a rent suspension as he will seize any and every opportunity to put his bottom up style of governance on full display. I’m quite certain he’ll engineer yet another not so clever angle to force good Californians to pay wetbacks to fuck them over. Will you get behind your Governor if he follows North Mexico’s lead? Should illegal aliens live in America for free?
There is no north mexico and if the people are living there and paying rent like everybody else why can't their rent be suspended like everybody else. I'm sure you won't say anything about the illegals from western Ireland, oops Boston, if their rent is suspended.
There was never a doubt that our filthy piece of shit governor here in Mexifornia would impose a rent suspension as he will seize any and every opportunity to put his bottom up style of governance on full display. I’m quite certain he’ll engineer yet another not so clever angle to force good Californians to pay wetbacks to fuck them over. Will you get behind your Governor if he follows North Mexico’s lead? Should illegal aliens live in America for free?
they give illegals $$$$ for ---------------being illegal!!!!!!!!!!
There is no north mexico and if the people are living there and paying rent like everybody else why can't their rent be suspended like everybody else. I'm sure you won't say anything about the illegals from western Ireland, oops Boston, if their rent is suspended.
more Irish are not renting or on welfare than of illegals/''southern Californians''/etc
BrokeDick would be the guy in the middle of the Zombie Apocalypse screaming, "That Zombie looks like a wetback!!!"

And you’d be the guy leading them around, showing them how to fuck your neighbors over.
And you’d be the guy leading them around, showing them how to fuck your neighbors over.

Again, guy, the only one "fucking you over" are the one percent. If you are such a "broke loser" that someone with no connections, no resources and a limited grasp of the English Language is "fucking you over", then it's because you've failed miserably at life.
And you’d be the guy leading them around, showing them how to fuck your neighbors over.

Again, guy, the only one "fucking you over" are the one percent. If you are such a "broke loser" that someone with no connections, no resources and a limited grasp of the English Language is "fucking you over", then it's because you've failed miserably at life.

5’ tall 125lb illiterate subhumans whom can’t communicate, are poor, smell like ass and Modello, have a high propensity for criminality aren’t really a threat to most...but you should probably care about your fellow countrymen they are a threat to. You should probably care about how they hold wages down across the board....You should care about how they’ve destroyed your public education and healthcare systems, how they pack your jails and prisons, how they rob welfare and social services from blacks, how they invade uninvited and unwanted by the majority of Americans. Face it, good real Americans HATE wetbacks and filthy pieces of shit whom champion all things filth do not....simple shit huh?
Today we will be demonstrating how to filet a racist. Take one Racist, slice his silly arguments to bite sized chunks.

5’ tall 125lb illiterate subhumans whom can’t communicate, are poor, smell like ass and Modello, have a high propensity for criminality aren’t really a threat to most...but you should probably care about your fellow countrymen they are a threat to.

No, I really don't care about the dumb white trash from the trailer park who can't communicate in complete sentences, are poor, smell like Milwaukee's Best and have a high propensity for criminality. They've had all the advantages of living in a racist society and STILL failed while being white.

You should probably care about how they hold wages down across the board....

Except there's no evidence they do that, but simple enough solution- Create a living wage that everyone has to be paid.

You should care about how they’ve destroyed your public education and healthcare systems,

Which ones are those? Because after years of cutting back those systems to give tax cuts to rich people is what destroyed those.

how they pack your jails and prisons,

Actually, immigrants are LESS likely to commit crimes. They don't want that kind of attention.

From the Conservative Cato Institute.

The data show that all immigrants—legal and illegal—are less likely to be incarcerated than native‐born Americans relative to their shares of the population. By themselves, illegal immigrants are less likely to be incarcerated than native‐born Americans.

however, recent Cato Institute research based on data from the Texas Department of Public Safety found that, as a percentage of their respective populations, illegal immigrants represented 56 percent fewer criminal convictions than native-born Americans in Texas in 2015.

how they rob welfare and social services from blacks,

Would blacks be getting more money? Here's a chart by race


Please note, that WHITES get more welfare than blacks to and Hispanics (born here, immigrant, illegal) get LESS.

how they invade uninvited and unwanted by the majority of Americans.

Uh, they wouldn't come here if there weren't jobs offered to them BY Americans. The farmers, factory owners, and idiots who pick up a carload of day-laborers for that DIY project have extended that invitation.

Face it, good real Americans HATE wetbacks and filthy pieces of shit whom champion all things filth do not....simple shit huh?

That's not really true, either.

Most Americans support letting immigrants in, with more people supporting increasing levels. .


Most Americans approve DACA and Support a border wall.



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