Willie says "Vote em out" Beto is our next governor.

If you don't believe Willie, you can't really be a Texan. You might be a Canadian trying to pretend to be a Texan, like Cruz, but you're not a Texan.

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Not gonna happen.
He's doing worse than the last time he ran for governor.
And willie can kiss my ass.
Yeah, seriously though every left male I've met? Definitely a cuck.

Have you ever tried to talk to leftist on YouTube?
These people are so incredibly stupid it just boggles the mind.
Tried talking to them over a beta vid and not a single one of them could explain why beta would be a better governor than Abbott.
When you bring up beta's sketchy past they deny it ever happened and when you give them a YouTube link to back it up they still deny it.
Now that I think about they're just like the leftist we have here.
Dumb as stumps...
Have you ever tried to talk to leftist on YouTube?
These people are so incredibly stupid it just boggles the mind.
Tried talking to them over a beta vid and not a single one of them could explain why beta would be a better governor than Abbott.
When you bring up beta's sketchy past they deny it ever happened and when you give them a YouTube link to back it up they still deny it.
Now that I think about they're just like the leftist we have here.
Dumb as stumps...

I tend to ignore them
Who says Willie is a Texan? When I lived in Denver, Willie owned a home right up the road on I-70.
So? What law says a Texan can't go out of state for a while?
He's also not a Texan.
It is, against you commies. It's the economy, stupid.

You MAGAs are a hoot. You use "commie" the same way a little kid uses "cooties", to describe anything you don't like.
Not gonna happen.
He's doing worse than the last time he ran for governor.
And willie can kiss my ass.
Beto doesn't have to win the election to win. A good race will be enough to show that the death grip crazies have on Texas politics is breakable.
You'll have to whistle first, to tell which end is which.
Beto doesn't have to win the election to win. A good race will be enough to show that the death grip crazies have on Texas politics is breakable.
You'll have to whistle first, to tell which end is which.
Same way you're whistling past the graveyard, PhonyPhotoPhreak?

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