Wind turbine maker sacks 100 workers, blaming renewable policy uncertainty

Cherrypicking fallacy, focusing on 100 jobs lost in an industry employing ten of thousands.
How many people are employed by the wind industry globally - GWECGWEC

Did you know that a wind turbine consists of more than 8,000 parts? Then consider how many jobs are created in the supply chain from ball bearings to fiberglass housing.

In 2012, approximately 670,000 people were employed directly or indirectly in the global wind power industry. According to Global Wind Energy Outlook 2012 moderate scenario, wind energy could generate over 2.6 million jobs globally by 2030.

In Brazil alone, 15,000 new jobs were created by the wind industry in 2012.

Jobs range from manufacturing to services and development. There is currently a shortage of skilled workers and engineers in the wind business.

And that was over two years ago, many more than that, at present.
For $500.00, buy the Sunforce 400 watt personal turbine or the Air-X 400 watt, mount that bad rider in the wind, and at 27 miles an hour it's charging your batteries enough to charge your phone and run 6 60 watt light bulbs. Add your wind turbine to your PV array, and your Pelton wheel, and passive solar hot water heater.

Add a garden, and a greenhouse, and an orchard, and some chickens. Shoot a deer, or a wild pig. Pick some wild mushrooms. Fish in the river. Go back home and take shelter from the wind and know that your turbine is working steadily.

New Sunforce 44444 12 Volt 400 Watt Wind Generator Renewable Energy eBay

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